", which distinguishes between an actual person and an idealized image of that person. La pellicola, inizialmente programmata per il 25 aprile[18], è stata distribuita nelle sale cinematografiche statunitensi a partire dal 18 aprile 2014[1], mentre in Italia dal 17 aprile, distribuito dalla 01 Distribution. Nous les lirons, promis !!! Rated PG-13 A well-intentioned film that reaches for greatness and keeps falling on its face is some kind of minor tragedy. What we've got here isn't just a "Frankenstein"-like parable of scientific hubris run amok, but also the story of a grieving spouse who's reluctant to let go of her mate and tries to prolong his life artificially. Prima di spegnersi mostra però alla donna il suo operato fino ad allora: non stava cercando di convertire l'umanità né di spargere sangue ma, al contrario, di curare il pianeta usando i nanorobot per ripulire la Terra dall'inquinamento e rigenerare l'ecosistema. The film stars Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Kate Mara, Cillian Murphy and Cole Hauser.. Paglen's screenplay was listed on the 2012 edition of The Black List, a list of popular unproduced screenplays in Hollywood. How much do you want to know about the plot? Per la promozione del film, in anteprima mondiale, è stata presentata una clip alle Giornate professionali di Sorrento a inizio dicembre del 2013[17]. Transcendence è un film del 2014 diretto da Wally Pfister, al suo esordio alla regia[1], con protagonista Johnny Depp. Qui, Will deve decidere in breve tempo come utilizzare l'energia residua, se per curare Evelyn oppure uploadare la coscienza di Evelyn innescando, di conseguenza, il virus contenuto nel suo sangue. Government forces, including an FBI agent played by Cillian Murphy, were originally allied against the terrorists, but now they're starting to wonder if they were on the wrong side. Other people don't re-wire our brains, it just happens as we live more of our lives online. We're slaves to convenience. The script is filled with Biblical allusions, some heavy-handed, others sly. Will, after all, did not upload himself, and as we all know, when a physical object is destroyed and then reassembled in some other form, it might retain the essence of the original thing, but it is not the same—and its shape and function might be altered, even tainted, by the expectations and agendas of whoever did the reconstructing, as well as by the means of reassembly and the materials used. Prima di ufficializzare il nome di Kate Mara per il ruolo di Bree, fu provata anche l'attrice Alison Brie[12]. Qu'est ce que ce sont que ces trucs qui volent dans les airs dans la deuxième partie du film ? Con il passare del tempo e con il rapidissimo sviluppo delle capacità de La Macchina, Evelyn capisce quindi che non può trattarsi veramente di Will e perciò decide di allearsi con l'FBI e con il gruppo di terroristi anti-tecnologici con lo scopo di spegnerlo definitivamente. Son but semble être de créer une super puissance et conscience globale, capable d'enrayer la mort et la pollution. Tra i tanti attori considerati per entrare nel cast in ruoli principali, ci sono anche James McAvoy, Tobey Maguire, Christian Bale e Jude Law, tutti rimasti fuori dal progetto[14]. La moglie Evelyn ne carica il cervello in un computer, in modo che Will possa in qualche modo rivivere, con la collaborazione del suo amico e collega Max Waters che, però, mostra da subito dei dubbi sul procedimento e sulla opportunità di collegarlo a Internet, eventualità che si concretizza quando il gruppo di terroristi, di cui fa parte una ragazza di nome Bree, individua il loro nascondiglio: nel tentativo di salvare Will, Evelyn lo connette alla rete permettendogli di comunicare e portare avanti le sue ricerche grazie alla connessione con ogni computer della Terra. "Clearly his mind has evolved so rapidly that I'm not sure it matters anymore," replies another computer genius, Tagger (Morgan Freeman), who fears something horrible is taking shape in the desert. Chris, aussi appelé Babystar est un peu le héros d'Oblikon. Comme pour toutes nos analyses de films, celle-ci contiendra de nombreux spoilers sur l'ensemble de l'intrigue, y-compris la fin du film, afin de fournir suffisamment d'explications aux enjeux de Transcendance, le film de science fiction de cet été. He posthumously manipulates reality from the protection of a cyberspace that might as well be his own personal Heaven. Caster is wounded in the 9/11 style, multi-pronged attack, taking a radiation-laced bullet and dying a few weeks later. Transcendence is a 2014 American science fiction thriller film directed by cinematographer Wally Pfister in his directorial