The Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) delivers a high-fidelity ADEX Dental Skills Examination (DSE) OSCE. Statements, declarations, reports, letters or other types of documents adopted by an OSCE decision-making body are considered to be official OSCE documents. The OSCE Minsk Group was created in 1992 by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, now Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)) to encourage a peaceful, negotiated resolution to the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. We are concerned for his welfare and I called for his release. If the United States cedes leadership of these bodies to adversaries, opportunities to shape developments that are positive for the United States will be lost.” Armenian forces occupy most of Nagorno-Karabakh and all or part of seven surrounding Azerbaijani provinces, all within Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized boundaries. He also noted that member States should increase efforts to prevent terrorists from acquiring conventional explosives by securing civilian sites and removing the risks of ammunition and conventional explosive stockpiles. And it is our responsibility to call the attention of our peers to violations and shortcomings anywhere in our region… Members endorsed the guides' development and compilation into a handbook to be presented at the First OSCE Annual Security Review Conference in Vienna on 25-26 June 2003 and at the First Biennial Meeting of States on the implementation of the United Nations Program of Action in New York from 7-11 July 2003. The video of the murder of George Floyd and the ensuing protests received wall-to-wall coverage throughout most of the OSCE participating States. The FSC adopted two decisions defining new directions for further work, "A Framework for Arms Control," which aimed to create a web of interlocking and mutually reinforcing arms control obligations that would give expression to the principle of indivisible security. State policies differ in scope and timeline but most center around issues such as face mask requirements, the number of people who can gather, health guidelines for business operations, social distancing measures, state travel restrictions and quarantine orders, restaurant and bar capacities, prohibitions on non-essential medical procedures, and in-person or online school decisions. The country will hold both new parliamentary and new presidential elections. Turkmenistan On 3-5 April, the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) organized a seminar on small arms and light weapons. These concerns include Russia’s continued aggression in Ukraine and threats to other nearby or neighboring countries; protracted conflicts in Transnistria, Georgia, and Nagorno-Karabakh; and political leaders in Belarus as well as in Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other OSCE countries seeking to undermine democratic institutions and stifle dissent in every sector. The Astana Commemorative Declaration: Towards a Security Community (2010) reaffirms the participating States’ commitments and adherence to OSCE principles. The scientific publication “Our World in Data,” in collaboration with the University of Oxford, created a “Government Response Stringency Index” using nine response indicators, including school closures and travel bans. CIO Karel De Gucht of Belgium stated progress was made on small arms trafficking and proliferation. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the world’s largest regional security organization. Participants were briefed on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards and UNSCR requirements related to preventing and disrupting the financial flows for developing WMD. This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 12:41. The number of sources totaled 700, and complements the success of removal of 250 other sources of ionized radiation earlier this year. Permanent Representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). At a Plenary Meeting on 18 June, it adopted a decision regarding "Best Practice Guides on Small Arms and Light Weapons." According to France’s government website, as of October, local curfews were imposed in the Paris region, as well as eight other cities. On 7 May, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara, briefed the United Nations Security Council. “Yuri Orlov truly stood out among the great 20th century human rights activists,” said Chairman Hastings. The agency does not recommend face masks in public spaces. On 18 December, the OSCE and Kyrgyzstan signed five agreements on the management and control of small arms and light weapons in Kyrgyzstan, regarding improvement of the regulatory and legal framework, security management, construction of new warehouse, training for Defense Ministry personnel, as well as destruction of surplus stockpiles. