Tap around the ara to build up your stars and eventually you'll find the book. This strategy will likely not work indefinitely as Jam City seems to have tweaked the AI slightly between the first two Duelling Club events. Afterward, Ben will feel a lot more confident and will promise to help you with finding your brother. It changes 14 times in total, but I'm not sure if this the correct answers as your question refers to just the stirring process. We will begin with a demonstration of brewing the Wiggenweld Potion. When you get there, you will notice that several students have speech bubbles above them. This will continue a few more times as you add more ingrediants, weight other items, and repeat. Once you have all 5 stars, you'll pass the lesson and have the Expelliarmus spell at your disposal. The biggest reason Aggressive spam is weaker is the buff to Bombarda. You'll then search for more ingrediants and will have to tap and trace the path that appears to add more and stir the pot. At worst you take 10 damage from a throw vial The AI will often cast Bombarda as it was buffed to deal 10 initial damage, this gives you a chance to take 20 damage in a single turn. Same as before, trace the path on the screen to cast Rictusempra on your friend. You’ll have a brief conversation with Rowan there, after which you’ll get the opportunity to improve your friendship level with him. You'll be asked a question, which rewards you with more attribute points for your character. Which of the following is a wiggenweld potion ingredient from the sea? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
, Hogwarts Mystery School © 2020 - Designed By. Complete actions by tapping on various glowing objects in order to fill up the Star Meter. In the previous two events Bombarda did 5 initial damage with a 50% chance of an additional 10 so the AI never used it, it would just spam heals and throw vial for 10 damage. Luckily, she’ll tell you of a secret dueling book hidden in the Artefact Room. Making Wiggenweld Potion For your lesson in this chapter, you'll head to the potions room to make a Wiggenweld Potion. When you have the meter full, trace the path that appears to cast the spell. Tap on the Handshake icon to continue. You'll be prompted to speak with Felix. Some areas will cost more energy to search than others, plan accordingly as you look around the room. The changes made for the third Duelling Club event make it much harder to be successful, there is no strategy that guarantees you will complete the event. From this Chapter on, you can choose the order in which you want to complete tasks. After a brief introduction, the lesson will start. How do you like the story so far? When you have filled the Star meter, choose your reward and complete the Focus section to complete the lesson. Hello everyone, and welcome to Year One, Chapter Four of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. This means you should be able to kill after winning 3 turns, however RNG can swing either way. When you are done, trace the path on the screen to successfully cast Rictusempra. She decided to teach both of you how to duel. Which of the following is a wiggenweld potion ingredient from the sea?. Tapping on the exclamation mark will start the conversation about dueling. This shouldn’t be too difficult. When both characters choose the same stance the round will tie and the character with lower stamina will receive 2 points of stamina. If the AI actually selected Diffindo occasionally this would be the best strategy, however since you’re going to get spammed by Flipendo choosing Sneaky will slightly edge out Defensive. This is likely not 100% accurate, but from the duels we’ve done it seems that the damage over time effect happens around 50% of the time. In any case, when you are ready, tap on the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall. You have three options to respond with. Lastly, when you obtain all five stars, you’ll need to finalize your potion by stirring it. Your character will then experience a strange vision in which the ice is encasing Hogwarts and is spreading all over it. If you want to get all the bonus stars, it is advised to start this at full energy. Episkey – Heals for less than Wiggenweld. I’ve died in 2 turns to an Incendio proc followed by a Depulso while I’ve also been attacked by 3 straight Incendios that never proc’d for a total of 15 damage. Tapping on the handshake icon will bring the window with recommended attributes for this task – Courage level two, Empathy level one, Knowledge level one. He’ll say that he finds it very difficult to adjust to Hogwarts and ask how you manage to stay so brave. If you give them a good enough answer you’ll fill up the Diamond Meter. This will introduce you to another mini-game called Meal with a friend. Choose either above to see what others have said. Anyway, the Disarming Charm will surely be useful in the future. You'll have to meet up with your classmate again in the common room, which will cost more Gems (or time waiting) in order to continue the story. Answer it to receive attribute points. At the start of the chapter, you will have to find a tutor for Dueling. However during the Duelling Club you will a limited amount of entry tickets (lives) to win a large number of duels. A Harry Potter mobile RPG game developed by Jam City and published under Portkey Games. Once the dialogue is over, you can continue with the quest. After a bit more talking, Rowan will ask what kind of spell would you want to learn. During the 1984–1985 school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Professor Severus Snape taught his first year Potions students how to concoc… The downside to that is if Incendio doesn’t proc you’re looking at a 4 turn kill at the minimum. Afterward, we went to have some fun and play Gobstones with Rowan. One time the AI randomly picked defensive 5 times in a row… I’ve only ever seen it pick the same stance 3 times in a row out of all the other duels I’ve done. The wiggenweld potion should not take so long to drink when dueling. Afterward, Snape will praise your potion making performance (in his own way) but will say that Merula is much better at Potions in general. If there was no healing I would recommend opening with Expelliarmus followed by 2 Depulsos. Every time a friend asks you something, you will have three different responses, each tied to one of the attributes. Keep tapping the screen as each new task comes up and you'll eventually finish the lesson. So, for the first task in this Chapter, you should go to Potions Class. Professor Snape: The lesson starts. Stuns happen less than 50% of the time.. probably closer 25%. We recommend you complete the Lessons tasks first since those will reward you with a lot of attribute points and most likely increase some of your attribute levels, thus allowing you to have more conversation options later in the story mode. Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough. Eventually, he’ll ask why you want to duel. Stuns are also not worth it, they have a relatively low chance to proc and you still have to choose the correct stance to do damage the following turn. THE TIME HAS COME! If you win, you will choose a spell which corresponds to the stance you selected. You will be choosing Bombarda every turn for damage unless you want to heal. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Potions Classroom.