Our Story; Our Events; Our Dance Cruises; NEED … Faith Wilson 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cruisers who participated in the previous 3 cruises will receive FREE Jack and Jill Registration . They have it all! The Florida J&J Championship Series will take place over 3 different events during 2017.... 1. The #1 Key toMusicality in West Coast Swing. The world is going to know your name. Moreover, there have been some progressive changes where some contests use the designations, “Pat & Chris,” to create gender ambiguity. L’association West In Nougat (WIN) est heureuse de vous présenter son nouvel événement 100% West Coast Swing dans le Sud-Est de la France, du 17 au 19 Avril 2020 à Montélimar. Swing conventions are progressing toward less restrictions as to gender roles in dancing. Registration; All Stars & Champions; Contest Registration; Schedule; Staff; Contests. Join us for Jack & Jill O’Rama 2022 – a West Coast Swing event like no other! Jill Scott ft. Anthony Hamilton - So In Love - 102; ZHANE - REQUEST LINE - 100; John Legend (HQ) - Each Day Gets Better - 100; Detail - Shakin' My Head (Feat. WSDC Jack and Jill - West Coast Swing Results . Sequoia Nelson 5. West Coast swing is a swing dance that evolved in the 1960’s on the West Coast of the United States. Articles. Mark your calendars for June 9th-13th 2022, RSVP to the Facebook event here, and like our Facebook page here. As you improve your overall dance skill set, your Jack and Jill results will in turn, as a whole, reflect that improvement. Jack & Jill O'Rama. Work on improving the overall quality of your dancing! Jun 2, 2017 - Ben Morris and Melissa Rutz - Winning Improv West Coast Swing dance in the Pro Jack and Jill Show at Monterey Swingfest 2017. This Saturday we will be having a JACKPOT JACK AND JILL, Two-Step/swing competition. Create a plan to work hard outside of competition. Macken Zie. For many, … Read more. NOVICE 24 Leaders and 31 Followers; Cut to 9 for Finals Men Ladies 1. Social / Stage >> FB event << [English below] . 1ère All-Stars Femme (plus haute catégorie de compétition) de la Région Sud-Ouest . Enter your email - I'll send you the video! Posts about Jack and Jill written by Selayna. All levels and all ages. 1ère All-Stars Femme (plus haute catégorie de compétition) de la Région Sud-Ouest . Determining the winner of a dance contest? In addition the idea is to team up dancers that are not competition partners. Much more complex. Improv West Coast Swing - Ben Morris & Patty Vo Sea To Sky 2011 Jack and Jill. Even though judging competitive dancing is inherently difficult, competition can be an valuable learning too! Swing Over Orlando, March 24th through 26th. A West Coast Swing event like no other! Share; Like this: Like Loading... Leave a comment. She specializes in Jack and That is why I enjoy competitive dancing. Log in. Personen die West Coast Swing unterrichten oder bereits WSDC Punkte haben, werden automatisch auf Level 1 oder höher eingeteilt. OK. West coast swing On Loire 6. du 26 au 28 juin 2020. Anchor Step; Beginners; Competition; Connection; Footwork; History of west coast swing; Musicality; Popular Articles; Practice; Spins & Turns; Styling ; FREE VIDEOS. But for Chantelle Pianetta, it's a practice she relishes. You might actually win a few WSDC Jack and Jill’s competitions along the way! What Is West Coast Swing and Why Is It Such a Great Dance? Chaque organisateur d'événement peut adapter le Jack'n'Jill en fonction de ses désirs, tant que l'esprit est respecté (notamment le tirage au sort des partenaires et Enter your email - I''ll send you the video! By contrast, competition music fades out after 90 seconds or at most two minutes. Classic Pro-Am JUNIOR (gratuit/free) Jack'n'jill. Newer posts → Jordan Frisbee no SwingDiego 2011. Available Competitions: Pro-Am J&J Leader, Pro-Am J&J Follower. https://www.westcoastswingonline.com/winning-wsdc-jack-and-jills Tim O’Brian 1. Routine Team (80€) Price Money. I think if you do this you will enjoy a gradual stress free improvement in your dancing. 3:02. Too many times I hear competitors ask “what do judges look for.” You’ll often hear judges say things like “Technique, Timing and Teamwork” or “Good solid basics.” Really what they mean is “Everything, everything is important’ but I don’t have time to explain everything so I’ll try to distil my answer for you into something you can chew on.”