The peripheral route occurs when attitudes are formed without extensive thought, but more from mental shortcuts, credibility, and appearance cues.
ideas and information contained in it, and scrutinizing the evidence and reasoning presented.

What is central route processing: Isabela, officially the Province of Isabela (Ilocano: Probinsia ti Isabela; Ibanag: Provinsia na Isabela; Tagalog: Lalawigan ng Isabela) is the second largest province in the Philippines in land area located in the Cagayan Valley region in capital and largest local government unit is the city of is bordered by the . This paper discusses a number of conceptual and methodological . In this route of person, carefully listens to the information and considers all the merits and demerits. What is a good example of central route persuasion? The central route, or central processing, as they sometimes refer to it, involves. The peripheral route is an indirect route that uses peripheral cues to associate positivity with the message (Petty & Cacioppo . Central Route to Persuasion. Because the central route relies on the SHUFHLYHG rather than the actual quality of an argument's central merits, its persuasiveness can vary from person to person. The Central Route Processing (also known as Central Route to Persuasion) is a method of persuasion (i.e., a way to persuade others). a. Some of the commercials are easy to remember and are a good laugh. So this week my blog is going to revolve around two key terms: central processing and peripheral processing! This is conscious processing. What are the two main routes of persuasion in the Elm called? Central route processing involves a high level of elaboration. D. complexity route processing. Alvin's response is an example of A. complexity route processing. Provide an example of each, and suggest when each is most appropriate. D. peripheral route. There's the systematic, or central, route and there's the superficial or peripheral processing route. The central route is strong. Such cues might be source. Central route processes involve careful scrutiny of a persuasive communication (e.g., a speech, an advertisement, etc.) Persuasion Definition Persuasion is a method of changing a person's cognitions, feelings, behaviors, or general evaluations (attitudes) toward some object, issue, or person. One example is buying a computer. High .

In this example, the commercial persuaded Jessica to purchase the shoes using the central route to persuasion.

PLAY. engaged in this route of processing are actively trying to understand and evaluate the. The disadvantage of this technique is that, if the receiver is not directly affected by the message he or she will ignore it. I believe there are more people like me out there, so I will explain Central Limit Theorem with a concrete and catchy example today — hoping to make it permanent in your mind for your use. Central route processing, or centrally processing, entails that the target audience cares for the message and will therefore have a high level of elaboration. Central route to persuasion is used when people are motivated to think about an issue, they focus on the arguments and notice if they are strong or compelling, i.e., door-to-door salesmen.

central-route processing Because Jeryl is an enthusiastic video gamer, he pays close attention to every ad about a new video game system. Central route. Some Central and Peripheral Thoughts on the Routes to Persuasion. For example, hearing a persuasive message. The second route to persuasion is known as the . Let's cover another important theory on message deconstruction: the Elaboration Likelihood ModelThis clip is part of an 8 weeks free online course 'Introduct. Central Route Processing. Peripheral Processing Route Peripheral Route Rather than examining issue-relevant arguments the peripheral route has people examine the message quickly or focus on simple cues to help them decide whether to accept the position advocated in the message.

The route of persuasion processing depends on the level of involvement in the topic or issue. The central route to persuasion will be followed or systematic processing will occur when we carefully consider the message content. Does it promote and/or assume central or peripheral route processing? For example, a car company seeking to persuade you to purchase their model will emphasize the car's safety features and fuel economy. The central route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded to act based on the arguments or the content of the message. Examples of Central Route Persuasion While watching television, a person who is interested in cars sees a car advertisement. The central route is reflective and requires a willingness to process and think about the message. For example, a car company seeking to persuade you to purchase their model will emphasize the car's safety features and fuel economy. The peripheral route is used by people who are distracted or uninvolved in the . P&C say of this route: 'Under the Central Route, persuasion will likely result from a person's careful and thoughtful consideration of the true merits of the information presented in support of an advocacy.' I'll put it more simply: A clear and well argued message is more persuasive. A central tenet of this model is that humans are motivated to hold correct attitudes and, as a result, there can be a number of factors that influence which processing route a person might take. There are two routes to persuasion: the central route and the peripheral route. This model attempts to explain how we can persuade people. This is a direct route to persuasion that focuses on the quality of the information. 21 Oct. We were talking about peripheral routes and central routes in class and it made me realize that a lot of car commercials use peripheral routes to reach the potential customer over central routes.

Alvin decided against the proposal of one debater because the presenter spoke too long in Alvin's opinion. Although any change technique is sometimes referred to as persuasion regardless of the target of influence, the term more commonly refers to a method of change in which a person is deliberately […] A trusted reference in the field of psychology, offering more than 25,000 clear and authoritative entries. In this case, the audience investigate the message's content, rather than just reading through it. 9. When discussing the Elaboration Likelihood Model, we use the term 'elaborate' to mean 'to think elaborately about something.' The central route to persuasion is when people elaborate on a persuasive argument, listening carefully and thinking about the logic behind the message. The peripheral . Central Route Processing. For example, a TV ad that presents laboratory findings to demonstrate the effectiveness of an acne treatment would be using the Central Route to Persuasion, as opposed to one that only uses a celebrity endorser. Central Route Processing. Define the central route to processing. The peripheral route is an indirect route that uses peripheral cues to associate positivity with the message. feedback and lateral interactions) has not been emphasized sufficiently, on the assumption that the feedforward processing of visual information along the central route can be understood in isolation. Thus, the peripheral route depends on situational indicators. The central route states that by using arguments that are direct and pertinent the likelihood of successful persuasion is high.

