Any schools teaching students aged 3 to 12 can apply to become an IB World School and implement the Primary Years Programme (PYP). This comprehensive inquiry project is a great foundation for our 5th grade students as they advance to the IB Middle Years Programme in middle school next year.

If you would like to see the OWIS Primary Years Programme in action, contact us to book a tour. } Discover how ISP's dedicated Wellbeing Team welcomes families and helps students adjust to life in Paris. A l’École primaire, le Programme primaire (PYP) est suivi de la Nursery (petite section maternelle) au Grade 5 (CM2).

The IB PYP curriculum supports the whole child, nurturing students' academic, social and emotional development.

We invite you to 'Reimagine the Future' at our first virtual conference starting on 30 November 2020. forms: {

In PYP Years 4 & 5 students develop their communication skills in French by enriching their vocabulary and better understanding the mechanisms of the language. Le Programme primaire (PP) de l’IB est destiné aux enfants âgés de 3 à 12 ans. } Français, maths, histoire-géo, SVT… retrouvez le programme officiel de chaque matière enseignée en classe de 3e. Programme of Inquiry 2020-2021. PYP is an inquiry-based programme, which puts emphasis on the active construction of meaning so that students’ learning is purposeful. It is a student-centered approach to education for children aged 3-12. We know how to learn independently and with others. The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. 'http' : 'https'; if (!d.getElementById(id)) { js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = p + '://'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } }(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');

OWIS’ vision, mission and educational philosophy. According to an International Schools' Assessment study conducted from 2009-2011, IB PYP students outperformed their non-PYP counterparts in reading, writing and mathematics.

Ils constituent le cadre national au sein duquel les enseignants organisent leurs enseignements en prenant en compte les rythmes d'apprentissage de chaque élève. In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), social studies guide students towards a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and of their place in an increasingly global society. In PYP Year 3, CGS students have the opportunity to start learning French. The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 - 12 nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. The ISP Human Library - where breathing books are on loan - is up and running! Teachers take students' interests into account when planning the curriculum, empowering them to ask questions and take initiative to discover the answers. Voir ci-dessous pour plus d'informations en français. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant OWIS community. > PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME. Le programme de recherche présente la manière dont les six thèmes transdisciplinaires seront explorés dans les différents groupes d’âge. suivent un programme de recherche – il s’agit d’une structure qui indique le contenu à explorer par les apprenants dans le cadre des thèmes transdisciplinaires ainsi que le moment et la manière de le faire, et ce, en suivant l’âge des élèves (de 3 à 12 ans) ; étudient des concepts qui sont pertinents à travers, entre et au-delà des disciplines, et qui relient les connaissances pour aider les apprenants à développer une compréhension conceptuelle ; utilisent des approches de l’apprentissage et des approches de l’enseignement, qui sont cruciales pour développer les esprits curieux et les compétences nécessaires à l’exploration des concepts et des connaissances disciplinaires ; réfléchissent et agissent afin d’améliorer la compréhension et l’apprentissage individuels et collectifs ou de relever des défis et de saisir des occasions qui se présentent au niveau personnel, local et/ou mondial. Students can continue their education through to Diploma level at our sister school, International School Neustadt. You will be able to meet with our teachers and discover how our holistic approach sets the stage for your child to thrive. Learn about the action research projects carried out at ISP and how they contribute to innovation at school. Le processus de réflexion encourage les établissements à développer et à améliorer en continu leurs programmes en fonction de leur contexte et de leurs objectifs pédagogiques particuliers. Page 8 .

The development of language is fundamental to that need to communicate; it supports and enhances our thinking and understanding.

En savoir plus sur le cadre spécifique aux Normes de mise en œuvre des programmes et applications concrètes [2,2 Mo]. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( By learning through inquiry and reflecting on their own learning, PYP students develop knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and the attributes of the IB Learner profile to make a difference in their own lives, their communities, and beyond. The PYP Exhibition is a culminating event that students at all PYP schools in the world participate in during their final year in the Primary Years Programme. Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy are active in their own learning and take action in their learning community. These themes are globally significant and support the acquisition of knowledge, concepts and skills of the traditional subjects.

This teaches them not only to use technology responsibly but to become more adaptable as it continues to evolve. Plus précisément, les élèves et les enseignants : Tous les établissements proposant le PP doivent d’abord suivre les processus de candidature et d’autorisation. © International Baccalaureate Organization, 2005-2020, We use cookies on this site.

