What started out by chance turned out to be the perfect mix of technicality and creativity for Mike, and he was immediately hooked with photographing architecture and interiors. I only shoot black and white with it, but it’s always fun to take it out for a day. 4 w/ Acme Synchro Shutter f6.3/300mm The secret is salt and cooking it at a low temperature in an oven and finishing with a sear. It was shocking to see he’s a young guy. 1. I break these out when the B1s can’t cover it with their 500w of power. Photographing Homes While California is Choked in Wildfire Smoke, I’ll Just Fix That in Post, And Other Lies I Tell Myself, The Problem With Hyper Real Renders (And Photographs!). Currently, there is little to no data available related to the way we operate and the most frequent questions that we receive on APAlmanac relate to how people across the world run their businesses and what they can do to improve their own businesses. … I’m a simpleton. Wildfire smoke has engulfed nearly every part of the region at some point over the past two months, turning skies grey and orange from Los Angeles to Seattle. Andre Agassi’s Open—I recently finished it and was sad to see it end. For one of his most recent projects, Shinichi photographed nude dancers using long exposure photography to create some very interesting (and beautiful, to boot) images. I know, I know, Jared and I probably couldn’t be on further ends of the personality spectrum with his outgoing rambunctious videos vs my somewhat quiet and reserved personality but the end result is a pretty great educational video for someone just getting started in architectural photography (or someone who wants to watch Jared get very politely shredded!). I was recently in L.A. filming a new project with Mike Kelley, and I decided to sneak one of my photos into a critique we did together. Mike Kelley is a Los Angeles based photographer specializing in architecture. Random grip, A-clamps and extension cables, clothespins and splitters If you can’t make it to the workshop, I would recommend my tutorial ‘Where Art Meets Architecture: How to Photograph Real Estate, Architecture, and Interiors’ which is also produced by Fstoppers. Light bulbs in various wattages Always great to have a solid reference of correct color when shooting challenging interiors. Mike has been named one of the 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide 2016/17 by Luerzer’s Archive and his images have been named Digital Camera World’s Best Images of 2014. P asks: Is it possible to be an architectural photographer without previously being an architect? Use this link and enter the code “MKARCHITECTURE” at checkout to get 10% off a purchase of BlinkBid. Great for walking around quickly and shooting small stuff for vignettes. Mike Kelley reviewed the 45L, while Mike Wilkinson reviewed the 35L. Michael Kelley (mpkelley.com) is a Los Angeles-based architectural and fine art photographer with a background in digital art and sculpture. Sinar F1 4×5 camera with bag bellows and Rodenstock 45mm f/4.5 Apo-Grandagon If I sleep ten hours I can power through work like nobody’s business. All of the images are also panoramically stitched from multiple shots, so many of them are well over 100 megapixels, which means the file sizes are just enormous. In this post, I'll do a comparison between tonemapping, exposure fusion, single on-camera flash, and multiple off-camera flash, and show you the benefits (or disadvantages, rather) of each. Sharp everywhere, amazingly useful, tons of creative possibilities. A solid tripod—I personally use Really Right Stuff—is the basis for almost every one of my photographs. 4. I photograph a lot of homes for a lot of different clients with a lot of different end uses for those photographs. For those of us living in California and the rest of the West Coast of the US, it’s been a crazy few months to say the least.