[72], The wide private and public use of the European Flag is encouraged to symbolise a European dimension. Quelques clarifications placent Van Rompuy comme « stratège » et Barroso comme « chef de gouvernement ». Les activités du Conseil de lEurope intéressent tous les domaines de la vie courante (sauf les questions de défense). There are European Youth Centres in Budapest, Hungary, and in Strasbourg. The European Wergeland Centre, a new Resource Centre on education for intercultural dialogue, human rights and democratic citizenship, operated in cooperation with the Norwegian Government, opened in Oslo, Norway, in February 2009.[48]. [10] The Constitution was rejected by voters in two Member States during ratification but the changes envisaged to the European Council presidency were retained in the Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force on 1 December 2009. Lors des sommets internationaux, aucun accord n'existait quant à savoir qui devrait représenter l'UE, et par conséquent ils ont consenti y assister ensemble. Van Rompuy chose as his first chief of staff (chef de cabinet) Baron Frans van Daele, formerly Belgian ambassador to, variously, the US, the UN, the EU and NATO and chief of staff of several Belgian foreign ministers. Président du Conseil européen – Charles Michel Mandat: décembre 2019 – mai 2022 Nommé par: les dirigeants nationaux (chefs d'État ou de gouvernement des pays de l'UE) Van Rompuy's first council meeting was an informal gathering in the Solvay Library in Leopold Park, rather than the more usual formal gathering in the Justus Lipsius building nearby. Invitations to sign and ratify relevant conventions of the Council of Europe on a case-by-case basis are sent to three groups of non-member entities:[59]. Some regarded it as a guarantee that the horrors of war could never again be visited on the continent, others came to see it as a "club of democracies", built around a set of common values that could stand as a bulwark against totalitarian states belonging to the Eastern Bloc. First meetings were held in Strasbourg's University Palace in 1949, but the Council of Europe soon moved into its own buildings. Les trois principales institutions de l'UE sont chacune dirigées par un président. Addresses by eight monarchs appear in the list (such as King Juan Carlos I of Spain, King Albert II of Belgium and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg) as well as the speeches given by religious figures (such as Pope John Paul II, and Pope Francis) and several leaders from countries in the Middle East and North Africa (such as Shimon Peres, Yasser Arafat, Hosni Mubarak, Léopold Sédar Senghor or King Hussein of Jordan). They debated how to reconcile and reconstruct a continent still reeling from war, yet already facing a new East–West divide, launched the concept of a trans-national court to protect the basic human rights of every citizen, and took the first steps in a process that would eventually lead to the creation of the European Union. Le président dispose aussi d'une voiture avec chauffeur et environ une vingtaine de membres de personnel attribués. Le Conseil européen est l'institution de l'UE qui définit les orientations et les priorités politiques générales de l'Union européenne. [17][18], The president's role is largely political, preparing the work of the European Council, organising and chairing its meetings, seeking to find consensus among its members and reporting to the European Parliament after each meeting; the president will also "at his level and in that capacity, ensure the external representation of the Union on issues concerning its common foreign and security policy, without prejudice to the powers of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security". The complicated situation had renewed some calls to merge the posts, possibly at the end of Barroso's term in 2014. », Présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne, https://www.consilium.europa.eu/fr/european-council/president/, présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne, traité instituant la Communauté européenne, Commissaire européen à l'élargissement et à la politique européenne de voisinage, Commission des affaires constitutionnelles, modèle français de la Cinquième République, Commission européenne (Table: officials, Article 66) 2009, Union européenne (version consolidée des traités), Article 15.5 TUE depuis le traité de Lisbonne, Conférence de presse du président de la République, M. Nicolas Sarkozy 2007, Auteur inconnu (Daily Telegraph) 19 novembre 2009, Secrétariat Général du Conseil de l'UE 2009, Conseil de l'Union européenne - décision du, Auteur inconnu (EUobserver - 02/06/09) 2009, Le Figaro - Éclairage : les principaux points de l'accord, Fiches explicatives sur le traité de Lisbonne, Président du Conseil des ministres d'Italie, Président du Conseil des ministres de Pologne, Président du gouvernement de la Slovaquie, Conférence des présidents des commissions, Contrôleur européen de la protection des données, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Président_du_Conseil_européen&oldid=173494999, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. La présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne, ou couramment présidence de l'Union européenne [N 1], est une présidence tournante du Conseil de l'Union européenne (ou Conseil des ministres). Le Conseil est présidé par chaque Etat pour six mois (de janvier à juin et de juillet à décembre) à tour de rôle selon un ordre préétabli. The presidency of the European Council was based on the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with it being hosted by the member state holding the council presidency, rotating every six months. The Council of Europe created, and has since 1955 used as its official symbol, the European Flag with 12 golden stars arranged in a circle on a blue background. [70], The working conditions of staff are governed by the Council's staff regulations, which are public. The Council of Europe's most famous achievement is the European Convention on Human Rights, which was adopted in 1950 following a report by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly, and followed on from the United Nations 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' (UDHR). Il est donc entré réellement en fonction le 1er janvier 2010. Bien que le président du Conseil européen ne puisse pas tenir de fonctions au niveau national, tel que celle de Premier ministre d'un État membre, il n'y a pas de telles contraintes quant aux fonctions européennes. Une telle conception attirerait les anciens leaders nationaux semi-retraités cherchant un apogée à leurs carrières et déléguant la majeure partie de leur travail à la fonction publique au lieu d'exercer leur pouvoir sur les institutions[7]. [3] His term was later extended with a second period ending on 30 November 2014. La première considère que le président devrait s’en tenir à son rôle administratif comme le précisent les traités, incarnant ainsi le porte-drapeau qui siègerait aux réunions et assurerait le fonctionnement harmonieux des institutions, organes et politiques. In response, Russia withheld its annual membership dues in the amount of 33 million euros,[83] placing the institution under financial strain. While it is comparable to the French model, where there is a president (the European Council president) and prime minister (the Commission president), the Council president does not hold formal powers such as the ability to directly appoint and sack the Commission president, or the ability to dissolve Parliament. [6], The first meeting of all EU (then EC) heads of state or government was held in 1961 as an informal summit, but only became formalised in 1974, when it was baptised "European Council" by the then French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. Cette présidence tournait tous les six mois ce qui signifiait qu'il y avait deux présidents par an. Quel est le lien entre les élections présidentielles et votre vote? Ukrainian ambassador to the EU Andriy Veselovsky praised the framework and clarified it in his own terms: The president of the European Commission speaks as the EU's "government" while the new president of the European Council is a "strategist". "European High-level Delegations visit Paranal", "Unclear EU treaty provisions causing 'nervousness, Ukraine gives positive appraisal of new-model EU, "Poland to showcase its EU credentials in Brussels extravaganza", "Belgian presidency sets parliament in its sights", "COUNCIL DECISION of 1 December 2009 laying down the conditions of employment of the President of the European Council", "Regulation No 422/67/EEC, 5/67/Euratom of the Council", "Member states consider perks and staff for new EU president", "MEPs to use budget power over EU president perks", "A President of Europe is not Utopian, it's practical politics", "British Conservatives call for EU to return powers", "Why the Franco-German Plan would institutionalise 'cohabitation' for Europe", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=President_of_the_European_Council&oldid=973545082, 2009 establishments in the European Union, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from October 2010, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles needing additional references from March 2017, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 August 2020, at 20:29.