Thousands of popular first names commonly used by speakers in Italy. The city name sent to your service matches the value provided by the user. The name sent to your service matches the value spoken by the user. Utterances that map to a month, but not a specific day (such as "next month", or "september") convert to a date with just the year and month. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the nickname to the formal name. The name sent to your service matches the value spoken by the user. This is useful for input such as PIN codes, validation codes or years that are often said as single or groups of digits. Recognizes words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as top and अंतिम वाला. Provides recognition for over 15,000 United States and world cities commonly used by speakers in the US. one thousand one hundred forty six front st. ten thousand five hundred fifty n. la canada. If today is February 1, 2017, the slot returns 2017-02-01 (today's date). Converts words that indicate time ("four in the morning", "two p m") into a time value ("04:00", "14:00"). That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the nickname to the formal name. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. For first names that sound alike, but are spelled differently, the Alexa service typically sends your service a single common form. Utterances that map to a year (such as "next year") convert to a date containing just the year. Values that represent a specific time are provided to your skill in ISO-8601 time format. Provides recognition for over 5,000 German and world cities commonly used by speakers in Germany and Austria. Deprecation path. Names of US states, territories, and the District of Columbia. This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. Thousands of popular first names commonly used by speakers Germany. For better results, use AMAZON.Region instead. The city name sent to your service matches the value provided by the user. The city name sent to your service matches the value provided by the user. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the nickname to the formal name. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. The P indicates that this is a duration. For better results, use AMAZON.FirstName instead. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in Canada. Recognizes words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "haut" and "dernière". Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in Japan. Names of many different genres that can be used to describe music, books, television shows, and other media. Provides recognition for over 5,000 Austrian and world cities commonly used by speakers in Germany and Austria. This type of utterance returns a time period indicator instead of an ISO-8601 formatted time. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in The United States. Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, and English. See the sections below for more details and examples. Provides recognition for counties and regions commonly used by speakers in Japan. Names of venues that are used for musical performances. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in Brazil. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. Deprecation path. Select the check boxes for each built-in type to add, then click. The duration is provided to your skill in a format based on the ISO-8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). Thousands of popular first names commonly used by speakers United States. Provides recognition for over 5,000 European and world cities. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the nickname to the formal name. Words describing different types of businesses a user might search for. Recognizes words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "ce", "celles", and "ça". The slot type focuses on including actors, actresses, artists, and musicians. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in Australia and New Zealand. into digits (1, 2). For first names that sound alike, but are spelled differently, the Alexa service typically sends your service a single common form. A T is used to indicate that the remaining values represent time elements rather than date elements. This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. The following time period indicators can be returned: night: NI, morning: MO, afternoon: AF, evening: EV. For better results, use AMAZON.City instead. Geographical regions that are typically under the jurisdiction of a particular government. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. Full names of real celebrities and people who are famous for different reasons. These tabs show the set of types available for the supported languages. Learn more about using the built-in intent library: Learn more about building your voice interface: The built-in intent library incorporates material from, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (version 3.0) (the "License"). Note that this slot also supports time-related utterances that map to a time period such as "evening". Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. Names and abbreviations of broadcast channels, such as TV and radio stations. Recognizes words that indicate that a visual response is expected, such as "show" or "display". For first names that sound alike, but are spelled differently, the Alexa service typically sends your service a single common form. This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. The slot would then recognize both the original set of values as well as the custom ones you added. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. Find the built-in slot type you want to add. Words for different types of creative works, such as song or show. The following phrase slot type is supported. You can extend most of the list slot types with additional values. Deprecation path. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. Thousands of popular first names commonly used by speakers in Canada. To determine if a slot type can be extended, see the Ext column in the table of list slot types above. If the slot type to extend is not included, add it to your skill: To extend a built-in slot type, add values to it just as you would a custom type. Local phone number formats for each locale are supported. Each sample utterance must include a carrier phrase. Make sure that your skill uses no more than one phrase slot per intent. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in the United Kingdom. Words describing different types of musical works, such as songs and tracks. Provides recognition for over 5,000 German and world cities commonly used by speakers in Germany and Austria. For better results, use AMAZON.Region instead. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. The name sent to your service matches the value spoken by the user. Deprecation path. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. Names of schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. Recognizes words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "cima" and "inferior". Provides recognition for counties and regions commonly used by speakers in Australia and New Zealand. Converts words that indicate time into time values. Recognizes words that indicate that a visual response is expected, such as दिखाना or प्रदर्शित. This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. qq音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款免费音乐服务,海量音乐在线试听、最流行音乐在线首发、歌词翻译、手机铃声下载、高品质音乐试听、正版音乐下载、免费空间背景音乐设置、mv观看等,是互联网音乐播放和下 … This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. Recognizes words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "este", "ese", and "lo". For details about how entity resolution works with these built-in slot types, see Entity Resolution for Built-in Slot Types. For first names that sound alike, but are spelled differently, the Alexa service typically sends your service a single common form. Names of musical groups. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. Deprecation path. Words describing written works, such as books and poems. Provides recognition for counties and regions of the United Kingdom. For better results, use AMAZON.City instead. Provides recognition for counties and regions commonly used by speakers in the United Kingdom. Provides recognition for over 15,000 United Kingdom and world cities commonly used by speakers in the United Kingdom. Unless otherwise noted, these slot types are available in all supported locales. This slot type recognizes common variations of city names. This slot type recognizes both formal names and nicknames. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Names of a variety of weather conditions, such as rain, cold, or humid. Recognizes words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "questo", "quella", and "quegli". A carrier phrase is the word or words that are part of the utterance, but not the slot, such as "search for" or "find out". Extending a built-in slot type only applies to the specific skill. That is, the Alexa service does not attempt to convert from the variation to the official city name. For first names that sound alike, but are spelled differently, the Alexa service typically sends your service a single common form. For instance, if you extend AMAZON.US_CITY with additional cities for one skill, those changes do not apply to any other skills that also use AMAZON.US_CITY. The name sent to your service matches the value spoken by the user. The following example shows an intent schema for SearchIntent, which uses the AMAZON.SearchQuery slot type and also includes a CityList slot that uses the AMAZON.US_CITY slot type. The city name sent to your service matches the value provided by the user. For questions, please contact us. Names of musical groups. Provides recognition for local and world cities commonly used by speakers in Mexico.
Chemise Homme Jules,
Tonton David Chacun Sa Route Date,
Problème Définition Philosophique,
Range Couteau Tiroir,
Backing Track Jazz Swing,
Planète Terreur Streaming Vf Hd,