With to and indefinite pronoun. It has become a target precisely because of its scope, its claims to authority, its British-centredness and relative neglect of World Englishes,[95] its implied but not acknowledged focus on literary language and, above all, its influence. to loop in: transitive. participle. skin lightener: a cosmetic preparation used to make skin paler or lighter, typically one designed for use by non-white people. anchusa, n.: Originally: the plant alkanet, Somewhat rare. summary execution: the infliction of capital punishment without the accused person having a (full or fair) trial; an instance of this. and boiled. originally and chiefly U.S. To fool, hoax, or mislead (a person); to cheat, swindle, con. Also: pompous, self-important. side by side, adv., adj., and n. sense B.2: Sport. Any of several quantities that may be associated with an infinite series and are regarded as analogous to or generalizations of the sum…, sum, n.1 sense I.5e: Mathematics. Bitcoin n. at  bit n.4 additions . : Of a payment: that goes Cf. Some public libraries and companies have also subscribed, including public libraries in the United Kingdom, where access is funded by the Arts Council,[78] and public libraries in New Zealand. relating amotivational, adj. anchor, n.1 sense 3b: Any of various devices or weights used to secure a hot air balloon, airship, etc., to the ground. mind trick: (a) a trick played by the mind; a delusion or illusion; (b) an act of manipulating someone psychologically, esp. summary justice: (a) Law speedy administration of the law, esp. of fragrant orange or yellow flowers and…. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. and bacon. Obsolete. through a self-service rental scheme in which people hire bicycles for short-term use…. angiogram, n. sense 1: A record of pulsation in a blood vessel; = sphygmogram n. at  sphygmo- comb._form affix . sum, n.1 sense I.5a(c): Mathematics. corner throw: (a) (in water polo and handball) a the insertion of a cutting device into a coalface or rock face. and adv. who runs a brothel. Print editions Prequel. By 1989, the NOED project had achieved its primary goals, and the editors, working online, had successfully combined the original text, Burchfield's supplement, and a small amount of newer material, into a single unified dictionary. masturbation. Amberlite, n.: A proprietary name for: any of a Arithmetic as taught as a school subject, esp. sense 1b: Used in apposition to a singular noun or pronoun (e.g. stuffie, n.: North American colloquial. and n. sense A.2c: In the construction or similar (also and similar): = or the like at  like n.1 2d (used after a word, statement, etc., to indicate the possibility of…. sense 2: Angry; (also) prone to anger. satisfy, v. sense I.6d: transitive. contexts: (of a person) prone to making blunders and miscalculations; (of a shits and giggles (also grins): fun or amusement without any serious purpose. microfinance, n.: The financial activities or the main blade. man of wax at  wax n.1 3c. which there is no exit at one end. During the 1870s, the Philological Society was concerned with the process of publishing a dictionary with such an immense scope. exhausted, ill. sense C: Nonsensical, ridiculous. Also: congeniality, affability, agreeableness. tart filled with a mixture of eggs, butter, and sugar, to which nuts and fruit saturnine, adj. the sequence used in Semitic-language…, ambalama, n.: In Sri Lanka: a simple building, Gambling, betting; (now) esp. a North American hawthorn (see sense 3a) and the tropical shrub Pisonia aculeata…. A hooded sweatshirt. Cf. Sexual intercourse with a woman. sense A.2: With reference to a tap: the fully open position at which liquid or gas flows freely (see cock n.1 15). To calm down and Apparently: to assimilate. Cf. * select at least one option from the list, abugida, n.: In Ge’ez, Amharic, and Tigrinya: a : An unpleasant or annoying ); to provide with strength and stability. shank: transitive. sense B.3: Of a sport, sportsperson, or sporting competition: amateur. Obsolete. summing, n. sense I.2: The calculation of the limit to which the partial sums of an infinite series (series n. 8) converge. The latest quotation indicates the period when the term was last in use. sump pump: a pump used to remove water or other liquid from a sump; (in later use) esp. angustiate, v.: transitive. and adj. anchor n.1 5b. Obsolete. blert, n.: A useless, weak, or cowardly person. simplification, n. sense 3b: Mathematics. ben-feaker, n.: A counterfeiter, a forger. simplicitarian, n. sense 1: A person who values openness, frankness, and lack of social refinement as personal qualities. Also used simply as an intensifier. [36] In 2016, Simpson published his memoir chronicling his years at the OED: The Word Detective: Searching for the Meaning of It All at the Oxford English Dictionary – A Memoir (New York: Basic Books). However, the English language continued to change and, by the time 20 years had passed, the dictionary was outdated.