‘Lurking in the Woodwork’. Success led to excess, which helped lead us to where we are now–too much “stuff” that our society increasingly cannot sustain–and demography will make things even more challenging. Many lefties hate him, too. Of course it would be for a political reason. In the movie they became lovers, lol. It helped that my wife has relatives all over the country. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact. But anyhoo, Bob is the ex and he started the spiral in this particular instance per the article. The true conservatives, the true traditionalists have long since been trampled and buried by successions of liberal civilizational changes, structures. While a small percentage of dissenters | deniers get a lot of megaphone time, how much should we be swayed by their story (lousy models, human activity is inconsequential on a planetary scale, the rate of warming is very low, and even that is not caused by CO2 increases, and so on)? Here’s to hoping John McAfee isn’t extradited and confined in some brutal American prison; that the Spanish authorities release him with permission to remain in the country. The white stone and a new name They were like training wheels or primer books – meant to take the mind and skill level of the average White child and let them begin to learn about tools, materials, engineering, quality, paint, glue, and the artistry of crafting and producing the elemental building blocks of White civilization. Yeah, she says she is now a non descript entity. Never No more battle to overcome sin, but a new creation to live in eternal purity! The mission, early in the Vietnam war, is shrouded in mystery. The greatest threat to our social order at present is the mass prohibition on whites being allowed to push back against excesses by blacks behaving in socially unacceptable ways. Other times He kicks butt. My question is, has the US gone down the self destruct path far enough to go away? Josephine considers that there are degrees of not feasible. To all CFNers with medical experpience or expertise, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/mystery-brain-disease-public-health-1.6031025. All the virgins are exempt and will be a clean pool of unaltered Human genes for whatever they have planned. I said, in April 2021, that we would be closer to VaxPass by April 2022. Now she abides in the slim pits at the edge of existence. What did Hereward say that in any way invoked your “white supremacist, white nativist, utter white grievance” jibber jabber? I love dark humor! This explains the constant psychological projections it spews out, such as calling genuine truth seekers “paranoid conspiracy theorists” merely for questioning things and thinking critically. Since the 50s, rotten parenting has degraded the American human being. But covid does seem to have allowed them to push that agenda up in time without people thinking about it much. The hidden manna is the help that you get when you pray for it in those times. Salvation! The ideal would be to format individuals from birth by limiting their innate biological skills. That skillset is not entirely racial, Janos. Does anyone have the answer? Songwriters: Tuomas Lauri Johannes Holopainen This, on my micro scale, is what we are losing on a macro scale. An uncultured individual has only a limited horizon of thought and the more his thought is restricted to mediocre concerns, the less he can revolt. Speaking of the Fiat Forest, take note: The first year and a bit of the graph are the last months of greenbacks being “as Good as gold.” The graph lines flip at Nixon’s making US$ pure fiat in Aug. 1971. Obviously I don’t believe Dr Fauci is up to anything nefarious, and nor is he in their for personal financial gain beyond his salary … the reasons the US might have been cooperating with the Chinese on coronavirus research – I’m sure there are good epidemiological reasons for doing so. I agree with you about passivity – they don’t respect that at all. A child is born… but not exactly the way he thought it happened. Gotta be ice cold. “No worries about the stupid people falling for the ‘vax’ scam and accepting the gene ‘therapy.’ Most of them will be dead or permanently disabled within the year. And if it does exist , whether the population is five zillion , or just five. It takes a particular type of sociopath or psychopath to be able to do that. 1,000-year reign of Earth by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, [Now there’s an essay outline for ya, Yoho.]. Michael Burry & Scion Asset Mgt., the fella who from the movie, “The Big Short”, is at it again with his bets on inflation, and that Tesla stock will tank. You are damned Right that I have an agenda: The Truth. No – it will be life-time gold-card membership at Mar-a-Lago. But you have to really feel it. Where will capital be headed? That’s management or being a commissar. Sometimes I’d even play the Ugly American role, just for the hell of it, wear a USA cap, or one of my Navy ships caps, into bars (which are everywhere) This was during the Iraq war. Happiness does not have to be dependent on the straight white christian males having 100% of the power levers. Heroine of the Left, Rebekah Jones, has cut a broad swath of destruction for years. Because their deaths were not in the combat zone, their names were not allowed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. We have been told that this was the only way God could end up with a quality product in the end of time, and that God knew ahead of time that only a tiny percentage of men would “pass the test” and become the sons of God. I loved it when