. Home; Register. Strictly swing partners may choose to coordinate outfits. Tag: jack and jill swing. You'll be randomly paired up a professional wcs dancer and the DJ will choose your dance music. Sophisticated age division requirements are ages 35 and above. MADjam is the largest West Coast Swing party in the Eastern USA. Rules vary in events across the country but three rules seem to be standard in most Jack & Jill contests: 1) no choreography is allowed, 2) no costumes are allowed, and 3) no lifts or drops are allowed. Der Tanz entstand an der Westküste der Vereinigten Staaten. Take the pressure of winning off. Le west coast swing est une danse de couple, c'est un dérivé du lindy hop.C'est une danse fluide et souple qui laisse beaucoup de liberté et d'interprétation aux cavalières. by dancejunkiebc. Start with the most basic ones and work outwards. We're stepping up the competitive West Coast Swing scene in Florida. We use those patterns, not the individual results, to help drive our decisions on what to focus on improving. Generally, WCS Jack & Jill competitors compete at the level they compete in for other categories. Join the Facebook Event! It’s a process, a process that we can learn a lot from. JACK'N'JILL (15€) Newcomer. Oh and guess what? Generally, WCS Jack & Jill competitors compete at the level they compete in for other categories. 3. Découvrez le West Coast Swing ... 5ème place Jack'n Jill Advanced Dutch Open West Coast Swing 2017 (Ber en Dal, Hollande) DIANEVA 8 ans d'expérience d'enseignement. West Coast Swing Jack and Jill Judging... Point-Counterpoint Articles. Kyra Bussanich 4. You will have the opportunity to live an experience during a weekend entirely dedicated to West Coast Swing dance through the coming of a team of international teachers, through professional and targeted workshops for each level, lively and social dance parties, competitions, more fun and more surprises! What is Pro-Am Jack & Jill? Watch fullscreen. Jack and Jills competition rules vary according to the specific swing convention. Costumes: Costume are not allowed in any category except Rising Star and Pro-Am Routines. Florida Westie Fest, November 3rd through 5th. 6 West Coast Swing TAF Turniere pro Jahr As competitors we practice, take lessons, learn to overcome our nerves so we can have our best performances on competition day. Practicing for Jack and Jill Competition. 6 years ago | 73 views. >>> >>>From what I understand of your perspective coming from the C/W world >>>where Jack and Jill is still a novelty or step child, judging each You can’t control your partner, the floor, the music, your position on the floor, your judges and a myriad of other things that might affect your outcome. It might seem so on the surface, but lets look a little deeper and I’ll explain my point. Nicholas Curcio 4. They should NEVER be tied to your self-esteem. Dance west coast swing for fun! The results of the competitions are only feedback. I mean do you think that the high level all stars struggle with basic timing or footwork or turn technique? Masters is 50 and above. Registration; All Stars & Champions; Contest Registration; Schedule; Staff; Contests. Its a wonder judges do as well as they do. Keep working on improving and wait until you have 3 new results before you start to change your approach. For example, they are popular at competitions across the globe including Lindy Hop, Hustle, County Western and West Coast swing conventions. Faith Wilson 3. If you weren't here, hopefully you can make it out next time! The first approach is to judge dancers in Jack & Jills like we do in all the other Swing divisions - as a couple. Most Read. Registration; All Stars & Champions; Contest Registration; Schedule; Staff; Contests. In addition, the idea is to create a venue for random partners to social dance demonstrating skills like lead/follow, musicality, timing, technique and partnership. In short you can control yourself. Learn to dance west coast swing. WSDC Jack and Jill - West Coast Swing Results . Nicholas Curcio 4. Practicing for Jack and Jill Competition. Videos; Courses; Resources; Popular Articles; About Us. Don’t try to win a WSDC Jack and Jills competition! Categories Competition Tags competition, jack & Jill Leave a comment. Cato Geraldo. Follow. My rule of thumb for my students is 3 contests. In West Coast Swing Jack and Jills, also written as Jack & Jill or Jack ‘n Jill, partners are drawn randomly out of a hat. Kyle Redd and Sarah Vann Drake at Loafers Beach Club 02/10/12. In life we set goals but along the path to those goals we invariably encounter set backs. Our WCS Champions Are Judging the Jack & Jill Competition on (TBA), Dancing Socially & Performing Every Single Night & Available for Private Lessons! At my core I’m a teacher. See more ideas about west coast swing, swing, west coast. This competition is gender neutral which means you can register as a leader or as a follower but you can only compete in one role. CSC 2015 - Advanced West Coast Swing Jack & Jill Finals Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Lastly, the WCS Jack & Jill competitions allow the competitors to demonstrate their social dance skills like leading and following. 