having given birth before; # of children to which a woman has given birth. Pregnancy-associated cardiac dysfunction and the regulatory role of microRNAs. Gravity. Hop on to get the meaning of PEC. All Acronyms. Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords ) Most Searched Keywords. 11)STD-sexually transmitted disease. PEC is defined as Personal Effects Coverage (Insurance) frequently. Abbreviation to define. 1 MEDICAL ABBREVIATION LIST BY ABBREVIATION Annual Visit..... A Before food or meals .....a.c. pec; pec / pex; pecla; peek; peep/pep; peg / gep; peic; pej/jep; pem; pep; pes; pesi; pet; pev; pex; pex / pxf / pxs / pef; pf; pfa; pfapa; pfc / ffp; pfc; pfc; pfcip / piffp; pfcq / qffp; pfe; pfla; pfn; pfp; pge1; pgo / tbi; pgp; ph; ph; ph; phc; phc; phla; phs; phs; pht; pi-rads; pic; pica; picc; picco; picir; pid; pid; pidc / cidp; pigd; pihp; pila; pim; pin; pin; pini; pins/nsip; pio; pip; pipac; pitac; piv; pji; pkan; pki; pkp; pkr; pkrd/pkd; pl; pla; plafa; … abbreviation; word in meaning; location; Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7. MHRA. Skip to main content Meditec Bootstrap Top. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. This condition can be indicated by positive results on an over-the-counter urine test, and confirmed through a blood test, ultrasound, detection of fetal heartbeat, or an X-ray.Pregnancy lasts for about nine months, measured from the date of the woman's last menstrual period (LMP). Apr 19, 2006. Alternatively search Google for Pregnant. Medical >> Pregnancy Abbreviations. LV = left ventricle; RVLSS = right ventricular longitudinal systolic strain; RVSP = right ventricularsystolic pressure. Antenatal visit/appointment At each antenatal visit your midwife or doctor will check you and your baby’s well-being. Ouvrez votre DMP en ligne. If they had no pre-existing hypertension and developed pre-eclampsia during the index pregnancy, they were … Car Rental, Business, Insurance. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.015569. 0 Likes . should be performed before and during the pregnancy. The Latin "pectus" means "chest." Hud homeownership counseling 5 . You will be chaperoned by the nurse throughout this procedure. 2005 Dec;29(12):965-72. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1594.2005.00166.x. All Acronyms, Medical (May. Available from: https://www.allacronyms.com/PEC/medical/2. Car Rental, Business, Insurance. List of Pregnancy Abbreviations and Acronyms in Medical Category . Objective The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) task force on hypertension in pregnancy introduced a new definition of superimposed preeclampsia (SIP) adding severe features (SF) as new criteria to define severe disease. Find out what is the full meaning of PIH on Abbreviations.com! ... MTP-medical termination of pregnancy. Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7, Your abbreviation search returned 358 meanings, showing only Science & Medicine definitions (show all … 2017 Dec;30(23):2769-2777. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2016.1262842. Last Added; Submit; About; Mobile version; Tweet. showing only Science & Medicine definitions . EP Ectopic pregnancy epis Episiotomy FAD Fetal activity diary FAE Fetal alcohol effects FAS Fetal alcohol syndrome FBD Fibrocystic breast disease FBM Fetal breathing movements FBS Fetal blood sample or Fasting blood sugar test FHR Fetal heart rate FHT Fetal heart tones FL Femur length FMR Fetal movement record FPG Fasting plasma glucose test FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone Would you like email updates of new search results? MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Castleman JS, Ganapathy R, Taki F, Lip GY, Steeds RP, Kotecha D. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. The patient can experience heavy bleeding for a week, depending on the number of weeks of the pregnancy. Kirkpantur A, Kahraman S, Yilmaz R, Arici M, Altun B, Erdem Y, Yasavul U, Turgan C. Artif Organs. All Acronyms, PEC (Apr. faby1690 . PEC Medical Abbreviation Medical PEC abbreviation meaning defined here. What does PEC stand for in Medical? Get the top PEC abbreviation related to Medical. PEC - What does PEC Stand For in Medical & Science; Acronymsandslang.com For pec we have found 500 definitions. Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription - Medical Abbreviations - I There is no universally accepted definition of a 'high-risk' pregnancy and antenatal 'risk' screening cannot identify every pregnancy/labour that will run into complications. Find. 2020 Jun 16;9(12):e015569. 2021. Retrieved May 22, 2021, from https://www.allacronyms.com/POC/pregnancy. Percutaneous Endoscopic Colostomy. pc medical abbreviation – The doctor writes a prescription medication to the patients using common latin abbreviation. 2021. https://www.allacronyms.com/SF/pregnancy (accessed May 21, 2021). https://www.allacronyms.com/POC/pregnancy (accessed May 22, 2021). Noninvasive Assessment of Right Ventricle Function and Pulmonary Artery Pressure Using Transthoracic Echocardiography in Women With Pre-Eclampsia: An Exploratory Study. Abbreviation: Interpretation: B: bacillus: bands: bilatetal: black: bolus: both: brother: buccal In this prospective observational study, the authors recruited 63 women with PEC and 36 pregnant control patients. PEC. PEC. Read More:Guide to the First Trimester of PregnancyGuide to the Second Trimester of PregnancyGuide to the Third Trimester of Pregnancy, Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. by AcronymAndSlang.com Write. FOIA We received several questions about pc medical abbreviation, what does po mean in medical terms, and so forth. All Acronyms.
Find a reputable provider in your area with WebMD Care. It’s New Zealand-based and developed by New Zealanders so the information is relevant to us. K12 HD085845/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United States. Flashcards. "Pregnant". Pec medical abbreviation in pregnancy" Keyword Found . Get on the priority list and get Obie first! Keyword-suggest-tool.com DA: 28 PA: 46 MOZ Rank: 88. HCPCS has included these for indexing purposes only and their … ... MTP-medical termination of pregnancy. However, for ordinary people, it looks more difficult to understand because of the language’s other than the others. Health, Care, Hygiene. Home Forums Pregnancy Forums Pregnancy - Second Trimester Useful Maternity & Ultrasound Abbreviations Discussion in ' Pregnancy - Second Trimester ' started by meowmeow , … Medical » Pregnancy & Parenting Abbreviations Browse 204 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Pregnancy & Parenting terminology and jargon. Approved Abbreviations for Specialty Cast Lists. Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription - Medical Abbreviations - F Bethesda, MD 20894, Copyright Background: Pre-eclampsia with severe features (PEC) is a pregnancy-specific syndrome characterized by severe hypertension and end-organ dysfunction, and is associated with short-term adverse cardiovascular events, including heart failure, pulmonary edema, and stroke. Most are widely used in forums and in pregnancy and TTC communities. Objectives: https://www.allacronyms.com/SF/pregnancy. Medical » Cardiology Abbreviations Page #13 Browse 513 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Cardiology terminology and jargon. Learn more about Obie here. doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.116.004888. Thanks to MNHall, for sorting everything out and putting together this list for us! It is disturbing to note that some abbreviations have more than one meaning and in the medical field also you can find this situation. There may be more than one meaning of PEC, so check it out all meanings of PEC one by one. Business, Finance, & Administration; Education; Hospitality; Skilled Trade; CHAT; ENROLLMENT: 866-991-3921; SUPPORT: 866-451-3854; … If they had documented hypertension before the index pregnancy and experienced elevations in blood pressure to meet the criteria for PEC, they were classified as having pre-eclampsia with pre-existing chronic hypertension (PEC-cHTN), referred to as superimposed pre-eclampsia. What Are Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Find out more! Medical CP abbreviation meaning defined here. 2021. Keywords: Sharma G, Zakaria S, Michos ED, Bhatt AB, Lundberg GP, Florio KL, Vaught AJ, Ouyang P, Mehta L. J Am Heart Assoc. 7)ZPG-zero population growth. Medical termination of pregnancy is a lengthy process, compared to surgical abortion. Medical >> Obstetrics Abbreviations. 