debut, and written by Jack Paglen. Avec les pouvoirs de dieu, l'être humain fera-t-il preuve de bonté ou au contraire de cruauté ? Enfin et surtout, que signifie le twist final du film ? It explores its ideas with sincerity, curiosity and terrifying beauty (its director is Wally Pfister, longtime cinematographer for Christopher Nolan). Rendez-vous sur la page suivante pour découvrir nos tentatives de réponses. Most films sold with that designation aren't true science fiction, because they don't deal in ideas in a sustained, conscientious way; they don't extrapolate where we are and where we might be headed, and what it might mean for the human race intellectually, physically and emotionally. The most galling thing about "Transcendence," though, isn't its inability to get a handle on what, if anything, it wants to say about the enormous changes happening to the human race, it's the movie's ending, which seems calculated to reassure us that everything's going to be fine as long as the right people are in charge, especially if they're good looking. Il regista ha anche offerto un ruolo comprimario a Christoph Waltz, che però non è entrato nel cast[15]. Are the digital selves we create online truly extensions of us, or do they eventually take on lives of their own? The movie wants to warn us about the perils of playing God and of technological overreach, and it wants to concentrate those fears in one or two people for the sake of dramatic conflict; but by making this choice, it ignores the fact that in life, it's not one or two brilliant, irresponsible people actively doing things that eradicate privacy and alter reality: it's a sort of passive acceptance that eventually becomes adaptation, or evolution. Yes, you too. "Transcendence," about a dying computer genius (Johnny Depp) who uploads himself in computerized form and achieves a problematic digital afterlife, is real science fiction. Nourishing raindrops hide sinister secrets. Brightwood is quite literally a god complex, headquarters for the puppet master Will. Même le gouvernement, son meilleur ami, son ancien mentor et durant un court instant sa femme se tournent vers les terroristes pour l'arrêter. Il dottor Will Caster è il più importante ricercatore nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale e lavora alla creazione di una macchina senziente che combini l’intelligenza collettiva di tutto ciò che è conosciuto con l’intera gamma delle emozioni umane. (This movie could have been called "Bride of Frankenstein," as in "The Doctor's Wife."). The problem isn't that some disturbed individuals want to turn us into machines against our will (ahem), it's that we don't have enough will to resist becoming more machinelike. Cette intelligence est-elle réellement Will ? More often what you get are action or horror or superhero movies with a faint science fiction flavor—films that occasionally remind themselves to genuflect toward big themes when they aren't just having the characters run and jump and dodge explosions or be surprised by a monster lunging at them from the dark. Will, pensando ai rispettivi esiti, decide di compiere quest'ultima operazione provocando la propria morte assieme a quella di Evelyn e salvando la vita al suo amico Max, seguita da un black out mondiale. Comment un simple virus peut-il aussi facilement détruire l’intelligence ?… Effectivement un virus ne peut pas mais Will DÉCIDE de laisser le virus l’emporter car Evelyn le lui demande pour éviter la mort de max pris en joue par la blondasse. https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transcendence_(film)&oldid=113153155, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Imagine! Comment un simple virus peut-il aussi facilement détruire l'intelligence ? Will asks Evelyn to help him refurbish a dying desert town called Brightwood into a research facility that is to develop nanotechnology (machines as small as molecules) to repair and even replace flesh and alter nature. As the real world merges with the virtual world, will reality become a mere adjunct of the virtual? And it's at this point—maybe a quarter of the way through the story—that "Trancendence" becomes intriguing. A la limite le virus est anecdotique… En fait will est complètement assujetti aux rêves de sa femme. Je vous invite à vous orienter vers la critique du film si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu. Transcendence è un film del 2014 diretto da Wally Pfister, al suo esordio alla regia, con protagonista Johnny Depp. "Transcendence," about a dying computer genius (Johnny Depp) who uploads himself in computerized form and achieves a problematic digital afterlife, is real science fiction.