Who and what caused the Cold War? OIB Only schools approved by the Ministère de l’Education Nationale may undertake the International Option. Essay: Is world poverty the cause or the consequence of under development? Quatorze sections conduisent à l'OIB : allemande, américaine, arabe, britannique, chinoise, danoise, espagnole, italienne, japonaise, néerlandaise, polonaise, portugaise, russe et suédoise. 4 0 obj Le contenu de ces épreuves et le programme correspondant sont arrêtés en concertation par les autorités pédagogiques françaises et étrangères. d�W � �~&|�6����4[��훯�Yæ�we��e2�ɻɰ鬬}�����F��I�M?|�:�G.�h�T��c�jÙUݮ�o"�\$��p��u��O��w�yWb��W�e��!���W�� ��S��ڶ]����W�n�� , Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. google_ad_format="120x90_0ads_al_s"; google_ad_host="pub-6693688277674466"; << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Essay: To what extent are migration patterns determined by a country’s economic development? For baccalauréat général revision material visit our other site, Evaluate the threats to sustainable development in China, Evaluate the threats to sustainable development in China (2). En quoi consiste l'option internationale du baccalauréat ? Première promotion du bac OIB au Lycée Flaubert de Rouen - Duration: 2:49. adeupas 5,323 views. Quatorze sections conduisent à l'OIB : allemande, américaine, arabe, britannique, chinoise, danoise, espagnole, italienne, japonaise, néerlandaise, polonaise, portugaise, russe et suédoise. Welcome to the OIB revision site, this site contains material of special interest to any student studying for the OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat) however it can also be useful for general interest and for students studying for other exams. S�|���| Why did the Cold War start? Essay: “The Thatcher Revolution was a myth” – to what extent do you agree? (Please see below). Students preparing the OIB are required to study in international sections for the last two years of high school. Welcome to the OIB revision site, this site contains material of special interest to any student studying for the OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat) however it can also be useful for general interest and for students studying for other exams. British Section OIB is jointly designed, set, marked and certified by the University of Cambridge International Examinations and the French Ministry of Education. To what extent did Britain benefit from social change in the 1950s and 1960s? The OIB is the French general Baccalaureate with an additional international option. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. google_ad_height=90; Essay: To what extent is the global South an area of similarity or diversity? %��������� The Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) was established in 1981 by the French government in response to the growing demand for more widespread bilingual education and in recognition of a need to make additional provision for foreign nationals and bilingual families living in France.. google_ad_client="pub-0713281483425315"; Essay: “The economic decline of the Soviet Union was the crucial ending of the Cold War” - Discuss, The “second Cold War” and the Collapse of Communism (1979-91), Break of the day in the trenches by Isaac Rosenberg. Is world poverty the cause or the consequence of under development? 2:49. Essay: Why did the Grand Alliance break down? American Section OIB exams are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board (Advanced Placement Program) an… Document Based Questions: British History 1945-1964. (L’épreuve de mathématiques remplace celle d’histoire-géographie pour la section chinoise.). Essay: Was Britain really in decline in the 1945-1979 period? [����ۿ�G ���X��xƠ��a��� ?���h�q��j��t�A���a!~w���Q�������]+�m��>x%+c���Z{U�o��TX��bz+��S�JL�D�&b��8�F*kx�р�Axb ����d�;�.LE"���^�5��t��Ge��;���*��t.T��L�74�_Dy�j:�b�����Ay>)��"U���8^mt�C�s6�������V^�P7¯�#*T�Q*�Z� OIB aggregate marks and honours grades (mentions) 2006* (*last published official statistics) Mark/20 16-20 14-15 12-13 10-11 ‘Mention’ (honours grade) Très bien Bien ... 16+ in French bac Candidates achieving 14+ in French bac It developed my critical thinking and the way I make choices. (1945-1990), Comparison between British and French Decolonisation, Document Based Questions: International relations in the 1950s. Essay: Evaluate the success of one or more newly industrialised countries (NICs). L'OIB est le diplôme du baccalauréat général français, sur lequel est portée l'indication « option internationale » avec mention de la langue de la section dans laquelle est scolarisé le candidat qui aura suivi impérativement un enseignement en section internationale de lycées en classes de première et de terminale. En quoi consiste l'option internationale du baccalauréat ? google_color_border="FFFFFF"; Le CIEP est responsable de la mise en place des épreuves orales pour la session annuelle de l'option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB) en France, dans le cadre d'une convention passée avec la Direction des relations européennes et internationales et de la coopération (DREIC) du ministère de l’Education nationale. Pour l'obtenir, les candidats doivent passer des épreuves spécifiques de langue et littérature et d'histoire-géographie. google_color_bg="FFFFFF"; Schools wishing to prepare candidates for the British OIB must in all cases contact the DREIC (the department responsible for OIB within the … Essay: Are demographic issues a concern for development? %PDF-1.3 google_color_link="000000"; Essay: Who was to blame for the Cold War? Le Bac à option internationale (OIB) est un baccalauréat français L, ES et S. Il se prépare uniquement dans les établissements à sections internationales. Was Britain in economic decline after 1945? The UK and USA were among the first countries to take part in the OIB initiative, the relevant education authorities taking responsibility for creating and administering each “option”, in cooperation with their French counterparts. x�YMs�6��W�V�P��"����wZ;I���AU�:�? Bac S-OIB: written exam (4) + oral exam (3) = coefficient 7; An OIB Handbook has also been written for the American Option which provides guidance for teachers, and can be accessed in the Resources page on this site. Essay: ‘A play with different shades of villainy, but no heroes.’ How far would you agree with this view of The White Devil. stream What is the International Option Baccalaureate? Le Service inter académique des examens et concours (SIEC) est en charge de l’organisation des sujets écrits de l’OIB. google_color_url="0033CC"; Le Bac à option internationale (OIB) est un baccalauréat français L, ES et S. Il se prépare uniquement dans les établissements à sections internationales.