While it is expected that in terms of use cases there will be high growth in consumer-related use cases such as personal wellness and smart home applications, the largest majority of spending is and will be done by enterprises. Of course it doesn’t just strictly cover an IoT definition, it provides a huge overview of considerations, evolutions, specifications and various aspects in regards with the Internet of Things ecosystem and the technological and social aspects of the Internet of Things as depicted below. Make no mistake though: it is already bigger than many believe and used in far more applications than those which are typically mentioned in mainstream media. Sounds complex or too futuristic? Well, the latest version of the Internet protocol, v6, simply allows far more IP addresses and thus enables the identification, location and communication of more devices on the Internet. Probably the best-known usage of the Internet of Things in a government context concerns smart cities, in reality mainly smart city applications. This has to do with the mentioned rise of edge computing and thus analysis BEFORE the cloud, network or datacenter. What’s important to know is that there is no one size fits all solution in any type of connectivity: the use case and application drives the needs. The global edge computing market is expected to reach USD 6.72 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 35.4%. But, to take the latter example, they will certainly succeed if they come up with a way to reduce costs, gain valuable insights, develop new revenue streams and increase customer satisfaction, for instance, certainly if they did the math. Some Gartner clients can read the full research report Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2020 by Brian Burke, et al. Also remember how the term Internet of Things was first mentioned in a context of supply chain management in retail and consumer goods environment. Obviously, the various technologies within the five wireless IoT network layer segments which he visually represented in the infographic below and further explores in his book have different ranges and different characteristics on other levels such as data rates and much more. A deeper look at some of these main Internet of Things ‘subsets’. The United Arab Emirates recently launched ALHOSN UAE, which also indicates via color if a person is okay, infected or need to be quarantined, but also has an option for “hasn’t been tested.” ALHOSN UAE is currently being used to grant access to air travel. If they do, it’s best to stop it unless the CEO and CFO are IT experts. The term is used for many sorts of platforms but we look at so-called IoT Application Enablement Platforms, what real IoT platforms are. 2,639. In practice and in big projects many service providers even need to collaborate as you cannot be a specialist in everything. Why this difference? Other emerging technologies in this trend include biodegradable sensors and carbon-based transistors. This is poised to change although globally manufacturing will still account for the majority of IoT spend (hardware, software, services and connectivity). More specifically, this Internet of Things example zooms in on a challenge regarding environment and air quality monitoring in the city of Glasgow. That’s where IoT device management comes in: it enables the onboarding, configuration and overall management of IoT devices. Moreover, governments have a role in public health which can be enhanced by taking initiatives using the Internet of Things and in collaboration with private an state-sponsored partners. Just as there is no Internet of Things without (big) data, there is no useful Internet of Things deployment without understanding meaning, intelligence, (big) data analytics, cognitive and AI and so on. The integration of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) plays an important role in this regard as it did in the fast rise of Industrial Internet of Things. What is about? When looking for use cases you will mainly find examples of scenarios and goals within which Internet of Things deployments can be categorized. Obviously such a platform needs to be highly secure as do the communications between sensors, gateways and the platform. Typically actuators then also report data back so the taken action is known and, combined with other data, can be used for more insights, analysis or simply alerts. The Internet of Things plays an important role in facility management, among others including smart buildings. Here is a case that combines the potential to tap into new revenue streams in the scope of facility management. On a national level this certainly also includes defense and the industrial-military complex. Predictive maintenance and facility maintenance planning. IoT device management can be simple (e.g. While globally in the period until 2020, manufacturing will remain the major industry (except in Western-Europe) there will be global changes in this top 3. Maybe you heard about the good old DIKW model (from data to information to knowledge to wisdom – and action)? It is also forecasted that many large organizations are deciding on the choice of an IoT platform that meets their needs in 2018 and 2019 so the growth certainly isn’t finished. Physical devices are either designed for the Internet of Things or are assets, including living beings, which are equipped with data sensing and transmitting electronics. Smart devices and machines can also share information about their internal state. Actuators are what enable semi-autonomous or autonomous decisions take place in the physical part of the cyber-physical system. To