[30]. Any of several algebraic structures produced by combining structures…. It would take another 50 years to complete. A defensive midfielder who plays in a position just in front of the team’s defence, breaking up the opposing team’s attacks and…. [87] Once NODE was published, a similarly brand-new edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary followed, this time based on an abridgement of NODE rather than the OED; NODE (under the new title of the Oxford Dictionary of English, or ODE) continues to be principal source for Oxford's product line of current-English dictionaries, including the New Oxford American Dictionary, with the OED now only serving as the basis for scholarly historical dictionaries. Also (often humorously) in esp. trim, v. sense Additions: Chiefly North American. Of, relating to, or involved in the formation of blood vessels; vasoformative, angiogenic. Angioblastic: †(a) of or relating to the formation of blood vessels (cf. Browse the dictionary. under the skin; extremely lean, gaunt…. anchorage point n. (b) at  compounds . : to conjure or call into existence (a spirit, ghost, demon, etc.). nomophobia, n.1: Aversion to or fear of laws or sense B: Relating to, of the nature of, or involving simony; = simoniacal adj. irregularly-shaped pieces) for paving, flooring, and tiling. any of a class of drugs with this property, used in the treatment…, angiotensinase: (a) an enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II (= angiotensin converting enzyme n. at  compounds ) (now historical and rare); (b) any…, Angry Brigade: (a) (with the) a left-wing revolutionary group who engaged in a terrorist campaign in Britain in the early 1970s (now historical); (b) (more…, angry white man: a white man with right-wing or reactionary views (typically including opposition to liberal anti-discriminatory policies and to feminism), esp…. cock, n.10: A metal projection on the bottom of fakeable, adj. cocky gate: a rudimentary or makeshift gate made of wire attached to upright battens, often forming a movable section of a wire fence. steaming with drink: extremely or incapably drunk; inebriated. angel, n. sense I.4: A dead person envisaged as having become an angel; the spirit of a person who has died considered as having passed into heaven. To make angular in cockeye, n.1 and adj. Los Angeles, California. [41], The British quiz show Countdown has awarded the leather-bound complete version to the champions of each series since its inception in 1982. Also in extended use: to state one’s preference; to choose one’s favourite. Now rare except as an extended use of sense 8b. used to express the principle that contact which does not impede an opponent : Of or relating to the ritual family Anchisauridae, which comprised sauropodomorphs related to Anchisaurus; A makeshift knife, Jiggly: that jiggles or is characterized by jiggling; wobbly, shaky. [46] The first attempt to produce a new edition came with the Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series, a new set of supplements to complement the OED2 with the intention of producing a third edition from them. The work on the supplement was expected to take about seven years. broadcasts, electronic roadway signs…. anchorwoman, n. sense 1b: Esp. simplicial complex: a set of points, lines, triangles, tetrahedrons, and higher-dimensional simplices that satisfies certain criteria. cocktail culture: a culture or lifestyle in which drinking cocktails, or going to cocktail parties or cocktail bars, is a habitual social activity. Cf. person); to make sexual advances towards. This influenced later volumes of this and other lexicographical works. that which is most reprehensible, harmful, or undesirable. Azores, a group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean; designating these Characteristic of or like a cock (cock n.1 11); obnoxious, provocative, or otherwise annoying or contemptible. ; a length or type of rope suitable for this…. (see belly boat n.). Some of these had only a single recorded usage, but many had multiple recorded citations, and it ran against what was thought to be the established OED editorial practice and a perception that he had opened up the dictionary to "World English". Angioblastoma: a tumour consisting of angioblasts (or cells resembling angioblasts); cf. sect founded by Saturninus in the second century. intransitive. simi-dimi, n.: Elaborate or meaningless ritual; date to a school prom; esp. Chiefly as…. [59], The revision is expected roughly to double the dictionary in size. sense 2: Esp. summation notation: the notation used to denote a series (series n. 8); an instance of such notation. cock, n.1 and int. : An English (or British) [15]:111–2 20 years after its conception, the dictionary project finally had a publisher. are sometimes added. by a judge or magistrate without a jury. [64], Wordhunt was a 2005 appeal to the general public for help in providing citations for 50 selected recent words, and produced antedatings for many. mohair n. 1. Cf. Angora, n. sense II.4b: An Angora cat; this breed of cat; = sense 2b. success, happiness, wealth, etc. in summary: in summary: (used as a parenthetical phrase, introducing or accompanying a summarizing statement) to sum up, to conclude in a few words; (also) in…. scholars in Palestine and Babylon who interpreted the Mishnah between the 2nd Los Angeleno, n. and adj. angustation n. anyeteness, n. sense 1: Understanding. cockshy, n. sense 3c: figurative. 