4. Thats right, I said it. May 10, 2017 - 5280 Westival (2017) Champions' Jack and Jill 1st Place. It is not intended to be a full definition of Swing, or to be used to evaluate the quality of the performance. Solange Bluethner 2. West Coast Swing Jack and Jills are WCS competitions where random partners are selected to dance to random WCS music. Musicality, Spins & Turns, Footwork, Practice tips, Beginners, Connection, Anchor Steps, more... Made with ❤️by Brian B at west coast swing online, 10 things good west coast swing dancers do differently. Be a Better Dance Partner in 10 easy steps Just before I was scheduled to write my next blog post, I got this email from my student Lynn. In this article, we curated a few memorable combinations in this series of West Coast swing Jack and Jills. I want to repeat that statement. This is another West Coast Swing improvisation competition. Jack and Jill competitions have been judged in two basic formats. Depending on the weekend, you might find her gracing Bay Area stages as a principal with Menlowe Ballet or sweeping in awards at West Coast swing competitions. Should be a load of fun, expect more videos of the contest later! In the end as we improve as dancers we have more and more good dances and less and less um, not so good dances. Atlanta's home town event! Music variables, partner variables, technique, timing, and teamwork variables all wrapped up in a scenario where a judge has 4-6 seconds at make up their minds. Swing Diego 2012 – Champions J&J Finals. Catégories. A West Coast Swing event like no other! We will also be having Myself with Rachele Smith together teaching … Continue reading → Join us on Monday for Disney Dancer Day! Most west coast swing dancers are better dancing musically to social songs than competition songs. Report. Not necessarily for the win, but for the journey. Improv West Coast Swing - Ben Morris & Patty Vo Sea To Sky 2011 Jack and Jill . But for Chantelle Pianetta, it's a practice she relishes. Ed Preble 3. Atlanta Swing Classic 2019Staff Jack & Jill FinalsBen McHenryVictoria HenkWest Coast SwingImprov dance, modern swingwww.atlantaswingclassic.com #westcoastswing This is another West Coast Swing improvisation competition. Apr 2, 2021 - Explore Joy in Motion's board "Favorite West Coast Swing Videos" on Pinterest. Join the Facebook Event! Determining the winner of a J&J, in my opinion that is about as complicated as you can get. In addition, it evolved from earlier forms of swing including jitterbug, East Coast swing, boogie woogie and Lindy hop. Its a long game. m.youtube.com. We look at our results in 3 contest blocks to look for patterns. Jack and Jill swing competitions have become increasingly popular. You have to play the long game. 60s Era/All American: All levels and all ages. Rising Star. Even so, occasionally competing couples do randomly get teamed up. I desperately want to educate people. Mar 7, 2019 - Ben Morris and Victoria Henk - Improv West Coast Swing dance from the Pro Jack & Jill Show at Swingtzerland 2019. Date / Heure Date(s) - 17/04/2020 - 19/04/2020 Toute la journée. Jack and Jill contests are open to ages 18 and above. By contrast, competition music fades out after 90 seconds or at most two minutes. Most west coast swing dancers are better dancing musically to social songs than competition songs. Fun contests, workshops and social dancing! Jack & Jill - … Connecting dancers around the world 6 years ago | 27 views. First Place awards include the U.S. Open, Grand Nationals, and … Learn more. >>>>Neither do I see anything wrong with an event choosing to judge every round >>>>of competitions by couples only. Improve all of your skills one by one. Mar 29, 2014 - Recorded at the 2014 Mid Atlantic Dance Jam during the Champions Jack & Jill Finals. (Glenn Ball & Jessica Pacheco@ Swing Fling 2017, Champions J&J). A dance event created for the competitor, the learner, and the social dancer! During the competition prep process I like to teach my students to focus on the things that you can control. Follow. Improv West Coast Swing - Ben Morris & Patty Vo Sea To Sky 2011 Jack and Jill.
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