Il utilise différents (métal) pour sa sculpture. Interestingly, one of the languages that has the most complex system for plural is the sursurunga, a language spoken by about 3000 people in New Ireland. They can be a combination of nouns, adjectives, verbs, past or present participles, adverbs, prepositions, determiners. Firstly, the idiomatic expression “plus d’un” (more than one) is always followed by a singular. Pour expliquer cette irrégularité, il faut remonter des siècles avant notre ère moderne, avant que la langue française n’adopte sa forme moderne actuelle. 4. Plural is indeed a universal concept which is present in all languages. Nouns and adjectives ending in -al. Opposed to singular and plural, these grammatical forms can exist : Also, in certain languages, instead of being naturally singular and having a modified plural form, some words refer naturally to multiple objects and have a altered singular form that refer to a single object. Le tas = les tas – heap La croix = les croix – cross Le nez = les nez – nose Nouns ending -AU, -EAU, -EU add –X. Les (cheval) sont sur la ligne de départ. Composition translucide faite de pièces de verre, en général colorées, assemblées à l'aide de plombs et d'une armature de fer ou à l'aide d'un ciment, et servant à clore une baie, voire à créer une vaste paroi lumineuse et décorative. En ce qui concerne les cas particuliers du pluriel des noms, ils sont très nombreux. For a negative quantity, the choice is made according to the value without the negative sign. As far as nouns are concerned, the rules for the formation of the plural in French are few and simple. La plupart des noms en -ail font leur pluriel en -ails; Exemple : un rail / des rails. Nyongoni, eh non ! Définitions de vitrail. Let’s start with a few examples, as usual : As we saw in our previous lesson about gender, a noun is generally introduced by an article which must vary in gender according to it. Their plural in French is not always obvious, but we can state an easy rule to understand how it goes : In a compound noun, only the composing nouns, adjective and past participles are put to plural, unless the meaning commands otherwise. 7. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. My struggles with my dissertation were long gone since the day I contacted Emily for my dissertation help. Il était alors logique que l’écrit suive le parler. Le fermier place des (épouvantail) dans le champ. To go further, see our complete lesson about articles. Plural (le pluriel) is a variation of the singular form. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 septembre 2020 à 08:14. Learn more. Français Langue Etrangère / Langue Seconde, Reproductions et traductions interdites sur tout support (voir conditions), Contenu des sites déposé chaque semaine chez un huissier de justice. PLURIEL DES MOTS EN -AL & -AIL (PLURAL OF WORDS ENDING WITH -AL & -AIL) Like This Video 0 11424. 10. Firstly let’s give a few examples of the normal case : Here are examples where the meaning commands the use of plural : Note that sometimes, also driven by the meaning, one of the composing nouns can be plural while the compound noun is at the singular form : Sometimes, you might have to be careful, because some words have the same form as a noun and as a verb. On the contrary, the expressions  “un ou deux” (one or two) or “moins de deux” (less than two) are always followed by a plural: In French, as in English and other main languages, there only exist the singular (for one) and the plural (for two or more). For a fractional quantity, the rule applies : the choice depends if the fraction is bigger than 2 or not. However, there are exceptions, and I’m afraid you’ll have to learn a few lists of words with an irregular plural ; I learnt those lists by heart when I was 13 . If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Les (bal) attirent les jeunes. But what about null, decimal and fractional quantities ? In addition, the article must also take its singular or plural for according to the “number” of the noun : les (definite article) or des (indefinite article) : In fact, the plural form of the articles are the same for the masculine and feminine cases, which explains why we always present nouns in their singular form when we introduce them (if we didn’t, it would mean that the gender information would be lost).