Customer Comes First is the foundation of our mission statement. The most popular color? PEU IMPORTE CE QU'ON EN DIT, CE QUI SE FAIT OU NE SE FAIT PAS, LA SEULE CHOSE QUI COMPTE, C'EST VOTRE ENVIE DU MOMENT. Vous pouvez modifier vos réglages relatifs aux cookies à tout moment. The research unit undertakes scientific research, carries out bespoke studies, publishes papers and provides consulting services for public or private customers, national and worldwide. It is the only international think tank to have been set up as a totally privateinitiative in an independent approach. Copyright 2020 - Iris Pharma -, «My drug candidate or medical device shows promise in treating ocular diseases. Remember... IRIS is partnering ISCA on this brand new project, co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This study examines the implementation of the European Union (EU) defence package, which consists of the Defence Procurement Directive 2009/81/EC and the Intra-Community Transfers Directive 2009/43/EC, during the period from 2016 to 2020. The Global Go To Think Tanks 2019 is out! By Felix Arteaga, Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute / Daniel Fiott, Security and Defence Editor at EUISS / Keith Hartley, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of York / Sylvie Matelly, deputy director at IRIS / Jean-Pierre Maulny, Deputy Director at IRIS / Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme at IAI / Margarita Šešelgytė, Director at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University/ Édouard Simon, Research director at IRIS. Brexit is going to happen. BERENAR (snacks) Patatas Bravas- roasted potatoes with spicy aioli $8. Contact us This is why Renaissance painters represented it under the allegory of a naked woman, decency requiring that one look the other way. Premier League and PPTV: Private Finances and UK-China Politics in Football, Why the geopolitics of sport matters – Conversation with James Dorsey, How esports are embroiled in a geopolitical call of duty, New ‘GeoSport’ platform launched by IRIS and emlyon business school, Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. Ads are shown to you based on a number of factors like relevancy and the amount sellers pay per click. by Margarita ŠEŠELGYTĖ, Director, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, By Marcin Terlikowski, Head of the International Security Programme, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), by Bastian Giegerich, Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS, by Dick Zandee, Head of the Security Unit, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute, By Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), By Per Olsson, Project Manager for Defence Economics ans Materiel Supply, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), By Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst, The Elcano Royal Institute (Real Instituto Elcano – Spain), by Anke Schmidt-Felzmann, Researcher at the Research Centre of The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, by Claudia Major, Senior Associate, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Christian Mölling, Research Director, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), By Yvonni-Stefania Efstathiou, Research Analyst, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), by Federico Santopinto / Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security (GRIP), by Marcin Terlikowski, Head, International Security Programme, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), By Katarina Djokic, Researcher in Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, by Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), by Margarita Šešelgytė, Studies Director, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, By Felix Arteaga, Senior Analyt, Real Instituto Elcano (RIE), Ares Seminar Report - April 29, 2018, Brussels, By Kjetil Hatlebakk Hove, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), by Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), By Marcin Terlikowski, Head of European Security and Defence, PISM, By Edouard Simon, PhD Candidate – University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, by Daniel Fiott, Security and Defence Editor, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), by Jean Belin, Josselin Droff, and Julien Malizard, Chaire Économie de Défense, by Guillaume de la Brosse, Adviser, European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission, by Martin Michelot, Deputy Director, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and Milan Suplata, Security Policy Analyst. The EU’S Preparatory Action on Defence Research, Armament Industry Research Group: Presentation, World arms industry - EDTIB - Arms transfers - Export control - CSDP - NATO - Defence and security issues - Strategic affairs, Afghanistan - Pakistan - Iran - Iraq – Kurdish issue, Latin America – Civil society and Social movements, Climate change – Energy issues – EU enlargment policy, Humanitarian action – Organisation and functioning of the NGOs – External action of the territorial authorities, The Middle-East – Turkey and the Turkish-speaking world – The European policy in these regions – The relations between the EU and Turkey – The European policy in the Middle-East, Zionism and anti-Zionism in contemporary Europe – Regional identities and separatisms in Europe – The relations between the French and the Israeli – The German left and the Middle-East conflict ¬– Nationalisms and extremisms in Europe, The cooperation between the North and the South – Food problems – The Third