It was formed as an investment firm in 2015 after raising over $400 million on the Toronto Stock Exchange as a special purpose acquisition company – the largest of its kind in Canadian history. By investing Discovery Parks’ assets in startups focused on the intersection between life sciences and technology, Nimbus aims to improve health through BC-led innovation.. . We look for investments that leverage the power of the Internet to make businesses smarter. . 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If you're an entrepreneur with a plan for success, talk to one of our investment fund partners. Strawhouse helps high growth companies acquire new customers online with its pioneering digital acquisition strategy. Alternately, you can email the documents to the branch at It invests in early stage Nova Scotia entrepreneurs, combining venture capital with business mentoring and incubation facilities. Fairfax seeks to differentiate itself by combining disciplined underwriting with the investment of its assets on a total return basis, which Fairfax believes provides above-average returns over the long-term. The official publication of the Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, CVCA Central is the primary information hub for the Canadian private capital industry. McCain Capital is a patient investor, not bound by short-term return expectations or liquidity requirements. Fund Investments. Ripple Ventures is an early-stage venture fund based in Toronto, Canada. Launched as an exempt market dealer in 2014, the role of PearTree Securities is to work with Canadian Resource Exploration Companies to arrange and close structured flow through donation financing placements under PearTree Financial’s market-leading FTSDF program. Everpay is multilingual, open, mobile and social payment processing platform which will revolutionize the industry. It prefers to invest in the aerospace and defense, building products, construction and engineering, media, retail, transportation, financial services, healthcare devices, healthcare supplies and services, communications and networking, software, chemicals, and industrials sectors. “lessons learned”. About 80% of Canada’s population But we do more than simply provide capital. The government is even trying to encourage the growth of the VC sector. Rather, it brings an entrepreneurial and flexible approach to partnerships, providing permanent capital, strategic guidance, and operational support.. Hub & Company is a venture studio and consultancy operating in the Toronto-Waterloo corridor. Launch Capital is a Toronto based family office which provides strategic venture capital and advisory services to assist innovative companies fuel growth and drive shareholder value. FA Capital’s innovative platform offers disproportionate incentives (contractually) for growth in favour of our partner entrepreneurs. December, 2003. Model: We leverage our global experience and presence while working closely with each of our companies to prepare them for later stage financing and growth. It aims to create regulatory-compliant security and revenue-sharing token designed to support and participate in the growth of emerging companies. Widely considered one of the best VC firms for early stage start-ups, Real Ventures focuses investment predominantly on disruptive technology. It is one of the most exciting additions to the province’s technology industry and the newest member of Discovery Parks’ group of companies. At listing its over $2,500,000 investment portfolio was primarily in mineral development companies with interests in gold, nickel and copper properties. Their investee firms – diverse both by sector and by geography – are successful private and public enterprises that generate cash flow and have experienced leadership teams.. . Its … Insights about their portfolio, exits, top trending and most active investors are also included. The company has been under present management since 1985 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. By bringing these companies together to share resources, industry specific knowledge, and relationships, Nimbus is accelerating their growth and increasing their likelihood of success. Shown below are the largest venture capital firms by AUM and dry powder from 2007 - 2017 from the Preqin Venture Report. [CDATA[ Kepler Capital is a private equity firm that focuses on acquiring exceptional small businesses throughout North America. Innovacorp is an early-stage venture capital firm that helps knowledge-based startups commercialize their technologies in the global marketplace. For more info please contact: [email protected]. Maple Leaf Angels are an experienced group of private investors looking for great entrepreneurs, great products and great companies. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}}function B(){var b={},c;c=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(!c.length)return{};var a=c[0];if(! They have a primary focus on the insurance industry. INITIAL INVESTMENT. Origin House is a cannabis product and brands company operating across key markets in the U.S. and Canada, with a strategic focus on becoming a preeminent global house of cannabis brands. Nimbus Synergies leads early-stage financings in innovative and complementary digital health companies in British Columbia. Longbow Capital is a private equity investment management company that invests in the energy and technology sector. Our capital markets professionals offer expertise in a complete range of investment banking services as well as institutional sales and trading.. Numus Financial is a venture capital firm focused on early-stage, high-growth companies. NACO accelerates a thriving, early-stage investing ecosystem in Canada by connecting individuals, groups, and other partners that support Angel-stage investing. Our initial investment typically ranges from $2M to $5M in Series A or B rounds with up to $15M invested over the life of the company. Fairfax’s corporate objective is to achieve a high rate of return on invested capital and build long-term shareholder value. //
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