If you’d love to watch the replay of the moon magic webinar and take a deep dive into unlocking the secrets to moon tracking to cultivate flow, freedom and abundance in your life you can head to the show notes or https://go.chanithompson.com/webinar & you can catch it there, we would love to see you check it out. ça c'est pas passé comme ça, Ben ça veut dire qu'il y a des candidats qui orchestre Bah, ouais tu vois et moi pendant ces moments-là.

Chani shares how it came to fruition over a few cocktails and some lunch last year & the behind the scenes of putting this e-course together for the better half of 2020. There are definitely some vulnerable details about the BTS of Moon Magic but then again this podcast is strictly no BS and we’re all about revealing behind the highlight reel. Et du coup, bah moi et visible était genre. Les images exclusives de la coucherie entre Illan et Chani. Its a crazy story - you guys are going to love it. Chani furieuse contre les montages des images. Again , https://go.chanithompson.com/webinar is where you can catch the replay , after this podcast episode. So get ready to learn tones of information including what finally clicked for Chani to make this incredible practice work. Join our online community so we can let you know when new episodes drop and any fun events happening in your area! Or want to learn more about how to join our tribe? Theres kinda an art and a science behind it and Chani will explain it all on the webinar replay that you can check out. In this episode we sit down and talk all about Moon Magic, HOW TO CULTIVATE WILD ABUNDANCE USING THE NATURAL RHYTHMS OF THE MOON. Now, this webinar is really show and tell, so she's going to take you behind the scenes and show you exactly how she moon tracks, what she does and doesn't do, what the missing ingredient is to cultivating abundance that most people miss out on, the themes for each zodiac sign and also share my her life story of how she manifested her dream home on the beach using the moon tracking principles. Did you know you can amplify your new moon intentions when you focus on the zodiac theme that aligns with whats happening in your life at that exact time?

But heres why you should check it out with a yummy cup of tea one night this week... if you’re a visionary and someone who has incredible goals and dreams but you keep coming up against roadblocks and personal belief or confidence issues, that keep stopping you from living that abundant life you dream of, Chani is going to be walking you through the step by step unique moon tracking system she's used for years, starting from the very beginning where we'll dive into the 12 zodiac signs and the 8 lunar phases and how that impacts your energy, all the way to Chan's secret ingredient to how to make this incredible ancient practice work. Dans le dernier épisode des Anges 12, Yumee a perdu lors d'un jeu qui consistait à répondre à des questions de culture générale. Chani shares how it came to fruition over a few cocktails and some lunch last year & the behind the scenes of putting this e … Les Anges 12 : Chani et Illan ont passé la nuit ensemble dans un épisode des Anges 12, ce qui a provoqué un bad buzz. We hope you guys love it.