he spouted the truth in a way politicians never do. Music. He did so once – back in the old country. Has it been mentioned yet, that this may mean there’s a ‘nigger in the woodpile’? . Schweitzer hadn’t. It seems to me that the Republicans have created their own moral tragedy – and is the reverse of “the high ground”. Visit this blog’s sponsor. Yet the problem with that view is that it lessens the problem but does not resolve it fully. Maybe I’ll do a book report. And yes, one could then say, it’s sort of a forced infantilization. One can dream. Remember when you receive a piece of welfare from the government, it was stolen from someone else! The real cost of wind and solar, the fact that they are unreliable and produce far less than the theoretical output claimed, they have a short productive life, and they make electricity grids unstable. He would tend to the spout the inconvenient truth every once in awhile. Faith in God is foolish. ”. I gotta wonder, on that topic, why so many Christians go to Disneyland and watch all the Hollywood garbage? his alarming argument that our oil-addicted, technology-dependent Dumb as a house-brick. Best not to keep picking at them. That’s some of the best drama I’ve ever seen. Pay 100% of the employees health insurance? According to them the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis was a wild conspiracy theory, propounded by Trump, and baseless they said, and that was all there was to that folks, until the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said maybe not so fast, that maybe the pandemic really DID arise from a fuck-up in that virology lab. He can not possibly. Bush unified the intelligence arm into being a tool for the Deep State. First, federal law prohibits any mandate of the Covid-19 vaccines as unlicensed, emergency-use-authorization-only vaccines. “Do you wonder how much of the shadowy activity in the DOJ has simply been an effort to protect Mr. Obama?” – JHK. He wants to spread it: Why is no one helping Megan Markle!? Some folks don’t need direction – they are naturals. Anybody who actually reads knew that this pandemia was a gigantic fraud since at least March 2020. History repeats because the Evil which is the dark side of Man’s character never goes away and actually grows with time. Jesus never even tried to explain the Kingdom or essence of God. This is the Biggest crime in the history of mankind. I remember that our childhoods (60’s, 70’s) were very easy and uncomplicated. God loves you. A few weeks back, came across a couple of You Tube videos of Lynyrd Skynyrd performing in Oakland the summer of 1979; about three months before the plane crash. Is that sign. Go to your room and think about what you’ve done. I never expected it to come up here on CFN, BB, but you Just made mention of my favourite website: Leave your expectations at the gate when you enter Mr. K’s garden. FAREWELL TO A GREAT MAN About a dozen people shot at a backyard birthday party in S. New Jersey. One thing I distinctly remember is they always had a 50 gallon drum of Ballentine ale on ice in their garage. Fact: Magnets are hanging off jab points on shoulders in videos. She can’t stay away from drugs. I don’t know if it was fully formed as an idea yet. She’s at her best when she says what others won’t. Bravo. political and economic turmoil in the 21st century—the end of affordable Hitler’s types of methods are outdated. . My Father was great with his hands. Mr Kunstler is arguing based on how things are right now. Buses. I like the point you make, which many forget or never knew: that the current world order (at least since the renaissance, if not much before) is a fundamentally LIBERAL one. The universe is comprised of trillions, quadrillions of stars each with their own function. 1974 was a terrible year and everyone knew things were falling apart in 74. It seems short-sighted to me as they know that God will Right this mess. Did you read the NWO mindset that MaryV posted? Is this better or worse than marrying the Berlin Wall? ). They want to keep their perks and privilege. Yoho, is it ok for me to be a tiny bit Happy thinking that God will punish such sickening behaviour? It’s time to segregate the lunatics into designated socialist states & let the rest of us live in designated constitutional states. will result in the deformation of all nations (including USA) and the formation of our One World Government. 1. The FOUR-YEAR-OLD is dead. I wish I could show you some of his work. YES. of Def. I have respect for Marjorie Greene for sticking to her guns. Stupid is as stupid does. Do I hear the running steps of capital leaving the country? Isn’t there a book or movie out called ‘Bright Green Lies’? On what Donald Trump said about 9/11, this was the closest thing I could find, a phone interview where he mentions how the buildings were constructed and that he thought bombs had to have brought them down: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=140101, “The Official Version of 9/11 goes something like this… There’s nobody there anymore. The root is the Latin “fundare”, meaning “to found”. Get the vaccine…. Wasn’t it W.C. Fields who used the expression “Ubangi in the Fuel Supply?”