'Pregnancy Induced Hypertension' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Ambrožič J, Lučovnik M, Prokšelj K, Cvijić M. J Am Coll Cardiol. Methods: Top PNV abbreviation related to Pregnancy: Prenatal Vitamin yearsVLDL very low density lipoproteinsVM vestibular membraneVN visiting nurseVO verbal orderVOD vision right eyevol volumeVOS vision left eyeVP venous pressureVPC ventricular premature contractionVS, V.S. Spell. All Acronyms. Woman doctor giving ultrasound to patient Understanding Ultrasound Term Abbreviations. What does PEC stand for? Areas of Interest. I'd appreciate a list that I can compile and put in a notebook. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. IP Abbreviation for: immune precipitate immunoperoxidase immunophenotype incontinentia pigmenti incubation period infection prevention inferoposterior Pregnant. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. Get to know the most common shortcuts for all things pregnancy with our complete list of pregnancy and fertility acronyms and abbreviations. Most are widely used in forums and in pregnancy and TTC communities. G= Gravida means # of Pregnancy. P= Parity means # of deliveries > 20 weeks , Ptpal (T=term,preterm,abortion, live child) Syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets: Term. used to document a patient’s symptoms on the day that they present to PEC or chemo suite for administration of methotrexate. CSE. Sign up to be the first to know about Obie for Android. Thanks, Brandy. Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (135) Information Technology (12) Military & Government (21) Science & Medicine (37) Organizations, Schools, etc. If you have a medical abortion at home, you may need to have a special kind of pregnancy test or scan to make sure the pregnancy has ended. Cureus. 1. P = Parity means # of deliveries > 20 weeks , Ptpal (T=term,preterm,abortion, live child), Trimesters: 1st <12 wks, 2nd = 13-28 wks, 3rd = >28 wks. Andie_WebMD_Staff posted: New to the pregnancy exchanges and wondering what all those abbreviations stand for? HELLP syndrome is a complication of pregnancy characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and a low platelet count. © 2001-2021 BabyMed.com - All Rights Reserved. Common Abbreviations on Pregnancy Exchanges. Look through 196 acronyms and abbreviations related to Pregnancy: AAPEC: Australian Action on Pre-Eclampsia : abog: american board of obstetrics and … Last updated on Dec 30, 2019. Ouvrir votre DMP. 2021 Feb 18;13(2):e13419. Environmental Health, Public Health, Medical. Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription - Medical Abbreviations - P Epub 2018 Jun 23. 2018 Nov 13;72(20):2544-2545. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.09.022. Endoscopic, Care, Gastroenterology. Pre-eclampsia with severe features (PEC) is a pregnancy-specific syndrome characterized by severe hypertension and end-organ dysfunction, and is associated with short-term adverse cardiovascular events, including heart failure, pulmonary edema, and stroke. Terms in this set (67) gestation. Web. Share Abbreviation for Pregnant in Medical page. Pre-Eclampsia With Severe Features: Effects…, CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION. 30, 2021, 12:04 AM), available at https://www.allacronyms.com/PEC/medical/2. POC, All Acronyms, viewed May 22, 2021, . Pec medical abbreviation in pregnancy" Keyword Found . Get on the priority list and get Obie first! In order to prevent the excessive use of the phrase 1. What is the meaning of PEC? HCPCS procedure and descriptions are copyright to the American Medical Association (AMA). Understanding the Complex Link Between Cardiac Function and Pre-Eclampsia. Test. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of PEC Mt lake funeral home 4 . Some medical abbreviations have only one meaning, and AMS is an excuse in this category since it has more than one meaning. Eclampsia is a more severe form of preeclampsia that includes seizures . Having a medical abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. Second clinic appointment/Stage 1 You will be seen by the doctor who will perform a scan to confirm how many weeks pregnant you are. Ucsf cosmetic dermatology 1 . doi: 10.7759/cureus.13419. Obie gives you personalized expert guidance, helping you improve your fertility and reproductive health. Printer friendly. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. If anyone has more to add, please respond so we are all up on the pregnancy board lingo! PEC manufacturers weatherproof and secure protective enclosures for TVs, Flat Panel Displays and Digital Signage. On another matter, the board approved the PEC 's recommendation to change the name of the Citizens Forum to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Transthoracic echocardiographic assessment of haemodynamics in severe pre-eclampsia and HIV in South Africa. Thanks to MNHall, for sorting everything out and putting together this list for us! 2018 Jul 3;72(1):12-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.04.049. Take the guesswork out of getting pregnantObie is your personal reproductive health coach, guiding you through every stage of the pregnancy journey.Download app for iOSNot an iOS user? If you have a surgical abortion, the general anaesthetic and sedation medicines can also have side effects. We claim no copyright over these. PEC definition / PEC means? PEC. Preterm = 20-37 wks,>500 gms <2500gms. We know 500 definitions for PEC abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories; Possible PEC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term … Learn. We received several questions about pc medical abbreviation, what does po mean in medical terms, and so forth. Copyright © 2018 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Reply: Understanding the Complex Link Between Cardiac Function and Pre-Eclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. parity. Call the local emergency number (such as 911). Harvard All Acronyms. Antenatal Abbreviations. Abbreviations Commonly Used in Obstetrics and Gynecology Physical Examination V/V Vulva/Vagina BUS Bartholin’s glands, urethra, Skene’s gland RV retroverted AV anteverted RF retroflexed AF anteflexed MP midplane Gynecology TAH total abdominal hysterectomy TVH total vaginal hysterectomy BSO bilateral salpingo -oophorectomy Careers. Ghossein-Doha C, Hooijschuur MCE, Spaanderman MEA. "is there any safe medical treatment for heartburn during pregnancy?" It usually begins during the last three months of pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. DMP : dossier médical personnel ou dysmyélopoïèse; DMT : dose maximale tolérée, Diméthyltryptamine ou Divalent metal transporter (en) DMU : dispositif médical à usage unique; DMV : défaillance multiviscérale; DMVB : dystrophie maculaire vitelliforme de Best; DNID : diabète non insulinodépendant; DNN : dépistage néonatal; DNV : dystonie neurovégétative; DOA : décompensation œ 2021. Improving Cardiovascular Workforce Competencies in Cardio-Obstetrics: Current Challenges and Future Directions. Created by. 2014. 1) reproduction in flowering plant: Unit reproduction in flowering plant compromised of following abbreviation like PMC MMC PEC and PEN. LLQ medical abbreviation meaning with flashcards ICD-10 codes. On top of this, there are medical abbreviations that you are going to want to know too. Medical Library Manager “ Health Navigator offers people different ways to learn about their health. Symptoms may include feeling tired, retaining fluid, headache, nausea, upper right abdominal pain, blurry vision, nosebleeds, and seizures. POC PEC: Perivascular Epithelioid Cell * PEC: probability of error in classification * PEC: Primary Energy Consumption * PEC: Potential Energy Curve * PEC: Pacific Energy Center Energy * PEC: Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center * PEC: protein effectiveness coefficient * PEC: Photoelectric Cell * PEC: Petroleum Energy Center * PEC: Pulsed Eddy Current * PEC: Perfect Electrical Conductor * PEC Packaging of Explosives for Carriage Regulations. What does CP stand for in Medical? What does Medical & Science PEC stand for? However, for ordinary people, it looks more difficult to understand because of the language’s other than the others. Rather than wonder what "HD" or "EDD" means, gain an understanding of common ultrasound abbreviations used during pregnancy. Abbreviation > Term Word in meaning Term > Abbreviation Home / Medical / Obstetrics. SF, All Acronyms, viewed May 21, 2021, MLA All Acronyms. If symptoms of HELLP syndrome occur during pregnancy: See your provider right away. Once the pain is stable, the patient is encouraged to resume normal activities. Get to know the most common shortcuts for all things pregnancy with our complete list of pregnancy and fertility acronyms and abbreviations. ; What does PEC mean? Echocardiographic Structure and Function in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. You’ll also find out why ultrasound biometry is important and the different types of pregnancy ultrasounds available. Endoscopic, Care, Gastroenterology. Home; Banking; Business; Studies; Computing; Internet; Medical; Governmental Reduced right ventricular function on cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is associated with uteroplacental impairment in tetralogy of Fallot. 