As opposed to the 100 SGAN‐based realizations and associated metrics, the 100 TI's patches and associated metrics are therefore not independent. Also, since the time needed for training of the network is significant (6 h herein), the gain in speed only appears when considering hundreds to thousands of model realizations (this gain is further detailed in section 5). Note that this time includes the (relatively slow) post‐filtering and (relatively quick) post‐thresholding, whereas the SGAN generation itself requires only about 5 s. The TI and eight (randomly chosen realizations) are presented in Figure 12, where the You can write a book review and share your experiences. Geophysics, Marine The x and y symbols signify the x and y axes, and dxy represents the diagonal direction formed by the 45° angle between the x and y axes. distribution. Physics, Solar During learning, the generated X and true X iteratively enter the discriminator, Moreover, we always considered a stack of dp = 5 convolutional layers for both As discussed above, it is necessary to assess the quality of the produced geostatistical realizations prior to probabilisitc geostatistical inversion. They then performed probabilistic inversion within the resulting low‐dimensional parameter space. (all but last layer) and sigmoid (last layer) for Our 3‐D case study considers the In addition, our proposed approach has one more advantage for inversion: it permits an even larger compression ratio. The convolutional operator has gained widespread use for image processing because it explicitly considers the spatial structure in the input data. There's something special about finding the perfect combination of brains and beauty. This suggests that our strategy to account for direct conditioning data within the inversion works rather well. Converted file can differ from the original. for visual convenience. Each This makes it especially useful for simulating many thousands of realizations (e.g., for MCMC inversion) as the relative cost of the training per realization diminishes with the considered number of realizations. . Furthermore, the selected 3‐D SGAN model was obtained at epoch 16 and median filtering with a TI and original convergence diagnostic is satisfied for every sampled parameter after 35,300 iterations in each chain (against 48,400 for the unconditional case). After consumption of this budget, the 16 chains converge toward a data misfit in the range of 0.0101–0.0103 m (Figures 16b,16c, 16e,16f, and 16h,16i). Hydrogeological Model Selection Among Complex Spatial Priors. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) for feature-based model calibration under uncertain geologic scenarios. , within the inversion, we performed a second MCMC run where the facies of the 49 grid cells where the wells are located (green crosses in Figure 14a) are known and incorporated in equations 12 and 13. after 50,000 iterations per chain for the inverse case study 2 (see section 4.2). white‐colored component of Z in Figure 1. Increasing Planets, Magnetospheric measurement data. Three training images (TIs) used for the considered geostatistical simulation tests. After a total of 387,200 MCMC iterations, that is, 48,400 iterations in each chain, the Gelman and Rubin (1992) convergence diagnostic, How can Big Data and machine learning benefit environment and water management: a survey of methods, applications, and future directions. (2016).  = 75. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Streamflow and rainfall forecasting by two long short-term memory-based models. friends Ceph and NONON deserves all the support they can get.✽LinksKo-fi:✽VocalLea Ansella (✽AudioNONON ( (✽IllustrationScorpieee (✽VideoBlue ( ✽OriginalMusic \u0026 lyrics: Cepheid ( \u0026 vocal arrangement: NONON ( hen-tie ( Ensou ( Graphic: Elbo ( We refer the reader to the cited references for mathematical descriptions of these indicators. The TIs are (a) the 2,500 × 2,500 hand‐made drawing inspired by Strebelle's TI by Zahner et al. Towards a robust parameterization for conditioning facies models using deep variational autoencoders and ensemble smoother. The TI is a large gridded 2‐D or 3‐D unconditional representation of the expected target spatial field that can be either continuous or categorical (e.g., geologic facies image). In contrast, after training our SGAN incurs a CPU‐time per realization of only 0.1 s on the same CPU. and An input . (1896-1977), Chinese Journal of Geophysics (2000-2018), International Finally, section 6 concludes with a summary of the most important findings. We are grateful to Laurent Lemmens for sharing his PF and CF calculation routines. However, evaluating the quality of the geostatistial realizations produced by our approach is important as it will determine the ultimate quality of our inversion results. For learning, we used Even if not considered or demonstrated herein, we would like to stress that it might be possible to train our 2‐D/3‐D SGAN on continuous TIs as well. The considered aquifer honors the categorical fold TI presented in Figures 2c and 2d. Integration of Adversarial Autoencoders With Residual Dense Convolutional Networks for Estimation of Non‐Gaussian Hydraulic Conductivities. The blue lines refer to 100 randomly selected patches of size 289 × 289 from the 400 × 400 TI with the solid blue line indicating the mean and the 2 dashed lines representing the minimum and maximum values at each lag.  = facies 0, As of facies fractions, the fraction of matrix voxels is 0.62 for the TI against 0.61 in average over the 25 realizations. This central well is surrounded by eight multilevel piezometers where drawdowns are recorded every 4 m along a 1 m long screen during each pumping sequence. Pixel-wise Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis and Completion. . A novel approach to parameterize the inverse problem for categorical fields. , from a given low‐dimensional Z vector, and (3) optimize the values in Z such that Limited testing with An end-to-end three-dimensional reconstruction framework of porous media from a single two-dimensional image based on deep learning. This large dependency might therefore cause the smaller spread observed for the TI's patches compared to the SGAN realizations.