. Yoho: It was their job to protect the first family mentally? As some brilliant SOB once wrote: “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, etc, etc”. I believed and how That’s what you got in the connivance of the anti-Trump Deep Staters and The News bringing you three years of RussiaGate, Robert Mueller’s coverup operation for RussiaGate, and Rep. Adam Schiff lying his ass off without any penalty. If you don’t understand why the comments above were totally racist and white supremacist, then I can’t help you. A note re credit cards: basically debt honey traps. https://www.takimag.com/article/only-in-florida-crazed-woman-stalks-governor/. Now I have no doubt that it is true , as some have said , that the politicians have finally figured out that they can print money to infinity , so they can continue this war on everybody , by everybody , in perpetuity . India Sees Surge Of Deaths And Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out – The World We Live In Conditioning will thus produce such integration itself, that the only fear – which must be maintained – will be that of being excluded from the system and thus of not having access to the conditions necessary for happiness. MaryV, you can take the girl out of Kansas, but not Kansas out of the girl. The mainstream media and social media engineers (those that push the day’s narratives and pile-ons) have done so much damage to society that I consider them as responsible for the carnage as their puppeteer bosses. If not religious , then it is rather unambiguous ; It’s eternal damnation for billions , and not a few of them were guilty of nothing more than slipping on a banana peel , or the crime of being two days old. US Politician 2: “I love Israel more!” A right not exercised, is essentially a right that has been forfeited. UFOs then President Harris or President Harris then UFOs? Umm … Hunter Biden was not elected president … why does his behaviour have the slightest relevance to anything? Neither one makes a great citizen in the Revolutionary War sense. Totalitarian state is here. One of the forces at work is our old friend from physics class: entropy, the god of disorder, randomness, and uncertainty. Agriculture made idle time. History teacher who outed holocaust fraudster Joseph Hirt calls for apology or criminal prosecution Joseph Hirt points out a number that he had tattooed on his own arm while pretending to be a holocaust survivor at one of the many classrooms in which he has spoken. Oops? The facts of Divine Revelation to which the Church bears witness? The smallest chips in the world are around 2 mm wide. https://www.totalwine.com/beer/ale/pale-ale/american-pale-ale/ballantine-xxx-ale/p/9228126?glia=true&s=303&&pid=cpc:Core+Catalog+-+Shopping%2BUS%2BNEWJ%2BENG%2BSPART::bing::&msclkid=884d275446061c902ea847fe91e4d4ce&gclid=884d275446061c902ea847fe91e4d4ce&gclsrc=3p.ds, https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/447/876/, I hope so Marlin,. In any case, the hard world of hard fact always has the last word. The wife an mother of the 2 men is interviewed. Makes me laugh, “an elaborate joke, really,” sez our esteemed host, and that it surely is, and those four words will no doubt resonate as one of the top10 understatements of the 21st Century. Yeah, it’s clearly yet another hate crime hoax. They do take it with them when they die. “It is past time that we properly honor those lost. Melania should probably be canonized. He decided to “Pull it” anyway. Read the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay. A TV show, calling itself “Access Hollywood” with a Bush as a host, held on to an eleven year old outtake, and then tried to use it to take a political outsider out of the running. I agree, the USA was the World leader since WWII but those days are gone. (Perfection is not having to chose*.). The NWO paranoid are the exact fit! God has reasons for where we are headed. You think God, DNA has a hand in it somehow? ). Who got trapped? 15 Yoho: a is a, as John Galt said. I am not sure that I like your Police work, there Shill. The rest are just labels as no one is just one thing. Top headline at Yahoo News: “Amazon Halts Construction After 7 Nooses Found on Site in Windsor, Connecticut. The jokesters have surely got some gigantic misconceptions about themselves, their power, their schemes, their state of knowledge of the world and its varied people which they apparently think they can control, which I most humbly submit that they do not and cannot. Why did Soros care WHO was the DA in Philadelphia? Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Five percent of the population. With regard to the general public, the dummying down contributed greatly to that amid the populace. Most people don’t know their rights or the law. Congratulations! One cell organizes into three trillion cells that coordinate themselves with thousands of reactions a minute enough to make a home for a human mind. Beneath all the analysis, it is fear. But the USSR imploded! Not a fine Craftsman like this guy, but a Jack of all Trades. Nobody made a big deal about the Churchills being indians, leastways the Churchills. to the far reaches of the pit. All I wish is to dream again, My loving heart Well … there needs to be a balance – as in most things in a happy life. I’m listening. Peak America: Depends on who and where you were. they will either destroy him or devour him. Are you a member of nambla AND stumping for changing laws and lowering the age of consent it would make sense if you are? It makes me sick, wherever I go, the workers are still forced to labor with their breathing restricted, any many cases behind plexiglass. It wasn’t meant for just you, Pat. So what does that tell us? I didn’t realize they used ‘y’all’ in New Zealand. I wonder what drug the fam will choose to get high on for the visit? As a social tranquilizer, there’s nothing better. She hardly an exemplar for their side. He’s already partly in the spirit world, sometimes intently telling us things that seem important to him, “Take this book. But not many. https://dailystormer.su/watch-obese-teacher-verbally-abuses-vaccinated-student-for-not-wearing-a-mask-in-wisconsin. Uh, the little people elected the rat’s nest that is DC now. You’re the only one that insults this forum. If religious , then the most you can credibly , or sincerely ( ? ) These agencies may be working on behalf of the Dems but the Republicans didn’t do anything about it when they were in charge. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/rebekah-jones-admits-she-was-never-asked-to-delete-covid-deaths-in-florida/. If those same yahoos would have succeeded, Jimmy would have done absolutely nothing different and gone down in history as a gutsy genius. When stuff like ‘Lil’ Miss Hot Mess’ is being fed to our young kids, it’s no wonder why Tucker asks in exasperation, ‘how much more of this are we going to take’? While Mr Kunstler is correct that a self-organizing reality of more dynamic forces than any coterie of megalomaniacs could hope to control will prevail, the game’s afoot and a coterie of megalomaniacs are, Right now, indeed trying to control the future of mankind. The unraveling of the USSR happened very, very quickly. They wore buttons with an image of their father, Albert Francis Williams Jr., who died in the crash. That’s her thing. Or outright lies? What was Mr. Soros thinking? Is good and evil learned or genetically built in? To me it looks more like a lot of small-minded opportunists trying to carve out a chunk of tax revenue to support their personal lifestyles, rather than a vast, coordinated conspiracy– They want to use Race to eliminate certain Races in the name of Diversity. 17 The New World Order mindset promotes so much fear because it feels so much fear. 50-year history sounds impressive but that’s Just a map of where we have been since we got lost in the forest. We’ll occupy the minds with what’s futile and playful. A better date, in my opinion, would be November 22, 1962, the day Castro was told that the Soviets were taking the nukes back home. They don’t care that he returned Libya to a slave state, or that he drone-killed an American citizen, or that he tried to pass the TPP, or the 5 new wars he started. One of the biggest contributors to the CO2 generation is concrete manufacturing, or as an alternative asphalt. Today we have parents that design their lives around their kids. Or high-speed rail? He’s fading and making an ass of himself, but he hasn’t gone down for the count yet. Again, persuasion must be used not direct violence: massively, through television, entertainment will always flatter the emotional or instinctive. oil, climate irregularities, and flagging economic growth, to name a We have the facade we live in that most people take as reality (which JHK and others have pointed out) is not sustainable, and that is where most people think they are. He better be careful with those 5th dimensional beings if you know what I mean. Bingo This is the old 100th. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/15/planet-lockdown.aspx. Meanwhile, in The Community itself, Shootin’ Season has begun with the arrival of warm weather; at least 8 Club Members shot in various cities so far this week. He sips water and sucks on small sponges dipped in ice water. Elizabeth Warren of all people spoke up and said this is a complete violation of their constitutional rights. He is seated at the Right-hand of our Father. Learn to live with it … you will feel much better, and certainly sleep much better – even in Boring Idaho. bar bottles. The interstates. For good reason. Dunham was gravely injured and died eight days later. I’ve been posting about the AIDS plandemic for weeks up here. That first paragraph is a wonderful example of why I look forward to Saturday and Tueday mornings each week (I live in Japan). Shouldn’t she stay with them and comfort more of them? that these individuals are a sub-race. So they’re trying to make something bigger out of it. If there was ever a time when being willing to work hard paid off, that was it. I admit that if we go back to hunter gathering or even agriculture, we will not need the high IQ that we have evolved. Of course Tekapo does not explain how he knew that the Shanksville airplane was headed for the Capital Bldg in DC. This feels like that. Compelling any employee or customer to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates international, federal, and state law. Do you believe Jesus followed this “moral code”? The key is discipline and setting examples. And also because they know what such things would do to their brand going public. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Busch honoring fallen Scio marine in weekend NASCAR race, Local police crackdown on drivers who fail to stop for school buses, Celebrating 25 years of service: Exclusive interview with retiring Elmira Police Chief Joe Kane, Stef Collins to coach England basketball team in Commonwealth Games, Watkins Glen International ready for IMSA weekend with fans, Twin Tiers Overtime preview – Corning CC softball, NY Senate passes bill that extends SNAP benefits to restaurants, NYS bill allowing forest, park rangers to carry EpiPens heads to Governor next, COVID milestone: 50% of US adults now fully vaccinated, NY bill passes allowing helicopter ambulances to carry and distribute blood, Governor Cuomo Announces $3.5 Billion in Assistance for Renters and Small Businesses, Dollar General withdraws plans for Arkport location, Gov. That was a lot! