I think this a question Africans are trying to get answered for over five hundred years. If Christianity, for example feared science and logic, why would they have founded so many prestigious universities? Moses is the one GOD use to deliver his people Isreal from Eygpt or Pharoah. If people from the five major religions are told conflicting information by their respective gods, should any of them be believed? So I can't answer it. With its good data handling and graphical capabilities, SAS is an important tool for a data scientist / analyst. but options displays the wrong answer. :). 2. We don’t convert atheists to be like us, we convert them, to (get saved. I couldn't find anything to praise you for. Why reconize a higher Authority. Part of this problem. I hope you put them to Christians! 18. I despise being questioned, especially personal questions or inquiries as to how I live my life and why....what I believe or do not believe. Light is the medium through which God communicates to man. But keep in mind religion has also donated to charity Does that not count for anything? Travis, sorry for taking so long to reply. In the second option, you can see that we have used the similar syntax to advance the date value by 2 months. We strive to provide our candidates with excellent care.As always, we appreciate you confidence and trust in us. Emotion is a feeling we cannot control, they come out naturally and spontaneously. The Mentionables chose to tackle the 39 questions in this article. How biased is that? love your neighbour as yourself. These are questions that Christians (or members of any other religion) simply cannot answer.". Q5) After executing below SAS program, how many observations would be AV dataset? BTW God believes in you, even if you don't believe in Him. An all-knowing God can read your mind, so why does he require you to demonstrate your faith by worshiping him? 5. Please leave a comment to let me know what they say (or answer them yourself) or what other questions you think could be asked. A total of 977 people participated in this skill test. It depends on how one defines kind and charitable. We can not apply WHERE on derived or calculated variable(s) so we should use IF for subsetting. If this voice in my head asked me to volunteer and help make a difference to the world, I would assume that it's God and go ahead with it. 4. Maybe if this Atheist was a Hitler type person, destroying religion, then maybe God would ask me to kill him. En effet nos livres ne nous donnent pas assez d'informations, et internet n'est pas d'une plus grande aide. Thanks for commenting Ildiwelsh. Can a mass murderer go to heaven for accepting your religion, while a kind doctor goes to hell for not? How can you tell the voice of God from the voice of the Devil? This is probably the best tactical disposition the devil can come up, using us against our creator instead of simply killing us. 11. And, remove observation having the lower magnitude of variable “Volume”? Why can humans also consider the same in respects of living life without an end on a paradise earth. The angel question is pointless, because there would be no limitation and thus no final number. 1,2, 9. Why do we? Both Option A and B will create these dummy variables but after execution of both program you will not be able to create exactly similar dataset like AV because it will have more number of variables and the values of dummy variables for “Loan_Status_H” and “Loan_Status_N” is swapped in output table “AV”. Not all people accepted Paul’s message, but Paul had a duty to perform. The scripture however warns us that this mantra is but a transient plan by the devil to lure us into his trap and ultimately eliminate us and replace us with a being that is non-redeemable by God. People confuse a comment with judging. In bubble chart, we have three variables to visualize. My answer: Sure why not? alignment: controls the alignment of SAS dates, within the interval, used to identify output observations. I like this list, especially the one about cancer, thanks man this should get the people at my school who are religious something to think about. They just pray for them and hope that they see the light. Does this ever cause you to doubt their intentions? This is used for a registered author who enrolls in the HubPages Earnings program and requests to be paid via PayPal. I believe the ONLY way to speak reasonably or objectively about religious issues is to first consider and study the OPPOSING view point with as much rigor as we have studied our original view point. Q14) Which of the following statement will help to convert “Avg” to numeric format? Many other manuscripts of the new testament have been found written around that timeframe. These would be fun conversations. Before this scientific focus of our modern era, science and logic were apparently seen as subordinate to belief and superstition. The voice of your Dad from other males ? If a hundred different religions have to be wrong for yours to be right, does this show that people from all over the world like to invent gods that don’t exist? I simply believe God to some people is just no more then a subject. Yet each and every person who wishes to belief its teachings is 100% free to do so. I have to say you have very good questions and there is an answer for them all but I will just respond to the last because you left the good for last. Dear Readers, Welcome to Marketing Interview questions with answers and explanation. We request you to post this comment on Analytics Vidhya's, 40 must know Questions on Base SAS for Analysts (Skill test Solution). I am sure each newspaper, will consider an act of their God. find it. 1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Ultimately, thought is what an atheist should be trying to elicit. The fact that humans behave this way does not mean that Christianity is the problem or is actually flawed. A. Again, Thomas, your questions inspire a Universe full of conscious thought........Thank you..............UP++++. By saying there is no God . The Christian God, Jesus, because He has proven Himself, but the reason you atheist cannot find proof, is because you don’t want proof, just like a thief doesn’t want to find the police. If an organized religion requires a civilization in which to spread, how could this civilization exist without first having a moral code to make it civil? I challenge anyone to provide a concrete, direct answer to any of Thomas' question.". maybe some did maybe some didnt. Ultimately, thought is what an atheist should be trying to elicit. I believe it is healthy for humans to ask questions. And finally, it´s easier to become a good person if there is no-one putting pressure on you with ¨be good cause otherwise...¨. Why do we? To provide a better website experience, hubpages.com uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. We recently conducted a skill test on SAS. If you could have the technological advancement to detect light or darkness entering through a persons mind or soul, if you could not, then God said a tree can be known by its fruits for a good tree bears good fruits and a bad tree bears bad fruits. Or maybe he just felt like doing it in a relaxing manner, and thought "I wanna make it in 6 days; because I can.". Also, Hebrews 1:1-2 says, “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”. He wanted everything to work according to his terms and he believe he can force God into this situation using the schemes he plotted. Just as much I don't want to prove whether there is a Santa Claus or a Harry Potter or James Bond or the fairy at the bottom of the garden. There is no condemnation for Christianity (true christianity at least).