Eevee can evolve into seven different Pokémon depending on what it has in its possession and where it is when it evolves. Instead what is going to impress you with Pokémon Glazed is just how many Pokémon have been crammed in here. A man in the casino will give you the coin case. Then head south into Espo Forest! [older version] Congatulations! 0072 - TANGELA Once you are inside the mountain, go north and there will be an ice puzzle in order to get through. Explore the area and you will see the Mudkip (only one in the game!) He will tell you they track Latias and Latios and will tell you where they are if you ever want to know. Team Fusion Grunt: Lv34 Combusken, Lv 34 Blaziken. Lot of credits to Lucbui as well for making such a masterpiece. He will also give you the move Thief. Head out and sell it. Follow the trail and you will see Henri and Pius fighting some grunts. Head inside the building and talk to him. 0080 - TAUROS We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Glaceon freezes the surrounding air by controlling its body temperature. For this part you need to go back down the ladder then back up so he moves out of the way. Esper Glimmer: Lv34 Slowbro, Lv34 Slowking. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Glaceon in that game. Turn in your green shard first if you want the fossil. 0186 - ANORITH Le deuxième duel de Sacha a lieu sur le Terrain Roche, où il compte sur son Carapuce pour battre un Nidorino. Snowboarder Adam: Lv33 Piloswine, Lv33 Piloswine, Lv33 Mamoswine. 001C - SANDSLASH 0031 - GALVANTULA This is a hack of Diamond and Pearl which just so happens to be one of my favorite generations of Pokémon. Go over the next few bridges. In Turning Heads and Training Hard!, a wild Glaceon was summoned to help Ilima's Eevee perform Extreme Evoboost. 00BD - JUMPLUFF He will want to battle you. Pikachu! You'll encounter a fork in the road. Physical/Special Split – Moves do Physical or Special damage depending on the move, not the type. 006A - HITMONLEE Let's head on over to Mahogany Town. Follow this path and battle 5 more grunts. 001F - NIDOQUEEN Head to the man north of the poke center, it's Bill. Head back to Violet City and go west onto 36. 006B - HITMONCHAN By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry. Stock up and heal up. Fight the four grunts and press A on the rock nearby to obtain a Hard Stone. Inside the house beside the gym, a man can teach your pokemon Ice Punch. He will take you to the location of the sunken Whirl Islands, where Lugia will appear. Mortar and follow the path all the way to the end to pick up a max revive then go back outside. So heal up and fly to the resort and head inside hotel. 004F - SLOWPOKE Upon arriving, you will come across Chelle who is fighting a man with a Jolteon. To the right of the pokemon center is Sora's house and in her room is another pokeball containing Absol (you know what that means), and to the right of her house is a store that sells different pokeballs including a masterball (if you have about 100,000 to spare). 0026 - NINETALES 00A0 - FERALIGATR Just follow this path as you go and pick up Sunny Day then head into the next teleporter. At the end, you will reach Deoxys. Follow the path and go north where you can pick some Oran berries. Remember to use Cut on the bush and retrieve the Fire stone that you passed earlier! He will tell you that you look tired and to go back to the miners hut. 0035 - PERSIAN Enter the cave on the right that you ignored and you will see that you are now able to access it. Go to the last dark spot and dive. Before we leave though we need to do a few things at the Fusion Resort. Faiblesses et résistances (défensives et offensives) du type Glace, liste des Pokémon et des attaques de ce type After defeating the Tunod E4, The roof of the Oceanview Power Plant becomes accessible. Challenge 1: Tyranitar, Scizor, Nidoking, Jirachi, Garchomp, Steelix, or Ninjask, Celebi, Salamence, Vaporeon, Scizor, Smeargle, Challenge 2: Metagross, Rhyperior, Salamence, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Machamp, or Swampert, Milotic, Blissey, Wobbuffet, Skarmory, Celebi, Challenge 3: Charizard, Gyarados, Dragonite, Latias, Linoone, Smeargle, or Groudon, Infernape, Charizard, Tangrowth, Victreebel, Venusaur, Challenge 4: Kyogre, Azumarill, Toxicroak, Kingdra, Latios, Raikou, or Skarmory, Metagross, Heracross, Salamence, Ho-oh, Blissey. Glaceon appears as a trophy alongside its counterpart, Leafeon. Kyurem can be found here. Go all the way south and pick up Toxic. Follow the path into town, you can find a max revive and an ether here. 0180 - AGGRON Head over to the house to the west of the pokémon center. Time to challenge the gym. 015D - VOLTORB Battle her, Henri and Pius will show up. You can't go right so go up to floor two. Once on route 48 go behind the fence and head north to pick up the blank cd. Go into the daycare and you can buy three eggs off a guy. It has long, pointed ears, dark eyes, and a small nose. Any who become captivated by the beauty of the snowfall that Glaceon creates will be frozen before they know it. You can now fly back to where Michael was. Head back to Cherrygrove and go north where the guide will give you a badge case. Luke will ask you to find a Mudkip that ran off and then he would explain everything. 00CB - GIRAFARIG Follow the path, use surf to grab Dragon Claw and a full restore then head to the snowy patch and beat the two grunts. Try to get a poison off on it if? Head outside and pick the berries. Go north up the next set of steps. Go back down and enter it into Jasmines cell to free her. ~Vigilus 28/07/2020. 0170 - TOXICROAK Head inside the Johto League building. Talk to him and he will say that he beat the gym leader, he will then ask for a battle. After typing this, an opening will appear in the forest. Head south and Blake will tell you some things about team fusion. Follow the path and battle the trainers if you want. Congratulations you obtained the Icicle badge! 009E - TOTODILE Grab the Blank Cd off to the left and then go north up the steps. Blake's Darkrai will take you to the Dreamspace. Stratus! After completing the Penthouse Sidequest, travel to Haunted Seaway. Stock your items then head over to the gym. Follow this path west and pick up TM02 : Dragon Claw. Follow the path into the next place and go all the way north where you get to capture Heatran. Snowboarder Ronald: Lv31 Piloswine, Lv31 Swinub. It freezes its fur into icicles, spiky and sharp, and tackles its prey. The hairs then become like needles it can fire. 00A4 - NOCTOWL Choices: left bottle - nothing, center bottle (left) - battle, center bottle (right) - open door, right bottle - warp back to the entrance, Choices: left bottle - open doors, center bottle (left) - nothing, center bottle (right) - battle, right bottle - warp back to the entrance, Choices: left bottle - warp back, center bottle (left) - open door, center bottle (right) - nothing, right bottle - battle, Choices: Left bottle (left) - nothing, left bottle (right) - nothing, center bottle (left) - fight, center bottle (right) - warp back, right bottle (left) - open doors, right bottle (right) - poison, Choices: Left bottle (left) - nothing, left bottle (right) - open doors, center bottle (left) - warp back, center bottle (right) - battle, right bottle (left) - warp back, right bottle (right) - poison, Choices: Left bottle (left) - warp back, left bottle (right) - nothing, center bottle (left) - battle, center bottle (right) - poison, right bottle (left) - nothing, right bottle (right) - open doors, Choices: Left most bottle - nothing, left bottles (left) - heal, left bottle (right) - nothing, center bottles (left) - open doors, center bottles (right) - battle, right bottles (left) - poison, right bottles (right) - battle, right most bottle - poison, Choices: Left most bottle - battle, left bottles (left) - heal, left bottle (right) - poison, center bottles (left) - nothing, center bottles (right) - battle, right bottles (left) - open doors, right bottles (right) - poison, right most bottle - warp, Choices: Left most bottle - heal, left bottles (left) - nothing, left bottle (right) - open doors, center bottles (left) - poison, center bottles (right) - poison, right bottles (left) - warp back, right bottles (right) - nothing, right most bottle - battle.