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the largest regional security organization in the world. OSCE Action George Floyd’s death in police custody prompted demonstrations in nearly all western OSCE participating States, including more than 25 of the 30 NATO member states, supporting the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and protesting systemic racism. Christophe Kamp, officer-in-charge of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, opened the online event, one of several taking place ahead of next year’s 15th anniversary of the 2006 Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Alluding to shortcomings in human rights compliance, democratic weaknesses, racial inequities, and social vulnerabilities that the pandemic has revealed and, in some cases, amplified, the United States further stated that “vigilance will be especially important given the challenging pandemic conditions.” They may, in exceptional circumstances, jointly decide that a dispute will be referred to the UN Security Council on behalf of the Forum on Security and Cooperation in Europe. On October 6, 2020, the OSCE Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, in cooperation with the Helsinki Commission, convened “Policing in Diverse Societies: Principles and Good Practices.” The webinar, which provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge, challenges and best practices, attracted over 100 attendees including practitioners, parliamentarians, and other representatives of the OSCE participating States. The regional workshop focused on helping to combat the trafficking of strategic dual-use commodities and conventional weapons. She observed that the world is at the midpoint of the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent and concluded, “What we are witnessing today is the unprecedented possibility for change.” We need to ensure that journalists, medical professionals, scientists and others can provide the public with information we need to battle COVID,” he said. Participants stressed the importance of transportation development as a means of increasing economic efficiency and improving trade relations with Asia. On 2 July, the Parliamentary Assembly’s 25th Session began in Tbilisi, Georgia. They continue to injure and detain protestors, journalists, and even bystanders on a massive scale. Speakers of this conference stressed that security is not possible unless there is respect for human rights and democracy. The Helsinki Final Act was signed by 35 States on 1 August 1975. The participants at the Fourth CSCE Ministerial Council meeting held in Rome on 30 November-1 December underlined the importance of the work of the FSC. Democratic ideals are ingrained in the founding charters that established those organizations. Russia uses its resources—economic, political, informational, and military—to defeat freedom and democracy. Other issues addressed included security and environmental issues. Since the first summit in 1975, there have been six additional CSCE (OSCE) summits. Find one near you, or create your CDCA account now. The Forum for Security Co-operation convened on 16 January in Vienna and decided that its work for this year would be guided by the Madrid Ministerial Decision of November 2007. And from 20-21 October, the OSCE Action Against Terrorism Unit, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and UN Office on Drugs and Crime's Global Program against Terrorism hosted a seminar in Dushanbe, Tajikistan regarding the provision of technical assistance in implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1373. The country has restricted travel and border crossings; closed restaurants, shopping malls, theaters, and parks; and mandated the use of masks and social distancing in public. (B) was made without asserting material breach of the Treaty by any other Treaty signatory; and (C) was made over the objections of NATO allies and regional partners; Ronald Davis of the Black National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives cited the need for systematic changes in law enforcement, including changes in police culture. Principles and Good Practices In addition to the organization’s other work defending human rights and fundamental freedoms, its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) manages the OSCE’s election observation missions, internationally recognized as the “gold standard” for their methodology. The OSCE independent institutions, like the field missions, carry those messages forward. The CSCE Helsinki Summit Document of 1992 spelled out these major objectives with respect to arms control and nonproliferation: to give impetus to the process of arms control, disarmament and confidence- and security-building, to enhance consultation and cooperation on security matters and to the further the process of reducing the risk of conflict; to take further steps to stop the proliferation of weapons; to ensure the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and relevant technology and expertise; and to intensify cooperation in the field of effective export controls applicable to nuclear materials, conventional weapons, and other sensitive goods and technologies. In a report to the General Committee on Political Affairs and Security, rapporteur Clifford Lincoln addressed the need for new responses to contemporary threats such as international terrorism. They also endorsed the FSC decision regarding Man-Portable Air Defense Systems, encouraging the effective implementation of export controls and noting concerns offered by participating States surrounding the possible acquisition of MANPADS by terrorist organizations. The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities supports international co-operation on economic and environmental issues, thus contributing to strengthening peace, security and stability in the OSCE region. In addition, the OSCE undertakes a variety of preventive diplomacy initiatives designed to prevent, manage and resolve conflict within and among the participating States. Madam Speaker, I rise today to strongly condemn the recently reported Russian cyber attacks on United States, United Kingdom and Canadian COVID-19 research centers. The exchange of air strikes, rocket attacks, and artillery fire killed dozens of soldiers and civilians and injured more than a hundred, marking the worst fighting since 2016. Press Release: Statement of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President on the policing of protests in the United States Our shared commitments