World’s economy and its geopolitical future – African questions, South West Asia - Near and Middle East - Levant - Mesopotamia - Arabian Peninsula - Gulf Region, Defence Policy - Nuclear Detterence - Aerospace issues – Military Programming and Operations – Aerospace Strategy, Innovation of defense systems - Scientific Issues - New technologies, The history of the European integration – The institutional evolution of the European Union – The European Union as a global actor, Armament: technologies, choice of equipment, requirements, design, use, support - Strategic issues (supply, cooperation, essence of power) - Strategic positioning of companies - Threat analysis, World Energy Markets – Energy strategy: key actors and roles - European Energy Policy in EU - Finance and geopolitics, Development of the so-called “fragile countries” – Post conflict reconstruction, Indian Economy – Economy of the emerging countries – Asia/Africa Relations, Climate change - Oceans and marine environments - Marine economy, Humanitarian - Development - Decentralized cooperation - Armed conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa - Transitional Justice - Ivory Coast, West Africa – Regional Integration – Border issues – G5-Sahel, Energy issues – Markets and Energy Prices – Geopolitics of Energy - Energy and Governance, Strategic issues in the Mediterranean and North Africa – European Neighbourhood Policy - Agriculture and globalization – Food security and geopolitics of food supply – Grain Trade, China and the Chinese world – Strategic questions in Asia – Defence and international relations – The military tool: means, operations, concepts – The military nuclear weapons – Military aeronautics – NBCR risk and civil protection, The Political and Security Stakes in North-East Asia - The China's Power Strategy - The American Foreign Policy – The American Policy in Asia Pacific – Nuclear Issues – New Threats, Climat – Security – Risk prevention – International climate negociations – Governance of geoengineering, Natural Resources Economics – Raw materials – Renewable energy, Asia, South-East Asia – Afghanistan – The reform of public administrations – Public services – NGOs, Geopolitics of Climate Change - International Climate Negotiations - Bangladesh - South Asia, Strategic issues – European security – Global power relationships – Nuclear issues – The French foreign policy, Arms Industry - Arms and High-Technology Exports - Cooperative Arms Programmes - French and German Defence Policy – Europe Defence Programs – NATO, The Japanese defence policy – The strategic stakes in East Asia, Money laundering – Business frauds – Sustainable development in the banking world, Sub-Saharan Africa - Development Effectiveness and Finance - Governance - International Cooperation, Geopolitics of Energy – Natural resource economics – Russia et CIS – Eastern Europe, Defence policy – Transatlantic relationship – NATO – Franco-British cooperation – Brexit – European defence – United States’ policy and politics – Maritime strategy, Economics, Globalisation, Finance, Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Energy, Industry, Turkey - Turkish Defence and Armament Issues, International Sport Issues - Sport Diplomacy - Sport Integrity, The European economic integration and common policies – The post socialist transition in Eastern Europe – Sustainable development and degrowth – The economy of gratuity, Contemporary issues faced by Europe (migratory flows, digital sovereignty...) - International employment laws, Humanitarian Operations - Humanitarian Evaluation and Innovation - Strategy, The Middle-East – The relations between islam and the Western world; politics and religion – The Franco-Arab relations and the Euro-Mediterranean stakes – The media in the Arab world, feminism and civil societies, European Union - European Defence - Defence Industry, Defence and security policy – Operational concepts and the uses of force – Crisis management – Military aeronautics, Strategic affairs – European security – EU member states’ foreign and defence policies – CSDP, CFSP – French defence policy – Crisis management – EU/Sub-Saharan Africa – Transantlantic security – Power and strategy, Unites States of America - Gender, equality woman-men, feminism - Socio-political issues of sport, Sport Integrity and governance – Sport Diplomacy – Women's issues in sport, Military spendings and defence budgets – Arms industries and restructuration – Globalisation and economic and strategic relations – European economy, economic policies, US foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa - Conflict, State and non-governmental players in North Africa and the Middle East, Geopolitical Issues of Artifical Intelligence - Cyber Strategy - International Political Economy - North America, Political and Cultural History of Contemporary China - China / Middle East Relationships - China / Central Asia Relationships - China / France Relationships, Economy and monetary policy - European institutions and the functioning of the euro zone - Monetary and financial international relations - International cooperation bodies and organisations, Natural Resources Economics – Energy issues and Development - Asia and NIC – International Monetary Affairs, Communications and economic intelligence – Cyber strategy - Terrorism, Latin American politics, regionalism and security - Contemporary multilateralism, Central and Latin America – External and security policies of the Ibero-American area, Illicit drugs trafficking and its geopolitics - Money laundering and the funding of terrorism - Tobacco smuggling.