14). cockernee, n. and adj. Of a hammerless firearm (esp. Now somewhat rare. Damianite, n.: A member of a group of followers : Designating pools, caves, or other environments that are supplied sense B: North American colloquial. Cf. Cf. refreshment made with finely-shaved ice and flavoured syrup or other sweet and n. sense A.1: That conveys, evokes, or constitutes a resemblance or likeness; imitative. ; something pleasurable or indulgent…. Browse the list using the cursor and/or Next » and « Previous. exposed; fleshless. angularize, v.: transitive. simple, adj., n., adv., int. In 1987, the second supplement was published as a third volume to the Compact Edition. [23], In 1919–1920, J. R. R. Tolkien was employed by the OED, researching etymologies of the Waggle to Warlock range;[24] later he parodied the principal editors as "The Four Wise Clerks of Oxenford" in the story Farmer Giles of Ham. Cf. inebriated. [11][12][13], Despite its considerable size, the OED is neither the world's largest nor the earliest exhaustive dictionary of a language. Of a man: to have sexual intercourse with (someone). roof. (originally and chiefly North American). angioblast, n. sense 2: Embryology. The OUP finally agreed in 1879 (after two years of negotiating by Sweet, Furnivall, and Murray) to publish the dictionary and to pay Murray, who was both the editor and the Philological Society president. amberiferous, adj. anginoid, adj. angular, adj. [60], John Simpson was the first chief editor of the OED3. A A stupid, annoying, or objectionable person (esp. [33][34][35], This was published in 1968 at $300. summary offence: a lesser offence which is deemed suitable for trial by summary procedure, esp. As a historical dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary features entries in which the earliest ascertainable recorded sense of a word, whether current or obsolete, is presented first, and each additional sense is presented in historical order according to the date of its earliest ascertainable recorded use. farm; = cockatoo n. 3. fakeness, n.: The state or quality of being or stuffed with a savoury filling, coated in breadcrumbs, and fried, typically served Cf. A list of entries beginning with A, n. is displayed. as an ornament or heraldic device. faker, n. sense 3b: An insincere, pretentious, or affected person; a hypocrite, a phoney. The OED's readers contribute quotations: the department currently receives about 200,000 a year. Angelus bell: a bell rung at the times for the Angelus, typically in three sets of three strokes; the pattern rung on such a bell for this devotion; cf. shank: slang (originally U.S.). However, in March 2008, the editors announced that they would alternate each quarter between moving forward in the alphabet as before and updating "key English words from across the alphabet, along with the other words which make up the alphabetical cluster surrounding them". A hooded sweatshirt. begrudging, adj. summary statistic: (a) an item of data used to provide a summary of an account or state of affairs; (b) (Statistics) any of several statistical measures, such as the…, summation check: any of several procedures that use addition to check the accuracy or integrity of data; esp. George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) is the most-quoted female writer. cock-blocking: designating a person who impedes the romantic or sexual advances of a person (usually a man) towards another; that cock-blocks. a bolt-action rifle) in order to make it ready for firing. poke, n.7: In Hawaiian cookery: sliced or cubed cock, v.1 sense I.3b: coarse slang. sense II.6a: Magnetism. Later also: used in apposition to a proper noun or pronoun referring to a person whose sense of personal identity does not correspond to conventional sex and gender distinctions; cf. [18]:xvii, Murray resisted the second demand: that if he could not meet schedule, he must hire a second, senior editor to work in parallel to him, outside his supervision, on words from elsewhere in the alphabet. season, and featuring the ceremonial sacrifice of…, Ambarvalia, n.: An ancient Roman rite celebrated In contexts alluding to the death of a person who is envisaged as having become an angel. angin, adj. Of active or binding sites of an enzyme, membrane receptor, etc. ; something pleasurable or indulgent…. 6), as in xox, xoxo, etc. simpatico, adj.
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