end this part on definitions and descriptions, here is a good illustration of the vast reality of the Internet of Things – and at the same time an illustration of what it means. So, IoT is an umbrella term with many use cases, technologies, standards and applications. Healthcare is a key Internet of Things market. Quibi came into 2020 with an impressive level of hype. This resulted in a solution that offers a range of control, planning, maintenance and efficiency tools for each of the mentioned four target groups. And while that’s happening in Chelopech and other mines of Dundee and others (Rio Tinto, Glencore and so forth), many mines still need to embark on the journey. The architecture or technology stack of the Internet of Things consists of different layers, just like other networks. Safer and more comfortable/healthy workplaces and buildings. 66 percent of early-movers in manufacturing say the Internet of Things is now critical to competitive advange. But other applications, which have their own social and ethical concerns, might include using stimulation to boost alertness in a fatigued employee or changing the mood of an irritable teacher by applying currents to the brain. This is certainly related with security concerns, among others on the level of data privacy  and data protection risks. There are obviously lots of parts in any IoT device: sensors, actuators, boards, antennas, chips, micro-electro-mechanical systems and so forth. Players in the broader building management field, mainly in large buildings. To connect from a PAN to a LAN and a WAN or, let’s say, the Internet you need a gateway. The list goes on. Others also add ‘less heavy’ smart city or smart agriculture applications into account. However, it will still take until long after 2020 before hype, roadblocks and misunderstandings regarding the Internet of Things fade away and uncertainties and challenges in several areas are solved. Nicolas classifies the many wireless Internet of Things protocols and technologies as follows: In the Industrial Internet of Things the majority of networks concerns fixed line connections such as DSL, cable modem, Ethernet and PSTN. Anything that is attached as an endpoint with a unique Internet adress (IP address) to the Internet and can sense and send data is part of the IoT. On more regional levels we see applications such as smart lighting (there is a link between lighting of public spaces and crime), various forms of identity control, surveillance and so on. Electronic door locks, many modern credit cards, identification cards with RFID, the list is long. Below are some consumer electronics challenges to tackle first: Whereas the focus of the Industrial Internet of Things is more on the benefits of applications, the Consumer Internet of Things is more about new and immersive customer-centric experiences. This takes time, planning and, as you can imagine, given the complexity of the government ecosystems, lots of alignment and coordination. According to IDC (data November 1, 2017) by the end of 2020 almost half of all the new IoT applications that will be built by enterprises will leverage an IoT platform that offers outcome-focused functionality, based on comprehensive analytics capabilities. For the company itself it’s a way to expand its portfolio, up-sell and tap into new revenue streams for customers and anyone needing this kind of solution. By 2020, Cisco expected there would be 20 billion devices in the Internet of Things. This data gets aggregated, analyzed, and leveraged for intelligence, decisions, and applications, including autonomous actions by the connected devices themselves. There isn’t a single prediction about a basic aspect of the IoT such as the number of connected devices by year x, that has come true over a longer period and adjustments to forecasts until now have always been reductions. Internet of Things examples in the sense of actual cases and real-life deployments help you see the business rationale behind implementations. Examples in the space of Industry 4.0 (with collaborative industrial robots), warehouse automation (Amazon Robotics) and even personal robots for cleaning and so forth make it more tangible. Save to Pocket. IoT gateways moving towards the edge and the latest generations of IoT platforms, specifically IoT edge platforms) help tackle this challenge, they certainly won’t be enough. How it is connected with people, processes, data, business, innovation, meaning, etc. A large majority of executives (79 percent) agree that in the period from 2017 until 2022 over half of organizations will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to make sense of IoT data. There are the connected or tagged devices, equipped with sensing and data capabilities. Among the main drivers of the growth of edge computing in IoT are the increase of IoT devices, the growing scale of IoT projects, the IoT data deluge, the growing adoption of IoT overall, the resulting pressure on resources such as networks and bandwidth and, perhaps most important, the need for fast data analysis across myriad IoT use cases. Ashton found the solution in RFID tags, which were still far too expensive to be able to put them on each product. How the Quad Can Match the Hype It’s the Best Hope for Balancing China in the Indo-Pacific . While we certainly need, for instance, ‘intelligent networking technologies’ in many cases and while connected devices have a capacity of action, the real intelligence and action sits in the analysis of the data and the smart usage of this data to solve a challenge, create a competitive benefit, automate a process, improve something, whatever possible action