must be upheld by all participating states, at all times and in all situations. In that document, the FSC encouraged participating States to complement the CSBM regime with measures tailored to specific regional needs. He announced his plan to appoint a Personal Representative on Terrorism and to elaborate a draft proposal for a possible OSCE Charter on Terrorism. The OSCE has also facilitated online medical trainings for border officials in Turkmenistan and donated IT equipment to the Canton 10 Ministry of Education to support Bosnia and Herzegovina. The CSCE OSCE utilizes a simulated true-to-life environment to demonstrate all aspects of dental hygiene other than direct hand skills, which are tested in the Patient Treatment Clinical Examination. They are a measurement of diagnosis, treatment planning, and related clinical judgment skills of licensure candidates. In the spring of 2020, Sweden kept its borders open, and became one of the few OSCE participating States that did not go into lockdown. As the present[when?] Ambassador Ian Kelly stated that security among states depends on respect for human rights within states. Representatives stressed the importance of transportation for international cooperation, economic development, and conflict resolution. WASHINGTON—Following yesterday’s failure of OSCE representatives to renew the mandates of four leadership positions—the OSCE Secretary General, the High Commissioner on National Minorities, the Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights—Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (FL-20) issued the following statement: The DSE OSCE is divided into two sections with a 15-minute break in between each section. Now more than ever, reliable multilateral institutions are needed to forge solutions during and after the current pandemic. To express strong opposition, Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (FL-20) recently authored an amendment to H.R.6395, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021, expressing the sense of Congress that the Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies did not comply with a legal requirement to notify Congress; did not assert that any other Treaty signatory had breached the Treaty; and was made over the objections of NATO allies and regional partners. In lieu of these events, 40 parliamentarians participated in a virtual Standing Committee meeting in early July, followed by nine online, inter-parliamentary dialogues to consider the impact of COVID-19 on human rights; economic security; conflicts in the region; the environment; and other issues and yielded a publicly available report of recommendations on strengthening compliance on shared commitments. Voting and Elections The United States has conducted nearly three times as many flights over Russia as Russia has over the United States under the treaty. The 14th Economic Forum met twice throughout the year. On 23 July, the Forum for Security Cooperation issued a decision on MANPADS, in which it promoted the implementation of "effective and comprehensive" MANPAD export controls and urged member States to suggest projects to deal with MANPADS-related problems, including stockpile security and management and collection and control programs. Prior to the conclusion of the Annual Session, the Parliamentary Assembly elected Alcee Hastings, a U.S. Specifically, he highlighted joint work on preventing and resolving conflicts, disarmament and non-proliferation initiatives, transnational security threats, human trafficking and the need to develop new trade and transport routes. In this context, the Helsinki Commission held its traditional hearing with the annually rotating OSCE chairmanship to discuss priorities and exchange views on current issues. Unfortunately, these countries currently reject the values of democracy, liberty, and human rights. As noted in the Trump administration’s U.S. National Security Strategy, “Authoritarian actors have long recognized the power of multilateral bodies and have used them to advance their interests and limit the freedom of their own citizens. L'OSCE, née en 1995 de la transformation de la CSCE en une organisation permanente, est la plus grande organisation régionale de sécurité. In February 1977, Orlov was arrested, imprisoned for one year, and after a short show trial, sentenced to seven years' strict- regime labor camp and five years in exile for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." The Rotterdam Declaration states that "the security structure of Europe is undergoing continuous development and that the real strength of the OSCE lies both in its capacity to respond to security threats and challenges, and in its strong field presence." Other decisions made at the Ministerial Council included confirming that the Netherlands would assume the OSCE Chairmanship in 2003 (after Portugal, which took over the chair on 1 January 2002), the agreement to hold the next Ministerial Council in Porto, Portugal in autumn 2002, and the extension of Secretary General Jan Kubis' term of office for an additional three years. OSCE rules mandate that HDIMs, a comprehensive review of the participating States’ implementation of their human dimension commitments, are held every year in which there is not a summit. We will always prioritize respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, defend the principles of liberty, and encourage tolerance within societies, because such efforts are vital to the promotion of democracy and to U.S. national security. On 23 May, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier addressed high-level dignitaries in Moscow, Russia, to discuss the approach of the OSCE for conventional arms control in Europe.