'PEC', All Acronyms, 30 April 2021, [accessed 30 April 2021] Bluebook. Sometimes, GPA terminology is combined with TPAL terminology. Relative Sinus Bradycardia: An Unexpected Finding in Preeclampsia With Acute Pulmonary Edema. Environmental Health, Public Health, Medical. List of Obstetrics Abbreviations and Acronyms in Medical Category . Prescription medication for constipation 7 . 2018 Jul;13:198-203. doi: 10.1016/j.preghy.2018.06.015. 2021 Feb 10;13(2):e13262. 8. Buddeberg BS, Sharma R, O'Driscoll JM, Kaelin Agten A, Khalil A, Thilaganathan B. Pregnancy Hypertens. Siegmund AS, Willems TP, Pieper PG, Bilardo CM, Gorter TM, Bouma BJ, Jongbloed MRM, Sieswerda GT, Roos-Hesselink JW, van Dijk APJ, van Veldhuisen DJ, Dickinson MG. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. Last Added; Submit; About; Mobile version; Tweet. Preeclampsia: High blood pressure during pregnancy; Presentation: The way in which the baby is lying; Primagravida: A woman who is in her first pregnancy; Pro: Progesterone; PROM: Premature Rupture of Membranes; PT: Pregnancy Test; PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; PU: passed urine; PV: Positive Vibes; PV: per vagina; Q&A: Questions & Answers; QT: Cutie cil medical abbreviation pregnancy. Pregnancy Abbreviations – Understanding Your Maternity Notes 20th Sep 2018 gentleparentingsite Sometimes it can seem as though Doctors and Midwives have a language all of their own, and will often use abbreviations and terms during your care that might need some translation! Define PEC at AcronymFinder.com. Looking for online definition of PEC or what PEC stands for? There is no known way to prevent HELLP syndrome. What does PEC stand for? Betamethasone is also known as: Adbeon, Beta-Phos/AC, Celestone, Celestone Phosphate, Celestone Soluspan, Cell-U-Jec, Selestoject Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. PEC Abbreviation for: pancreatic exocrine cells perivascular epithelioid cell professional executive committee, see there Psychiatric Emergency Center pulmonary ejection click If you have a medical abortion, you may have short-lived side effects from the medicines, such as diarrhoea and feeling sick. Learn about causes, risk factors, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, and treatments for PCD, and how to participate in clinical trials. OB terms & abbreviations. Please ask your midwife of there is anything you don't understand or are not sure of. Medical [Internet]; May 25, 2021 [cited 2021 MAY 25]. Inclusion of exlusion of a procedure, supply, product, or service does not imply any health insurance coverage or reimbursement policy. List of medical abbreviations commonly used in the nursery. Check out our Fertility, Pregnancy, and Reproductive Health Glossary! The exam fees published applied to the specialty exam. Anaesthesia. It is filled with a liquid called amniotic fluid. Pacific university oregon bookstore 2 . Puerperium = birth -42 days postpartum. PEC - What does PEC Stand For in Medical & Science; Acronymsandslang.com For pec we have found 500 definitions. Epub 2020 Jun 2. The Medical & Science Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang PEC means Psychiatric Emergency Center. What does Medical & Science PEC stand for? Pecs: Slang for the pectoral muscles, muscles of the "anterior chest" (the front of the chest). Préparez votre carte Vitale et le code de création du DMP que vous avez reçu, soit par courrier, soit par mail puis rendez-vous sur dmp.fr pour créer votre DMP en quelques minutes. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) A medical termination of pregnancy has 2 stages, and means 3 visits to the hospital, over 3 - 5 working days. Medical Jargon in Pregnancy Health. It is characterized by: Medical abortion is a procedure that uses medication to end a pregnancy. 