The PYP has six transdisciplinary themes that provide the framework for learning. Les programmes au collège définissent les connaissances essentielles et les méthodes qui doivent être acquises au cours du cycle par les élèves. The PYP promotes an international perspective that recognizes and welcomes the diversity of student experiences and backgrounds.

The exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the PYP. In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), science is viewed as the exploration of the biological, chemical and physical aspects of the natural world, and the relationships between them. La faculté à traduire les acquis en actions concrètes. Any school educating students aged 3 to 12 can apply to implement the Primary Years Programme and become an IB World School. Ensemble, ces thèmes transdisciplinaires offrent aux enfants des expériences d’apprentissage authentiques qui transcendent les frontières des disciplines traditionnelles. })(); CGS Admission Policy – Whole School Statement, Clubs Middle School-High School / IB MYP – IB Diploma Programme, Continuum 2nd Foreign Language (French – German), CGS Kids Triathlon | Saturday 18 May 2019. Au cours des quatre dernières années, il a travaillé au bureau de l'IB à New York en tant que responsable du Programme primaire pour l'ancienne région Amérique du Nord de l'IB. In PYP Year 3, CGS students have the opportunity to start learning French. Une sensibilité internationale et la capacité à se situer dans un univers mondialisé. It would be our pleasure to hear yours, and to guide you as you explore the details that define the ISP experience. At the same time, we place a high value on the quality of relationships within the school. Having already started English as the principal foreign language in the Kindergarten, French is introduced smoothly, as students are already aware of certain elements and mechanisms of a foreign language. } PYP students use their initiative to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. The IB PYP prepares children for subsequent secondary programmes and lays the foundation for students to become global citizens and leaders. By emphasising these 5 components, the PYP provides a rigorous programme for young learners, equipping them to excel in the classroom and beyond. Les élèves ont la possibilité de réfléchir sur l’importance de leur apprentissage, afin de mener des actions significatives au sein de leur communauté et dans le monde au sens large. Students explore topics across different subject areas. The learner profile provides a long‐ term vision of education. En continuant à naviguer sur le site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de ces cookies.

Essentially, this engaging, student-centred curriculum teaches children to become independent, lifelong learners and critical thinkers by asking questions and seeking answers. At the end of the academic year, students who so desire have the option of sitting the DELF A1 JUNIOR / DELF A1PRIM examinations offered by the Institut Français de Grèce. PYP learners know how to take ownership of their learning, collaborating with teachers to deepen understanding and increase their confidence and self-motivation. In a 2014 Australian study, PYP students surpassed the national average in nationwide science tests. Every family is different and has a unique story to share. This platform is for general questions as well as for registered users. callback: cb Its transdisciplinary framework allows students to explore various topics across subject areas, rather than merely memorising facts or studying topics in isolation.

Having already started English as the principal foreign language in the Kindergarten, French is introduced smoothly, as students are already aware of certain elements and mechanisms of a foreign language. Article 2 - Les dispositions du présent arrêté entrent en vigueur à la rentrée scolaire 2019. lang: en_US Comment devenir un établissement proposant le PP ? Within the PYP it is believed student learning is best done when it is authentic—relevant Join us in providing a world-class international education to 700 students from 65 different countries! Le programme de recherche est organisé et structuré à l’aide des six thèmes transdisciplinaires ci-dessous. The IB PYP curriculum offers several advantages over other frameworks, especially in critical subject areas. event : evt, It is a student-centered approach to education for children aged 3-12. Ressources pour les établissements scolaires proposant le PP, Webinaires pour les écoles du monde de l’IB, Où nous nous situons dans l’espace et le temps.

They are identified as dance, drama, music and visual arts. © International Baccalaureate Organization, 2005-2020, Des cookies sont utilisés sur ce site Web. Students learn to be responsible stewards of the environment by participating in initiatives aimed at conserving precious natural resources. Founded on a philosophy that recognizes a child’s natural curiosity, creativity and ability to reflect, the PYP generates a stimulating, challenging learning environment to nurture those assets and foster a lifelong love of learning in every child. This framework ensures that learning is engaging and relevant to the challenges of living in a diverse, 21st-century society. Exhibitions and other special events foster teamwork and communication whilst enabling students to showcase their skills and talents. The PYP has evolved to become a world leader in future-focused education.