Within this network, everyone has the potential to create and hold their own vision — to live their own calling in life. Der ehemalige McKinsey Berater beschreibt in seinem Werk nichts Geringeres als ein „neues Organisations- und Managementparadigma„. Without even needing to codify a ‘mission statement’, there is a powerful energy in the organisation around his founding vision of transforming community healthcare by operating with a very different organisational model. They are members of other organisations (even a ‘full time’ employee might be a member of a sports club for example.). With this lens, we can look at ‘organisations’ like Buurtzorg differently. In Spiral Dynamics werden Bewusstseinsebenen anhand von Farben beschrieben. It organically grows what’s working, and rejects what isn’t. Sometimes people may bring their own vision to life within de Blok’s vision, as part of the Buurtzorg story. Stefan Hagen, Copyright © 2020 Hagen Management GmbH | Atlassian Solution Partner | Kontakt | Impressum | Datenschutz, Organisation der Zukunft: Reinventing Organizations von Frederic Laloux. Frédéric Laloux ist eines der Aushängeschilder der internationalen New-Work-Bewegung. Genau hier muss wirksame Organisationsentwicklung ansetzen. There are also many relationships which an organisation relies on which extend beyond its edges. Laloux hat diese Farben für sein Konzept etwas abgewandelt, was zu folgender Organisationstypologie führte: Mit der Verwendung der Website wird die Einwilligung erteilt. This view fits with Peter Koenig’s research with hundreds of founders and entrepreneurs where in every case (including highly progressive, decentralised organisations using Sociocracy and Holacracy) when you look closely there’s always one individual holding the vision for the whole. A video series based on the book "Reinventing Organizations" by Frederic Laloux. De Blok has created such a strong sense of what’s in and what’s out, he has to assert virtually no force. Jahre genau untersucht und gibt Hinweise, wohin sich moderne Organisationen bewegen sollten. Der Organisationsentwickler liefert wertvolle Orientierungshilfe und Inspiration, ohne sein Gedankengebäude zum Prinzip zu erheben. Sign up for my two-hour live online workshop. We can do this in a network of relationships based on deep and compassionate human connections, and a quest to create meaning. In self-managed organizations, it’s amazing how sub-sources can suddenly open up their channels wide too. The other — from an energy company — had been succeeded by a new CEO who was not able to fend off attacks to its practices by shareholders when relatively minor difficulties emerged. This is most evident through his practice of personally participating in the induction new recruits, so they truly understand the purpose of the organisation. I’m sharing this in the hope it’ll be useful to Frederic and others who, like me, are hugely inspired by his work. The book contains two examples of formerly highly progressive companies which regressed to more traditional forms. Yet there’s still one person holding the vision for the whole. These founders know that if they have made the overall vision clear, they can set their people free to realise the vision autonomously, using all of their creativity. Self-management: decentralised management without the formal authority of hierarchy or ‘bosses’. Schon einmal war hier auf diesem Blog die Rede von Frederic Laloux’s Bestseller “Reinventing Organizations”. Der Querdenker und Unternehmensberater ist Autor des Bestsellers „Reinventing Organisations“, der als Standardwerk und Pflichtlektüre für zeitgemäße Unternehmensorganisation gilt. In writing the book, it wasn’t easy to try and deconstruct the heroic Orange leadership without falling into Green egalitarianism. (Which carries the risk, in your perspective, that we no longer see any difference and believe that everyone is a source at the same level, which isn’t the case in my experience). It can take some mental gymnastics to do this, not least because we are used to viewing organisations as separate entities in law. Over dinner in Brussels, I confessed to Frederic Laloux that his best-selling book Reinventing Organisations was the very best business book I’d ever read that I couldn’t quite bring myself to recommend to others. You are the first one so far who tells me that I have underemphasized their role! In the book, Laloux describes a number of highly progressive organisations who have embraced three breakthroughs: Wholeness: people bringing their whole self and full humanity to work, without wearing a mask. However, de Blok’s presence is clearly strongly felt by all. Laloux gibt in seinen Buch Einblick in seine Forschung zum Thema Organisationsentwicklung. Genau das tut Laloux mit seiner „Teal Organization“. But consider for a moment that Jos de Blok is actually a node in the global human ecosystem. Absolutely not. Evolution is alive on a global scale, as all human beings sense and create what wants to manifest in the world. In fact, the evolutionary effect is an even bigger phenomenon than he describes in the book. I believe the next leap forward is to transcend organisational thinking as we currently know it, and consider all of humanity as one interconnected ecosystem.