2020 Apr 6;11(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s13293-020-00292-w. See this image and copyright information in PMC. The application deadlines and fees for the 2022 Subspecialty Certifying Exam are as follows: The nurse assists with diagnostic studies and medical treatment and provides explanations of procedures and treatments, analgesics for pain, prescribed medications, supplemental oxygen, patient education, and emotional support. AMA All Acronyms. Modifier votre choix. PEC and HTN in pregnancy by reviewing and grading the quality of world studies ACOG Task Force on HTN HTN during pregnancy has only 4 categories: PEC-Eclampsia CHTN (of any cause) CHTN with superimposed PEC GH ACOG Task Force on HTN Eliminate dependence of dx on proteinuria Now PEC is dx as HTN in association with: Thrombocytopenia (< 100,00) You will be given appropriate information in order to make decisions about your place of birth and type of care you choose during pregnancy. Free. Pregnancy Abbreviation Guide. 7. It depends from person to person and on the age of pregnancy that what time it will be needed for the recovery of the patient. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from https://www.allacronyms.com/pregnant/abbreviated/medical. Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription - B. AB Abortion (SAB- Spontaneous Abortion, EAB- Elective Abortion,TAB- Therapeutic Abortion, GAB- Genetic Abortion) AFI Amniotic Fluid Index (Determination Made by Ultrasound) ASCUS … Personal Effects Coverage. A/B – apnea/bradycardia spell (episode of apnea and/or bradycardia) Prevention and treatment information (HHS). Betamethasone Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Warnings. Keyword-suggest-tool.com DA: 28 PA: 46 MOZ Rank: 91. 2020 Jul 16;22(1):52. doi: 10.1186/s12968-020-00645-9. Eight women (12.7%) with PEC had grade II diastolic dysfunction, and 6 women (9.5%) had peripartum pulmonary edema. by AcronymAndSlang.com See additional information. All Acronyms. Published May 21, 2021. 2018 Nov 13;72(20):2544. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.07.103. Maternal cardiac haemodynamics in severe pre-eclampsia complicated by acute pulmonary oedema: A review. At your first meeting with the physician before or during the pregnancy, it is desirable to attend with your partner. POC. Abbreviation to define. The Medical & Science Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang PEC means Psychiatric Emergency Center. Ask doctors free. There are a lot of acronyms and abbreviations out there, so we have compiled a list of the most common infertility-related terms that you might want to know. The meaning of the PEC is also explained earlier. Pregnancy: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. Kristi Lee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Printer friendly . Pecs: Slang for the pectoral muscles, muscles of the "anterior chest" (the front of the chest). The Latin "pectus" means "chest." All Acronyms. What is PEC? Not anymore! Medical, Medicine, Healthcare. 10)MMR-maternal mortality rate . Find. Oedema (especially in the hands and face) was originally considered an important sign for a diagnosis of The effects of pre-eclampsia with severe features (PEC) on the heart. It's safer and most effective during the first trimester of pregnancy. Pec medical abbreviation in pregnancy. Amelia_WebMD_Staff posted: Welcome Newbies! 2021. What is a high-risk pregnancy? OB/GYN ABBREVIATIONS. Our aim was to investigate the validity of this new definition by comparing adverse pregnancy … The Free Dictionary Familiarity with obstetrics terminology is necessary to understand and practice obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN). APA. Background: Perchlorate Equivalent Concentration. Your abbreviation search returned 135 meanings. "POC". diastolic dysfunction; echocardiography; pre-eclampsia; pulmonary edema; right ventricular systolic pressure; speckle tracking echocardiography. Enlist the steps in research process 6 . Epub 2016 Dec 14. PEC is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms PEC is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms "SF". Pec medical abbreviation in pregnancy keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website All Acronyms. A medical abortion doesn't require surgery or anesthesia and can be started either in a medical office or at home with follow-up visits to your doctor. P = Parity means # of deliveries > 20 weeks , Ptpal (T=term,preterm,abortion, live child) Term = > 37 wks,< 42 wks, or >2500 gms. The PEC cohort had higher RVSP (31.0 ± 7.9 mm Hg vs. 22.5 ± 6.1 mm Hg; p < 0.001) and decreased global RV longitudinal systolic strain (RVLSS) (-19.6 ± 3.2% vs. -23.8 ± 2.9% [p < 0.0001]) when compared with the control cohort.
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