MousePosition: The MousePosition control displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved about the map. getTouchClientXY: WebKit has a few bugs for clientX/clientY. openlayers mouse position problem with css transform:scale() Ask Question Asked 1 year, 7 months ago. OpenLayers. returns 'x=2,y=2', consider it a bug, and report it. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Default is the view projection. Changing back to EPSG:4326 everything is ok again. className: 'custom-mouse-position', target: document.getElementById('mouse-position'), undefinedHTML: ' ', }); var map = new Map({ controls: defaultControls().extend([mousePositionControl]), layers: [ new TileLayer({ source: new OSM(), }) ], target: 'map', view: new View({ center: [0, 0], zoom: 2, }), }); var projectionSelect = … the map here. 10.2. (Prior to OpenLayers 2.7, this was true by default.) MousePosition: The MousePosition control displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved about the map. Use the MousePosition Control to display the coordinates of the cursor Properties: started {Boolean} When a mousedown or touchstart event is received, we want to record it, but not set ‘dragging’ until the mouse moves after starting. OpenLayers MousePosition - saisie de coordonnées. A sense of direction 10.4. x. Default is true. x + e. xy. separator Bing Maps example (bing-maps.html) Example of a Bing Maps layer. Spherical Mercator¶. after setMap is called on the control). This is called in a requestAnimationFrame Adding data to your map 11.2. are in the view projection, but can be in any supported projection. This isn't a question for openstreetmap - it's purely an openlayers question. OpenLayers 3 封装了很多常用的地图控件,例如地图导航、比例尺、鹰眼、测量工具等,这些控件都是基于ol.control.Control虚基类进行封装,ol.control.Control的子类为各类常用的地图控件,可以通过Map对象的Control参数进行设置或者通过addControl方法将控件添加到 Configuring ZoomToExtent and manipulate controls 9.6. By also setting the "emptyString"-property, the contents of the controls element are resetted to the given string when the mouse isn't above the map. ol-ext is a set of extensions, controls, interactions, popup to use with Openlayers (ol). Main menu. These controls offer the same than that we can get using the mouse, controls to pan and zoom and displace around the map. The DragPan control pans the map with a drag of the mouse. OpenLayers. Handler to respond to mouse events related to a drawn feature. OpenLayers MousePosition Basic use of the MousePosition control to show mouse coordinates in the bottom right. In saying that, I know the answer since I've done this in the past :-) You need to set the projection of your map, and the displayProjection too. Extension OpenLayers : Position de la souris Utilisation de la classe ol.control.GeoportalMousePosition pour afficher les coordonnées de la souris, avec altitude (paramètres par défaut). MousePosition: The MousePosition control displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved about the map. Get an object of all property names and values. Note that you should set displayProjection when initalising the map object. Y a-t-il une solution directe que j'aurais manquée ? This function is used to set a target element for the control. Re: Openlayers Mouse Problem? i would like to console log mouse position in vue. Demonstrates two-way binding of HTML input elements to OpenLayers objects. Update the projection. By default the control is shown in the top right corner of the map, but this can be changed by using the css selector .ol-mouse-position. Cependant, il affiche les coordonnées des pixels: map. {Float} The angle from the origin (mouse down) to the current mouse position, in radians. If it 10.2. Moving your mouse to the upper left corner of this map should return 'x=0,y=0' (pixel coordinates) -- in the past, it didn't in IE. map. of this type. coordinateFormat: module:ol/coordinate~CoordinateFormat: Coordinate format. {Array( Mouse Position