During your visit to Viseu, take the opportunity to walk or cycle in the Ecopista do Dão, located on the old Dão railway line (deactivated in 1988). This temple is an excellent example of neo-Romanesque and neo-Gothic architecture. For complete details about the church and to schedule a visit, visit the Rota do Românico website. Tiago, 32 years old, Parisian for 18 years, I decided to go on an adventure and make my dream come true: get to know our country from one end to the other. Here, you can admire the Manueline style window and its interior with beautiful glazed tile panels. Apart from admiring the splendid view over the valley and Lake Alqueva, one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe, you can also stroll through the picturesque streets lined with white houses. Currently, Santarém is not as important as it was a few centuries ago, but its heritage is immense and, in that sense, I invite you to discover this city during your visit to Portugal. Unlike the Historical Way, the Fishermen’s Trail is a 120 km route that follows the cliffs, the sea and the sandy paths that locals use to access beaches and fishing locations. 40 km from Melgaço, on the banks of the Minho river and on the border with Spain, there is another city worth visiting in the Alto Minho region. Located in the Arouca Geopark, like the previous viewpoint, the Detrelo da Malhada viewpoint offers an amazing panoramic view of the Freita mountain range and the Arouca valley. The trip is 650 metres, with an inclination of 160 metres and a total duration of six to seven minutes. Visit the castle, the soap museum (Museu do Sabão) and the Belver Museum of Tapestries (Núcleo Museológico das Mantas e Tapeçarias de Belver). In addition to wild animals, you can also see domesticated species that are more easily observed, such as oxen with long horns, goats, sheep, as well as the rustic Castro Laboreiro, a sheepdog. After this integration, the city was attacked several times by troops from Castile (Spain). Here, you can admire the landscape that stretches for tens of kilometres and imagine what it would be like to live in this place hundreds of years ago. As nobody saw Our Lady of the Rosary (except for the young shepherds), on October 13, 1917 a miracle occurred so that the crowd could see and believe in the apparition of the Virgin Mary. Admire the beautiful façade of the church Igreja do Convento dos Congregados de Estremoz and that of the Águias d’Ouro café / restaurant. In the “new city”, visit the Centro Ciência Viva de Estremoz, an interactive and educational museum located in a former convent. When visiting the north of Portugal, know that Ponte de Lima is a must-see for its history, beauty and incredible authenticity. Monte Clérigo beach is one of my favourite places across the country! The palace is an old royal residence built during the reign of King Dom João V, in 1717, following a promise made by the king. If you visit this village in the summer, know that 500 metres from the church you can enjoy the refreshing waters of the waterfall Queda do Vigário or, at the other end of the village, the river beach of Fonte Grande. Whether you're looking for our locations, learning about careers, or want to do business with us, start exploring the possibilities below. This lady asked them to come to Cova da Iria on the 13th of each month, at the same time, for 6 months. During your visit, lose yourself in the alleys of the beautiful historic centre located around the 12th century castle, built to defend the city and the border against attacks from the Kingdom of León. Guimarães is one of the most important historic cities in the country, and its historic centre, listed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is one of the most beautiful in the whole country! Located 14 km from the historic centre of Sintra, the picturesque village of Azenhas do Mar is one of the most photogenic places in Portugal! Very close to the Peneda-Gerês National Park, the village of Sistelo is one that you cannot miss during your visit to Portugal! Discover here the best wine regions in Portugal! The human occupation of this island began several centuries ago with the passage of Viking and Muslim navigators, as well as French and English privateers. Viseu is a city with origins that go back to the Iron Age. With several centuries of history, Santarém is a city that was occupied by several peoples. Get back in your car, cross the Bridge of Belver and explore the village. It is no coincidence that the population went from 33.000 people in 1801 to more than 99.000 in 2011 (last census). The Portuguese discoveries played a major role in shaping the world map. Without a doubt, it will be a must-see attraction for years to come! It became a town in 1771. The beautiful town of Castelo de Vide is a jewel of the Alentejo, an incredible place where you will find traces of medieval times. In addition to this top 100, you can be inspired by other itineraries to visit Portugal for 2 to 15 days, which I created for you. As soon as I visited it and after a few seconds of admiring the Pateira de Fermentelos lagoon, I was speechless with the natural beauty of this place! Here are the places you can’t miss in the park: To get to know this park better, I invite you to read the article Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park: the 9 places you can’t miss! With a unique history and rare beauty, this place is on the list of candidates for UNESCO World Heritage. Take the opportunity to enjoy the scenery and take beautiful photos. It was then that they saw close to a small tree (holm oak) a lady brighter than the sun. This country awakens in us a very unique feeling, Saudade, when we are far from this wonderful paradise. By agreeing you are giving consent for us to set cookies. During your visit to this region, go to the Interpretation Centre of Tua Valley (Centro de Interpretação do Vale do Tua), located at the Tua train station, facing the Douro river. From here, you can admire the Douro river, terraced vineyards and the rest of the landscape – the characteristics of which make Douro Wine Region a World Heritage Site. There, you will discover how muscat wine is produced, where it is stored and you will also have the possibility to taste this delicious wine. {"items":[{"timeOfDay":"default","htmlMarkup":"

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