persuasive cues that are peripheral to the message content. Define both central and peripheral routes to processing. In other words, to pay a lot of attention to the message and contrast the information with prior knowledge. The central route is based around logic and is used mainly when making a large purchase decision, such as buying a new car. Contrast Essay Between Central Route and Peripheral Route to Persuasion. Distractions and knowledge is the two factors that determine . The central route to persuasion tends to be rational and information-based. Define both central and peripheral routes to processing. An example might be Alastair Darling . Define both central and peripheral routes to processing. It is likely, for example, that small business owners might be especially influenced by the focus on the computer's quality and features such as processing speed and memory capacity. Messages are not processed cognitively unlike the central route persuasion. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Furthermore, it means that high thinking does not necessarily equate to objectivity or rationality in processing—the careful processing may be objective, or it When trying to advertise and persuade someone, central route persuasion is when someone is interested in the content of your advertisement and message. In this example, the commercial persuaded Jessica to purchase the shoes using the central route to persuasion. There're two different ways, or two different routes, to persuasion. B. time related processing. Elaboration Likelihood Model Example Imagine that you are a marketing executive tasked with selling a new brand of shampoo. Central route processes require a great deal of thought, and therefore are likely to predominate under conditions that promote high elaboration. Alvin's response is an example of A. peripheral route processing. Instead of focusing on the facts and a product's quality, the peripheral . On the other hand, the peripheral route implies minimal effort and minimal elaboration. A speaker who seems . The central route is logic driven and uses data and facts to convince people of an argument's worthiness. Central route. With the central route, the recipient uses evaluation, recall, critical judgment and inferential thinking . In this regard, what is a central route to persuasion? They'll pay more attention and scrutinize the quality and strength of the argument. Table 1: Comparison of central route processing and peripheral route processing. Alvin's response is an example of A. central route processing. to determine the merits of the arguments. Peripheral Route Processing. People. The central route to persuasion consists of thoughtful consideration of the arguments (ideas, content) of the message. One is called central route persuasion. The central route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded to act based on the arguments or the content of the message. There's the systematic, or central, route and there's the superficial or peripheral processing route. People often process information using some level of both routes—the routes can complement each other. Alvin decided against the proposal of one debater because the presenter spoke too long in Alvin's opinion. Provide two examples of images or messages associated with processing routes and rate them based on how persuasive you found each message (1, least . This model explains how people organize information, categorize, and process it in their brains. Here, the audience (or user) scrutinizes the message's contents (rather than reads casually) because of a high motivation level. There are times when people are . The peripheral route of persuasion is a less straightforward approach. We are constantly exposed to different sources of persuasion everyday whether it is from the advertisements on television, or the towering billboards we drive past, persuasion is unavoidable. Provide an example of each and suggest when each is most appropriate. In ELM, the central route is reflective and requires a willingness to process and think about the message. Whenever you're looking at an ad, you're either using your central route of processing or you're using your peripheral route. Hover over a field to read a short description. predominantly central route processing to predominantly peripheral route processing ( Petty et al. In a high-involvement situation, argument strength influenced brand attitude and purchase intent regardless of ad type (central-route persuasion), whereas, in a low-involvement situation, there .

That means thinking about the content of a message, reflecting on the. For example, cognitive response theory-an approach that falls under the central route-assumes that people are usu- 1. Is the person motivated and able to process this information presented? Message interpretation characterized by thoughtful consideration of the issues and arguments used to persuade is called _____ processing. Conditions for peripheral route: This route is successful for messages where receiver has low involvement, low motivation and weak argument. Routes To Persuasion. There are two routes to Persuasion and they are the Central and Peripheral. Factors include The Central Route. D. complexity route processing. As you would understand, being a consumer and all, we all tend to research and get all the information they can in order to make the right decision, for example when purchasing a new Smart Phone. The central route is successful in reaching motivated and analytical people. field. 1. In the Elaboration Likelihood Model, or ELM, (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986), cognitive processing is the central route and affective/emotion processing is often associated with the ~. Routes To Persuasion. Choose the New action.

The central route is logic driven and uses data and facts to convince people of an argument's worthiness. The central route is reflective and requires a willingness to process and think about the message. central route: a way of processing information in which people carefully listen to, think about, evaluate, and even mentally elaborate on what has been said before making up their minds. Explanation: The central route processing may be explained as a measure employed to persuade or pass messages across to listeners by placing emphasis on the content of the message or information to be passed. There're two different ways, or two different routes, to persuasion. Change of attitude typically happens through the central route of processing.
The central root say that if people are motivated and they're highly involved, and they have the opportunity and the ability to process marketing . Describe a familiar television commercial and analyze the elements of persuasion that it uses. 3. the central route. ELM's central processing has been likened to systematic processing in HSM, while peripheral processing is similar to HSM's heuristic processing. Users know what's important to them; consequently, they will invest in examining a credible design's message. This method is usually applies to logic and help when making a large purchase such as a car.

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