Grenoble EM dans les classements. The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs stated in a June 12 press release, given the importance of the attractiveness of French higher education,... On June 15 2020, the Financial Times published a new edition of the Master in Finance ranking, the first one since 2018. Nos MBA Part-Time et Full Time figurent tous deux dans les classements publiés le 09 mars 2020. Students on the MSc Fashion, Design and Luxury Management program, from both the Grenoble and Paris campus eagerly awaited the representatives... Grenoble Ecole de Management’s part-time MBA is ranked 18th in Europe in the QS Global 100 EMBA Rankings by Region, published in March 2017. Accréditations et labels Our Full-Time MBA obtained its best score on the diversity criteria with 80/100 points. The program exceeds the worldwide average score by 28.1 points. When Digital Systems are dramatically changing the way we work on a daily basis, Human Resources professionals have to adapt too. * This score reflects the gender equity of both the students and the faculty members, it also reflects the diversity of nationalities represented and the percentage of international students and faculty. Grenoble École de Management (GEM) is a French graduate business school specialized in Business and Management. Grenoble Ecole de Management’s MBA is ranked 18th worldwide of best programs for Latin American students, according to AméricaEconomía’s latest ranking, published in May, 2019. Grenoble Ecole de Management's Master in International Business (MIB) has gained 7 places in the Masters in Management ranking, published by the Financial Times on the 12th September 2016. It is performing the highest progression in this year’s ranking. Published on March 9th, the MBA Rankings feature both GEM’s Part-time and Full-time MBA. U-Multirank, a European funded project, released the 2018 version of its ranking on the June 5th. Grenoble Ecole de Management reinforces its position and enters in a new ranking, taking the 2nd place amongst French Business Schools. A conclusive experience that has led to a more ambitious investment, with the opening of our new Paris campus in January 2020. The Grenoble program gained 20 positions . Students had the opportunity to travel to Silicon Valley (USA) and discover the world’s leading hub for innovation... Grenoble Ecole de Management/GGSB's MBA is ranked 94th best MBA in the world, according to the Financial Times most recent Global MBA ranking, published on 25th January 2016. Post-prépa, Banque d'épreuves : * Data in these … According to these QS releases, Grenoble-EM confirms its quality and its positioning in the business school landscape. Also making its debut in the magazine’s latest edition is the Grenoble Ecole... Grenoble Ecole de Management apparait pour la première fois dans les classements de CEO Magazine. The Financial Times has ranked Grenoble Ecole de Management's Full-Time MBA 28th in Europe, as published in the Global MBA Ranking on January 28th, 2019. Une jeune diplômée produit un film sur les réfugiés, Grandes Écoles : «Tordons le cou aux idées reçues, évaluons notre impact!», Top départ pour la «coupe du monde étudiante de ski», le GEM Altigliss Challenge, Quand la bande dessinée entre dans les écoles de management, Ces grandes écoles qui mettent leurs étudiants aux fourneaux, ESC Grenoble : des partenariats mais pas de fusion, Bachelor GEM in International Business. With a score of 85/100, the MIB is ranked 16th worldwide on this indicator. Dean’s recommendations, Grenoble Graduate School of Business is the international business school within Grenoble Ecole de Management, one of the few business schools worldwide to have achieved triple accreditation from AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS.GGSB is regularly ranked by the international press among the best European business schools, especially for its international and intercultural programs.This GGSB Bachelor in International Business offers you the opportunity to study a bachelor degree in English at a triple-accredited school. 3 MSc Fashion, Design and Luxury Management students successfully competed with participants from other top French Business School to secure their place at the exclusive “Inside LVMH” event. Our MSc Finance is ranked 16th worldwide (+5 ranks), 13th in Europe (+4 ranks) and 6th in France. The program also has 13.1 points more than the global average on the Diversity Indicator. The MIB is gets the highest GEM Diversity score this year, like last year. Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is now delivering its Master in International Business (MIB) and MBA programs in Berlin, thanks to a partnership with GISMA Business School, which has opened its new campus in Berlin in January 2017. During a week packed with company visits, lectures and excursions, students were able to build upon the... On March 12th 2018 GEM students had the great pleasure of welcoming Louis Vuitton onto our Paris Campus. Despite representing 10-20% of the global fashion market, is this business model coming to an end? Excellent news for International students waiting impatiently to join GEM in the fall. The second group includes schools from IE Business School, ranked 16, to Grenoble Ecole de Management in 47th position. The Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) MSc Management in International Business (MIB) program has been ranked in 46th position, in this year’s annual Financial Times World’s best Master in Management ranking. Le MSc MIB est classé 37e monde dans le classement Master in Management … Also, the representatives of... Grenoble’s Master in International Business (MIB), MSC Finance and MBA are newly ranked by the QS rankings. Apply to over 1.000 masters programs all over the world for free. Like the Global MBA, this program top-scored the Diversity indicator with an 80/100 score. In 2017, Grenoble Ecole de Management left its London quarters to set up in Berlin, alongside GISMA Business School. Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has been located in Paris since 2014. Grenoble Ecole de Management se hisse à la 17ème place dans le classement des meilleures Business Schools Européennes, publié par le Financial Times le 5 décembre 2016. The digital revolution is impacting all areas of business. Grenoble EM et EM Lyon: une alliance... et plus si affinités? GGSB is regularly ranked by the international press among the best European business schools, especially for its international and intercultural programs. MS Management des Entreprises de Biotechnologies & Pharmacie, Mastère Spécialisé Entrepreneurs - Pédagogie HEC Entrepreneurs, MSc in Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Manager des Systèmes d’Information et du Numérique (Titre professionnel de niveau 1), MSc Fashion, Design and Luxury Management, Advanced Master's in Energy Marketing and Management, Mastère Spécialisé Management de la Fonction Achats, Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management IAE - Aix-Marseille University, IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Ecole des Ponts Business School - ParisTech, iae lyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT BS), EM Strasbourg Business School - Université de Strasbourg, Université de Lille - Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales et IAE Lille Ecole de Management, Université Lumière - Lyon II - Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, IAE Grenoble Graduate School of Management - Université Grenoble Alpes, Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole - Toulouse School of Management and Toulouse School of Economics, La Rochelle Business School - Excelia Group, IAE Poitiers Ecole de Management - Université de Poitiers, Université Clermont Auvergne - IAE Clermont Auvergne School of Management, IAE Gustave Eiffel - Université Paris Est Créteil, The International School of Management (ISM), Mastère spécialisé – Management et Marketing de l’Énergie, Undergraduate Program in International Business (CBS/CIB), Short programs (Executive seminars ; Faculty Training Seminar ; Certificate in Business Intelligence ; Certificate in Innovation Management; Certificate in Marketing ; winter & summer schools), Mastère spécialisé – Management Public Territorial, Responsable d'Activités (Business Manager), Master of Business Administration (MBA) – full-time, Master of Business Administration (MBA) – part-time, MSc in Marketing Dual Award (Opportunity to obtain the Professional Diploma in Marketing awarded by The Chartered Institute of Marketing), Mastère spécialisé – Management Technologique et Innovation, Manager des Systèmes d'Information (EMSI), Mastère spécialisé – Management de projets décisionnels, Mastère spécialisé – Management de la Fonction Achats, Mastère spécialisé – Management des Entreprises de Biotechnologies, Mastère spécialisé – Management des Activités de Services, Formations continues diplômantes (formagest, cadre, tech…).