One strain of HPAI A(H5N1) is spreading globallyaft… July 1, 2009: Three cases of H5N1 were confirmed in Egypt, all three of whom recovered. Spain already bans hunting with decoys, outdoor poultry raising and the isolation of breeding areas for wild aquatic birds in high-risk zones like bird migatory paths and wetlands. CIDRAP  |  Office of the Vice President for Research  |  Contact U of M  |  Privacy Policy,, Study says baloxavir fights all 4 flu types, many animal flu viruses, Feds cite flu, Salmonella, MERS, Lyme among zoonotic threats, Four countries report avian flu outbreaks in poultry, H5N6 strikes South Korean poultry again; Europe finds more avian flu, Office of the Vice President for Research. (Adds Dutch, Belgian comments paragraphs 16-19). exchange homologous genome sub-units by genetic reassortment) with H5N1, passing genes and mutating into a form which can pass easily among humans.
Tigers and leopards in Thai zoos also died, while in 2007 two cats near an outbreak in poultry and people in Iraq were confirmed to have died of H5N1, as were three German cats that ate wild birds. The spread to more and more types and populations of birds and the ability of felidae (cats) to catch H5N1 from eating this natural prey means the creation of a reservoir for H5N1 in cats where the virus can adapt to mammals is one of the many possible pathways to a pandemic. Stay up-to-date on the biggest health and wellness news with our weekly recap. The pace of France's outbreaks has slowed since the events began in late November, but the country continues to report sporadic detections, with the 63rd and 64th outbreaks reported at the end of December in Dordogne and Gers, two departments that had earlier been affected by the virus. Of these cats, 20% carried antibodies to H5N1. If this pattern continues, an upsurge in cases could be anticipated starting in late 2006 or early 2007.
In March Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia each saw their first major outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza and Ghana in May. [6], In 2005, it was discovered that H5N1 "could be infecting up to half of the pig population in some areas of Indonesia, but without causing symptoms [...] Chairul Nidom, a virologist at Airlangga University's tropical disease center in Surabaya, Java, was conducting independent research earlier this year. Belgium's food safety agency AFSCA said in the event of a case in the country, poultry owners would have to confine their animals indoors within 24 hours.

This does not mean that they were still carrying the virus, only that they had been infected - probably through eating birds that had H5N1. February 22, 2010: First case of H5N1 in birds confirmed in, June 16, 2011: Five cases of H5N1 were confirmed in, December 20, 2011: Details of research on H5N1 on mutations which enable its transmission to. Countries that have reported human cases of highly pathogenic H5N1 infection. The new findings mark France's second confirmed H5N1 outbreak. France is the seventh country in the European Union to suffer this virus; following Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy. In accordance with EU guidelines, vets will check all the birds in this zone. On September 29, 2005, David Nabarro, the newly appointed Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza, warned the world that an outbreak of avian influenza could kill 5 to 150 million people. H5N1 causes latest French outbreak.

"[43], "In Bangkok, Thailand, all the cats in one household are known to have died of H5N1 in 2004. The strain of bird flu lethal to humans, H5N1, has been confirmed to have infected a dead wild duck, found on Monday, in marshland near Lyon in the east of France. David Nabarro later stated that as the virus had spread to migratory birds, an outbreak could start in Africa or the Middle East. HPAI Asian H5N1 is especially deadly for poultry.

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It is enzootic (maintained in the population) in many bird populations, especially in Southeast Asia. Link/Page Citation PARyS (CyHAN)- A case of avian influenza was confirmed Tuesday night in Dordogne, southwestern France, the French Ministry of Agriculture announced on Wednesday. The first report of a human infection with Asian H5N1 in the Americas was in Canada on January 8, 2014and occurred in a traveler recently returning from China. 30 juillet 2009 : l' Institut de veille sanitaire annonce la mort d'une jeune fille visiblement touchée par la grippe A (H1N1) mais il émet cependant des doutes quant à la cause réelle du décès car la jeune fille souffrait aussi de complications pulmonaires sévères. [3], Avian influenza virus H3N2 is endemic in pigs ("swine flu") in China and has been detected in pigs in Vietnam, increasing fears of the emergence of new variant strains. "[56], H5N1 has the potential to infect cattle. In 98 regions in France classed as at risk -- some 15 percent of the country -- there will be special veterinary checks at poultry farms. Legal Statement.