It is helpful in various skin ailments, such as psoriasis, flakey scalp, and dry eczema. Sensation, on moving the head, as if the brain stuck against the cranium. Burning pains of inner or exterior parts (glands). Nux-v.), and it is suited to the effects of excess of vegetable diet, melons, strawberries, and fruits in general, especially watery fruits. Skin dry as parchment, cold and bluish. Exhaustion from hill-climbing, breathless, sleepless. Charitable Solicitations Registration Hard and elastic swelling of the face, chiefly above the eyelids, and especially in the morning. Ringworm. En Chine, un chien parcourt 100 km pour retrouver ses propriétaires, Dépression souriante : quand le mal-être est masqué, Origine de la souche homéopathique Arsenicum album, Principales indications pour Arsenicum album en homéopathie. Pyelitis. Burning in the pit of the stomach and stomach. Squeezing, sharp pains, shootings, voluptuous tickling and burning in the ears. It is difficult to say how far this is a directly "tonic," effect, and how far curative of the dyscrasia generated by the conditions of life. Carbuncles (burning). Hypochondriasis. Tongue white as chalk, as if painted white. Measles. Excessive pain in the epigastrium, and in the stomach, chiefly on being touched. According to one account it is resorted to by populations who live on vegetable food almost exclusively. Irregular beatings of the heart, sometimes with anguish. Conical pimples, whitish or reddish, with burning itching. Itching, burning, swelling, skin eruptions. Chilblains. La souche est également indiquée en cas de gastro-entérite et de diarrhées. Arsenicum album. Frequent and convulsive hiccoughs, principally in the night. All Rights Reserved. Tongue bluish or white. Privacy Policy Violent diarrhoea, with frequent evacuations, nausea, vomiting, thirst, great weakness, colic, and tenesmus. Epithelioma. Malignant pustule. Tongue stiff like a piece of wood. Endometritis. While vomiting, violent pains in the stomach, sensation of excoriation in the abdomen, cries, burning internal heat, diarrhoea, and fear of death. Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime. Arsenic is a hemorrhagic: it acts on both blood and blood-vessels. Eruption of painful black pustules. Fatigue in the legs and in the feet. Prendre Arsenicum album 9 CH ou 18 DH à raison de 5 granules 1 ou 2 fois par jour. worse Lying on affected side, or with head low. Coldness. Locomotor ataxy. The neuralgias affect the right side most, the right lung ("acute, sharp, fixed or darting pain in apex and through upper third of right lung") is more affected than the left, also the right side of the abdomen, hence typhlitis. Sujet exigeant, minutieux, parfois maniaque, il ne supporte pas le désordre, toujours très bien habillé, ne supporte pas une tâche et va se changer dès que possible. Erysipelas. Asthma. Gout. Many cures of cancer have been reported under its use, both in crude and in potencies. Patients are anxious, full of the fear of death, restlessness compelling them to frequently change their position. Gastro-entérite aiguë avec vomissements, diarrhée brûlante et asthénie : prendre Arsenicum album 5 CH ou 10 DH à raison de 3 granules 4 fois par jour. Eczéma, psoriasis : prendre Arsenicum album 5 CH ou 10 DH à raison de 2 granules 3 fois par jour si l’éruption est très localisée, ou Arsenicum album 9 CH … Cholera. Comment sont fabriqués les médicaments homéopathiques ? Ulcers at the extremities of the fingers, with burning pain.