A short dialogue about her sexual desires and lack of regret in having sexual contact with an American soldier is the most powerful and liberating moment of the entire film.

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This ending strongly suggests that the war marked a moment of cultural – as well as economic – transformation, the moment when rural France became truly modern. In fact, the word “unjust” is repeatedly used throughout the film, as characters attempt to reconcile their personal ambitions and the security of those close to them. Le travail effectué par les femmes durant la première guerre mondiale, c’est, entre autre, ce que nous montre Xavier Beauvois dans Les gardiennes, adaptation très libre du roman homonyme de Ernest Pérochon, paru en 1924. Sur fond de ruralité, Xavier Beauvois signe un film tout de raffinement et de sobriété pour rendre hommage au courage des femmes prises dans la tourmente de la Première Guerre mondiale.

Son grand-père agriculteur n’avait pas de livres chez lui, seulement ceux de Pérochon. Beauvois s'inscrit avec talent une tradition très claire du cinéma français : le réalisme [...]. Those who never took arms and yet played an instrumental role in keeping the family and the country together. Pour ses cadrages, Beauvois demandait à sa directrice photo, Caroline Champetier, de penser western, un genre qui lui plaît, hors des circuits urbains aussi. Nul besoin pour elles d’imaginer en amont du tournage un lien de filiation, il existait déjà. Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh, Avec Claude Lelouche: "Yes, No, and the Power of Fate" "All the no's they told me, took me to meet other people who told me yes.
Because Les Gardiennes presents American troops in a way that is unfamiliar to and probably objectionable to American students, this point of cultural discomfort constitutes an excellent starting point for classroom conversation. ». On either side of a card announcing the year as 1915 are two shots, presumably from two separate regions of France but by implication simultaneous. Formerly published as Fiction and Film for French Historians (vol. Michel Legrand’s score appears on only a handful of occasions, bursts of music that underline a moment of expectation, as when Francine first arrives at the farm, or wash over a terrible sorrow, such as Hortense’s reaction to the death of her son. The guardians of the title are the women who tend the earth during the agonising absence of their menfolk. », « J’habite dans une ferme du Limousin, précise le cinéaste, que la vie parisienne insupportait.

“The Germans are people like us,” Solange’s husband, Clovis (Olivier Rabourdin), informs his family over dinner—teachers and farmers like them. In the novel, however, motherhood becomes her destiny:  Francine imagines a future for herself as a fierce and determined mother, resolved to care for her child out of love, to be sure, but also out of a strong sense of self-preservation:  her son will repay his mother’s love by caring for her and shielding her from the cruel aspersions of sanctimonious neighbors. All three men come and go over the course of the film, but the ladies require more consistent help year-round, with dreams of modernizing their operation looming wistfully in the distance. Hand-picked. When one of the males returns from combat (in one piece), there are no screams and epic reactions.

We catch a glimpse of the horrors of war at the very beginning as he pans silently across a battlefield, with lifeless bodies strewn about in the mist. When the men do return on leave for brief periods, they don’t speak of the violence they’ve endured, but they’re clearly changed. As the priest says, at one gloomy Mass where the names of the latest war dead are declaimed to a congregation of stricken women, we should “take pity on those who weep”. Solange is the only one strong enough to confront her *unjust” mother. Or so Hortense fears. He leaves the boy in the hands of an earnest priest (Christian Clavier), who escorts him back to Paris.

The Guardians is out in cinemas across the UK on Friday, August 17th.

Il était sensationnel dès les premiers essais. En voilà un beau récit de guerre, puisque de la guerre, rien n'est montré..., ou alors, ce qui n'en a quasiment jamais été montré. Jamais Beauvois ne trouve le juste ton, oscillant entre une retenue de surface et des élans mélodramatiques mal calibrés.

Ils sont du bâtiment, comme on dit. Avec "Les Gardiennes", Xavier Beauvois restitue les réalités d'il y a un siècle, mais regarde également notre époque droit dans les yeux. It’s a horror that is ever-present even miles away from the action. Rural France in this telling prospers during the war, becoming more productive as it becomes more modern.

Your email address will not be published. Hortense, una mare de família treballadora sense límits, emplea a la seva granja a Francine, una jove de l’assistència pública, per a que l’ajudi al seu treball, ja que Solange, la filla, es nega a fer-ho. Look more closely at the scenes and it’s clear that what makes them so picturesque is also what makes them so pitiful. How can they be so ungrateful? Découvrez les 29 critiques de journaux et des revues spécialisées pour le film Les Gardiennes réalisé par Xavier Beauvois avec Nathalie Baye, Laura Smet, Iris Bry, Olivier Rabourdin. They were thoughtful, curious, and – in the main – appreciative of the film. Her husband Henri, fidgeting with his gnarled arthritic hands and applying his technical know-how only to his still and the production of wine-soup, is a shadow of a patriarch, and takes no part in either the farm labour or management.
Francine does not shrink into the shadows of domestic employment, hoping that her baby will not disturb the sleep of her elderly employer. Des labours aux moissons, l’air, sûrement, sent l’humus, le bois mouillé, les blés roussis. Les gardiennes critique Gardiennes Studio Marie Bell au Théâtre du Petit Gymnase .

With expressive looks reminiscent of a silent film star, she has a clarity and a directness about her that are hugely appealing. Beauvois, Bry, Champetier, trois bonnes raisons de découvrir ce beau film. Dans sa forme, "Les Gardiennes" est donc un film très classique. Francine (played by Iris Bry) proves a reliable, loyal, and indefatigable worker: an orphan who learned early the nature of hard work, Francine finds in the Misanger household something close to the family she had never known. When the workers pause to eat in the middle of the day, the beauty drains from the screen as, without the distraction of their labours, they fall silent, glum, exhausted and lost in thought.

Le cinéaste des Hommes et des dieux brûlait de réaliser un film de femmes, après plusieurs chassés-croisés masculins. Un film inégal qui parvient tout de même à trouver sa voie.

The dialogues are scarce and sparse. The movie wraps up with a beautiful and ironic song about love being like a child’s toy, in a little live performance. Critique To observe, therefore, that Beauvois’s cinematic rendition of Les Gardiennes provides an ending quite unlike that given in the novel is not necessarily a point of criticism. Hortense, played in the film by Nathalie Baye, is a formidable character, not to be crossed.