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc3zkV4djBE. …if you wound up in Korea or Vietnam, and came back in good mental and physical condition. Instead, Jo Just calls the whole thing ridiculous and stomps off to her room. Sometimes it doesn’t even hide its involvement. What’s changed? And now he must leave home at Christmas time. How to finish the maturation of a populace? I got the modern five months ago and so far so good. By the time we enter all of these into the equation, we find that God is largely shouldered out of His own universe. Assuming two hours per lawn (including travel time), he’s up to 1400 hours per month. So many somethings to “spark off a real secession” and so little time but the top three IMHO: 1. Lost in the dark So, they lost all their clients. What about the 200K years humans thrived before vaccines? The average car tire requires 7 gallons of oil to manufacture. That is why they are blue. Of course the more learned know enough to trust their own immune systems and aren’t just apathetic or reflexively against the Government (which isn’t a bad reflex these days). Now it is time for the Biblical fireworks that He has prophesized. The worst thing about the Trump years was that he enabled his adversaries to get away with turning bad faith into the greatest virtue of all. We continue to emerge from chrysalis after chrysalis, facing crisis after crisis, like war, disease, atom bombs, and now our harrowing, hyper complex society of interdependence, overpopulation, climate concerns, and diminishing resources. But now most do. Cold = bad. Unfettered nutjobbery. War on poverty ( which seems to be working out as a war on poor people , not a war on lack of steaks in the icebox . This Spanish woman was filmed hugging one of the invaders. It’s easy to make a small wind farm to power a light bulb, or a test aircraft that flies on plastic bags (if I may be slightly sarcastic) and then say look! I am wondering why she chose to equate wearing masks to the Holocaust. We have far more room to maneuver if it goes up a few. Today we have parents that design their lives around their kids. Secondly, conditioning would be continued by drastically reducing education, to bring it back to a form of professional integration. I will make myself like the Most High. Seems to me he has another agenda. The religious part, you could take or leave, depending on your belief system, or whatever. Turns out my Soviet pals did so , back in 1985 ! I feel bad for him, but I think the Family should expect the worse and protect themselves from him, basically cut him off until if and when he comes crawling back. This happened with other people as well. You could maybe argue that for a leader of a nation that covers eight time zones to make out like he is equals and pals with a ten year old is sickeningly dishonest. How can you inject people if you are dead? Something happened where they allowed Trump in, I think. Our mini-ice ages caused pestilence, famine and real pandemics. Why not hydrogen busses like elsewhere? You might actually find that sharing it around creates a much better life for everyone. The loss when these men die to society is immeasurable. Oh wow man, far out. Growth hormones, antibiotics, herbicides, pestacides, fertilizers, GMO, salmon farming, etc., etc. THAT’s who and what she cares about. A log mansion in the Adirondack Mountains… Third, conditioning continued employment or the right to travel upon participating in a medical experiment and demanding disclosure of private, personal medical information, may also create corporate liability under other federal and state laws, including HIPAA, FMLA, and applicable state tort law principles, including torts prohibiting and proscribing invasions of privacy and battery. And nobody wants what the US of A is now selling. It could be the halftime show at next year’s Super Bowl. If you cross a Golden Retriever with a German Shepherd, sometimes the mutt might want to retrieve and sometimes it might want to guard or shepherd. Privacy, forget it. (WETM) — On May 17, Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to President Biden calling for a fourth stimulus check. Only matter of time before they turn their misery on each other.”. I stopped watching TV twenty years ago. It is your example that doesn’t apply. I caught some of it from a boat on the Connecticut River a few years ago. Many of us have foreseen this, because we understand what the true goal of the Covid19 hoax is. These dynamic forces are not necessarily hidden; many are working in plain sight and you can make pretty good guesses as to what’s up with them. Obama’s puppet. Two complaints have been filed against Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) after reports surfaced that he bought securities at low prices, then profited after their value soared during the pandemic — and allegedly did not properly disclose his actions. “I think before long we’ll understand the role he continues to play in the country’s affairs, and it’s going to be an unappetizing discovery. that the reciprocal of a non-zero number x is 1/x I’ve had the jabs and I tried hanging a magnet on my shoulder to no avail. The Deep State hides its involvement well. Watching the world from this perspective, it is easy to see why the End of Times may be approaching. Instead of exploring the universe, we’ve become nurse maids to people who hate us – and thus their victims as well. Having been jabbed already, this news makes me a little uneasy, but as I’ve said before, que sera, sera. Extra arms? New York news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5 NY serving New York City, Long Island, New York, New Jersey and Westchester County.
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