our IoT solution wants to tackle. BMIs can be either wearables or implants that monitor EEGs (electrical activity in the brain) and individuals’ mental states. In some countries and on supra-national levels initiatives are taken and funding is foreseen across a range of ‘smart’ initiatives where often also cities and government agencies can benefit from in the scope of projects within a designated area and an agenda with a clear goal. What industries are covered? Moreover, it’s not that much the growth of connected devices which matters but how they are used in the broader context of the Internet of Things whereby the intersection of connected and IP-enabled devices, big data (analytics), people, processes and purposeful projects affect several industries. Are Vaccine Passports the Route to a Faster Postpandemic Recovery? It makes it look as if the Internet of Things is still nowhere. It is even the basis of a new industrial transformation, known as Industry 4.0, and key in the digital transformation of organizations, cities, and society overall. The usage of the term Industrial Internet of Things (or Industrial Internet) is also making place for the broader context of Industry 4.0 of which the Internet of Things is a part of the reality which we described. Actuators in a sense are the opposite of sensors. On top of the fact that various firms use various approaches and definitions (even if you compare spending forecasts instead of spending and projects as we do here), there is the very simple fact that many smart city projects tend to be far cheaper than industrial counterparts. Keep pace with the latest issues that impact business. Save Share on Twitter. However, CIoT and IIoT cover many use cases and applications as well and thus are umbrella terms too. What is crucial in the Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT is the mentioned integration (of the worlds of) IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology). Last but not least, the market and evolutions of the BMS (Building Management System) are strongly impacted by the Internet of Things. Some people mainly look at ‘heavy’ industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, transportation. IoT devices need to be managed. You can imagine what will happen once vehicles are connected and ‘smart’. To adequately track assets, they must be tracked from their source. Both data controllers and data processors also have several duties with regards to the protection and security of personal data when these are processed in IoT projects in new regulations. IoT gateways are hardware, software or a mix of both. More in this MachNation IoT platform overview. Look at it this way: people can connect to digital networks and the Internet with devices such as smartphones and computers, in order to share information, chat, buy, and so forth. Regardless of the exact numbers, one thing is clear: there is a LOT that can still be connected and it’s safe to assume we’ll probably reach the lower numbers of connected devices (20-30 billion) in 2020. All rights reserved. In his IoT book, Windpassinger looks at technologies, strategies and the transformational impact of the Internet of Things. On top of that, there is a long list of Internet of Things use cases that is de facto cross-industry. Other emerging technologies under this trend include packaged business capabilities, data fabric, private 5G and embedded AI. A lot of organizations are considering IIoT applications and many have already started, certainly in early moving markets such as manufacturing or oil and gas. Gartner’s Hype cycle for emerging technologies shows that the Internet of Things is at the peak of inflated expectations (while NFC is reaching the slope of enlightenment). Reason enough to understand the essence of the Internet of Things. Sensors convert signals in areas such as heat, humidity, pressure, presence of gases, pressure, acceleration and so forth into a digital signal that gets sent to a control and/or data aggregation system such as a sensor hub or gateway. As mentioned, the Consumer Internet of Things typically is about smart wearables and smart home appliances but also about smart televisions, drones for consumer applications and a broad range of gadgets with Internet of Things connectivity. Virtually everyone agrees that in the next decade, in 2020 and beyond, we will decreasingly speak about the Internet of Things. M2M solutions for ATMs have existed for a long time, just as RFID. IoT is also an umbrella term for a broad range of underlying technologies and services, which depend on the use cases and in turn are part of a broader technology ecosystem which includes related technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, next-gen cybersecurity, advanced analytics, big data, various connectivity/communication technologies, digital twin simulation, augmented and virtual reality, blockchain and more. Moreover, regulations are coming as we tackle next and it’s not just companies that deploy IoT projects that are investing more in security. Stay tuned for more detailed overviews per industry with various examples of applications in practice and with various use cases per sector. These devices and their possibilities are getting major attention on virtually every news outlet and website that covers technology. Are you ready for another term? In 2017 the market was expected to grow by 116 percent as you can see below. Then there is also the possibility to create new ecosystems where connected device usage by groups of people can lead to new applications and forms of community ecosystems.
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