Air France gives you headphones, eye mask, pillow and blanket as the comfort kit. Seat 12 A is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Ont suivi l'A310, l'A320, l'A340, l'A330 et, dernier en date, l'A380. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. un brouillon est déjà présent dans votre espace commentaire. Seat 39 H is a standard Economy Class seat. The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. Seat 20 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 39 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 5 D is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 40 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 39 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 20 H is a standard Economy Class seat. One of the best seats in economy because it's only two seats in that row. The seats is positioned at a bulkhead. Seat 16 D is a standard Economy Class seat that may have additional legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. Seat 44 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 29 K is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. Seat 43 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 20 D is a standard Economy Class seat. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. Seat 23 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 18 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 34 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Tutoriel vidéo Seat 16 B is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 42 D is a standard Economy Class seat. There's even space behind the seat where things can be stowed (though not during departure and landing). Profitez de votre abonnement à 1€ le 1er mois ! Seat 44 C is a standard Economy Class seat, however the proximity to the lavatory and galley area may be bothersome. Seat 6 A is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 26 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 22 A is a standard Economy Class seat. 74 /. Seat 26 K is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 39 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 9 J is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. Seat 19 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 20 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 2 F is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Une tradition lors de l'arrivée d'un nouvel avion. Seat 26 D is a standard Economy Class seat. In 2019, Air France added the Airbus A350-900 to their fleet. Une flotte moderne permet au groupe d'offrir un meilleur confort à leurs passagers, de réaliser d’importantes économies de carburant et de respecter ses engagements en termes de développement durable en limitant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et les émissions de bruits pour les riverains. Vous pouvez à tout moment modifier vos préférences. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. Seat 42 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 7 D is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Des étapes longues de l'ordre de 10 000 kilomètres comme Séoul ou Bangkok sont d'ores et déjà prévues, celles pour lesquelles l'A350 a été conçu et optimisé, même s'il peut être rentable sur des trajets plus courts. Seat 23 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Capacité moyenne : 325 passagers en version triclasse (366 en biclasse et 440 en monoclasse, maximum autorisé), Type de moteur : Rolls-Royce Trent XWB 1700-84, Première compagnie livrée : Qatar Airways le 22 décembre 2014, Commandes : 913 au 31 août 2019 par XX compagnies, Livraisons : 303 au 21 septembre 2019 à 27 compagnies, Longue de 74 mètres, la version A350-1000 avec une masse maximale au décollage de 316 tonnes peut accueillir 366 passagers pour un vol de 16 100 km. The proximity to the galley area may be bothersome. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. Seat 4 A is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. CGU Mais quid des pilotes ? The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. Seat 44 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 10 E is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 16 H is a standard Economy Class seat that may have additional legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. Seat 37 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Le réseau d'Air France n'exige pas de telles performances. Seat 41 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 36 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Archives. Seat 12 H is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat 16 K is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. Seat 23 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 40 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Air France flies 1 versions of Airbus A350-900. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. Créez votre compte plus rapidement, Veuillez saisir l'adresse mail qui a servi à créer votre compte, Merci d'avoir partagé cet article avec vos amis. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 11 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 34 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 29 B is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. Vous devez renseigner un pseudo avant de pouvoir commenter un article. Ben Smith, pdg d'Air France-KLM, Anne Rigail, DG d'Air France et Christain Scherrer, directeur commercil d'Airbus. Concernant la décision sur la reprise ou non de XL Airways et Aigle Azur pourriez vous reparler de l'époque AOM et AIR Lib ? Seat 17 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 27 D is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. The seat is in the last row of the aircraft cabin. En même temps, il a raccourci la carrière du très gros porteur A380 mal adapté au réseau d'Air France. Seat 3 H is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Normally, when an airline takes delivery of new aircraft, they first place it on shorter, non-flagship routes so that the crew can familiarize themselves to the new aircraft. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The A350-900 features a new Business Class product with 34 Zodiac Optima seats configured in a 1-2-1 configuration. Seat 32 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 11 H is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat 9 H is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 18 H is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 20 E is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 12 L is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Le Boeing 787 connaît les mêmes contraintes. The seat is in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat 24 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Découvrir la collection Seat 30 D is a standard Economy Class seat that has additional legroom due to the Exit Row. The proximity to the galley and other passengers walking by to the Buffet Bar may be bothersome. The seat is in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Unaccompanied minors that are flying with Air France are often sat here. Seat 11 D is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Each seat on this plane has a personal entertainment system with a variety of video and audio options. Mentions légales 45A is even better if you don't like to get up and walk around a lot (I do). Seat 22 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Seat 17 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Air France Shopping célèbre l'arrivée de l'A350 Rendez-vous sur Air France Shopping pour collectionner les objets créés spécialement à l'occasion de l'arrivée de l'Airbus A350. Les forums du Point, FAQ Seat 28 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 5 H is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. Seat 31 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 8 A is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Air France-KLM investit de manière continue dans de nouveaux appareils. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Seat 25 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 38 C is a standard Economy Class seat. A bassinet/child cot might be attached to the bulkhead, therefore, a passenger traveling with an infant might be seated here. Seat 1 J is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. Seat 17 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 33 E is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Seat 12 D is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Nos partenaires Seat 39 L is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 34 B is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 26 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Cet article nous donne de nombreux détails concernant la transition concernant la formation sur ce nouvel avion. In 2019, Air France added the Airbus A350-900 to their fleet. Seat 30 C is a standard Economy Class seat that has additional legroom due to the Exit Row. Seat 42 J is a standard Economy Class seat. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. Seat 6 L is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. D'ici à la fin de l'année, trois A350 vont être livrés à Air France et trois autres l'an prochain. Seat 25 A is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Applications mobiles Seat 43 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 31 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 39 D is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 6 F is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 2 A is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 39 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 41 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 17 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 34 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 42 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 40 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Nous contacter Seat 25 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 6 E is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 29 D is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. Seat 17 D is a standard Economy Class seat. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. The proximity to the galley and other passengers walking by to the Buffet Bar may be bothersome. Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du brouillon. Seat 43 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 34 D is a standard Economy Class seat. Vendredi 27 septembre, la compagnie nationale a pris livraison du premier appareil, livré à Toulouse dans une nouvelle usine qui respecte globalement ses délais de livraison. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Read user reviews for Air France Airbus A350-900 (359). Seat 37 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Bientôt le monde du silence à Roissy-CDG ? Seat 31 A is a standard Economy Class seat that has additional legroom. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Consultez les articles de la rubrique Économie, The seat is positioned at a bulkhead. Seat 23 B is a standard Economy Class seat. on Ici, pas d'alternative à Rolls-Royce, un motoriste qui ne travaillait plus avec la compagnie nationale depuis Concorde. Seat 3 C is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 28 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 31 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 33 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 10 L is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. The inflight entertainment monitor is mounted on the bulkhead. Ben Smith, le patron d'Air France-KLM depuis un an, a d'ailleurs mis de l'ordre dans le carnet de commandes dédiant les Boeing 787 à KLM et les A350 à Air France pour rationaliser les flottes. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. The seat is in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat 23 D is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 4 L is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Seat 31 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Espérons que si le funeste Brexit a lieu, il n empêche pas la réussite de cet avion européen magnifique. Seat 25 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Air France's A350-900 features a three class configuration with 34 lie flat Business Class seats, 24 Premium Economy seats and 266 standard Economy Class seats. Seat 24 C is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 9 C is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 21 D is a standard Economy Class seat. The seat is in the last row of the aircraft cabin. This new more environmentally-friendly latest-generation aircraft is equipped with 324 seats, with 34 in the Business cabin, 24 in Premium Economy and 266 in Economy. Toulouse sera donc le premier, on s'en doute. Seat 27 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 36 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 37 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 16 L is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. Seat 38 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 25 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 12 E is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Seat 7 H is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. The tray table and inflight entertainment monitor are in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Seat 45 L is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Seat 10 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Autre tradition, Air France renoue avec le nom de baptême des avions, choisissant pour les A350 des noms de grands sites de l'aviation. Seat 25 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 44 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. Seat 7 J is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Seat 37 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Un nouvel avion, c'est aussi l'occasion de proposer une nouvelle cabine avec des sièges dernier cri. Seat 38 H is a standard Economy Class seat. L'Airbus A350-900, c'est désormais le cheval de bataille d'Air France pour le développement de son réseau long-courrier, aux côtés des 70 Boeing 777. Seat 32 L is a standard Economy Class seat. The proximity to the galley area may be bothersome. Seat 20 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 35 E is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 12 C is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat 27 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 34 C is a standard Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Seat 30 E is a standard Economy Class seat that has additional legroom due to the Exit Row. Seat 26 L is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Devrait suivre Bordeaux pour le deuxième A350 livré courant octobre. The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. Seat 35 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 2 L is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. 2020/01/30 for Seat 4d, on The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. L'arrivée de l'A350 à Air France s'accompagne d'une petite révolution dans les centres de maintenance de la compagnie. Seat 12 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat 5 C is a standard Business Class seat that transforms into a fully lie-flat bed. Vous ne pouvez plus réagir aux articles suite à la soumission de contributions ne répondant pas à la charte de modération du Point. Seat 45 E is a standard Economy Class seat. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. Seat 20 K is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 41 C is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. Seat 43 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Connectez-vous plus rapidement, Vous avez un compte Facebook ? Seat 19 E is a standard Economy Class seat. On September 27, 2019, Air France took delivery of its first Airbus A350 at the Airbus delivery centre in Toulouse (France). The proximity to the lavatories may be bothersome. L' Airbus A350 XWB est un avion de ligne long-courrier et gros porteur du constructeur européen Airbus. Seat 17 B is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 18 L is a standard Economy Class seat. Unaccompanied minors that are flying with Air France are often sat here. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Reportages, analyses, enquêtes, débats. L'engagement d'Air France dans la réduction de son empreinte environnementale passe aussi par le choix d'avions de dernière génération. Seat 32 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 36 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Same applies for 45J and 45L respectively. La boutique Seat 30 H is a standard Economy Class seat that has additional legroom due to the Exit Row. The tray table and inflight entertainment monitor are in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Politique cookies Seat 11 J is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. Seat 20 A is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 22 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Seat 24 J is a standard Economy Class seat. Unaccompanied minors that are flying with Air France are often sat here. There is no floor storage for this seat during taxi, takeoff and landing. Unaccompanied minors that are flying with Air France are often sat here. Pour ce faire, renseignez Seat 33 H is a standard Economy Class seat. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter la page, Annuler le changement de pays/région ou de langue, Promotions, petits prix, cartes de réduction, Autour du voyage : hôtels, voitures, parking, Arrivées – Départs : actualité des vols, Correspondances à Paris-Charles de Gaulle et à Paris-Orly, Vols intercontinentaux / Caraïbes / Océan Indien, Vols en Europe / Afrique du Nord / Israël, Vols en France et au départ des régions françaises, Les vols les moins chers des 6 prochains mois, Paperplane - Carte cadeau et cagnotte cadeau, La Collection Air France : des voyages d'exception jusqu'à -70 %, La carte d'Abonnement pour les entreprises, Notre guide des destinations Air France Travel Guide, Nos offres pour les entreprises et les voyageurs d'affaires, Cartes PRO AIR FRANCE KLM - AMERICAN EXPRESS, Accéder à la page officielle d'Air France sur Facebook, Modalités et frais de réservation en ligne, Afficher directement le contenu de la page, sont indispensables au bon fonctionnement de nos sites, vous permettent de réserver un billet et d'accéder à votre espace personnel en toute sécurité, ne recueillent aucune information personnelle, Nous permettent d'optimiser nos sites et de détecter d'éventuels problèmes techniques, Nous permettent de recueillir des informations anonymes à propos de vos visites sur nos sites, Ne sont jamais utilisés à des fins commerciales, Enregistrent vos préférences selon vos visites précédentes sur nos sites, Nous permettent de vous fournir des offres pertinentes par e-mail, réseaux sociaux et bannières pubicitaires, Permettent à nos partenaires de vous fournir des offres et publicités selon vos centres d'intérêt.