We know from experience that it is not enough to invoke diversity for it to exist in practice, no more than decreeing equal opportunities for them to be realistic. Candidates must reach or exceed a minimum admission mark, set by Sciences Po each year, in order to be admitted and become a Sciences Po student. Daniel Sabbagh is a Senior Research Fellow at the CERI Sciences Po (Centre de recherches internationales). The evaluation criteria is also clear and transparent in order to give all the best talents a chance to be selected. In order to proceed to the next step, the candidate must have obtained a mark equal to or higher than the minimum mark, which Sciences Po defines each year. On 6 October 2020, the European Court of Justice ruled that “Lex CEU,” a 2017 Hungarian law that aimed to restrict the activities of foreign universities and specifically targeted Central European University (CEU), is incompatible with EU law. The evaluation of this application results in three marks out of 20: These three marks out of 20 are added up to give a mark out of 60. The candidates selected are chosen for their ability to shine in different and complementary lights. Update - November 2020: Menton Livraison is up and running again during France's second lockdown period. Good to know before applying: Admissions to Sciences Po start from the first year of each chosen programme. Sciences Po Bordeaux c’est une formation qui repose sur la pluridisciplinarité en sciences humaines (sociologie, science politique, économie, gestion, droit constitutionnel et droit public, histoire contemporaine, relations internationales) et vous permet de comprendre et d’analyser efficacement les enjeux du monde contemporain. There is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" profile. Les débouchés professionnels sont très ouverts et variés : action publique, affaires internationales et stratégiques, expertise et communication, management des organisations et d’autres encore, comme en témoigne l’annuaire de nos « anciens ». Explanations below. Tel: +33 (0)1 45 49 50 50 | Fax: +33 (0)1 42 22 31 26, those preparing to sit a French Baccalaureate, those preparing a foreign secondary school diploma, More information on undergraduate admissions: one procedure for all, "Menton Livraison": Student Delivery Service for Seniors During Lockdown, The U.S. Presidential Elections and the Issue of Race, Safeguarding academic freedom in Europe, a pressing concern for democracy, Esther Duflo's Five Lessons For Harder Times, "Across the Blocks": A Learning Expedition Into Smart Cities, Student Mobility, or Acquiring Cultural Fluency, CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences. Discover the jury’s picks! This new admissions procedure, with evaluation criteria that values academic performance and extracurricular activities, is designed to give a fair chance to all candidates, in all their diversity and for whichever field in which they may excel. Admissions Sciences Po Bordeaux • rentrée 2021 5 Admissions Sciences Po Bordeaux • rentrée 2021 4 Modalités d’inscription L’inscription est effectuée exclusivement par internet, sur la plateforme Parcoursup durant la période prédéfinie par le Ministère. Nous vous attendons ! For applications to a graduate dual degree programme. Free online workshop that demystifies the college admissions process and covers exactly what it takes to get into your dream school. CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences fosters exchange and cooperation between its eight member institutions, on all levels. Applicants from foreign secondary schools, via the examination admissions procedure (fr. The oral mark complements the other three marks obtained in the application phase. For parents and motivated students. Pour autant, ces modifications ne remettent pas en cause la sélectivité du concours d’entrée, qui se transforme en examen du dossier et un oral d’admission. En Juin 2020, la direction de Sciences Po Bordeaux a annoncé la suppression des épreuves écrites. Important Les … Intégrer le diplôme de Sciences Po Bordeaux, Les programmes internationaux de Sciences Po Bordeaux, Programmes à destination des étudiants internationaux, Les Chaires d'enseignement et de recherche, Les Rencontres Sciences Po Bordeaux / Sud Ouest.