On intermediate products such as planed wood, the choice of allocation approach does not make a significant difference, as expected. The largest contributor (95% for all HWP) is the land use associated with the wood resources, the land occupation during forest growth. The strong dependence of results on the chosen allocation method is demonstrated through a comparison of results with those obtained when using economic allocation, as shown in Fig. The second, the downstream phase, is log transformation and HWP manufacturing at the factory. Partial PCFs may be added together to quantify the total PCF, provided the same methodology is used, and there are no gaps and overlaps. All sawmilling and a diversity of remanufacturing operations, including the production of I-joists, glulam, and CLT, are performed on the same site. The functional unit used for the estimation of the final emissions and life cycle environmental impacts is one tonne of refined copper cathode. (2012), regionalized characterization factors are required because biodiversity has an uneven geographical distribution and its response is non-uniform to land use. As can be seen in the different figures, because of the approach taken for allocation, all coproducts generated by the same activity show the same score. Obviously, the data must be transparent and verifiable. The results presented previously are based on a volume allocation. This matched the amount calculated for the organization over these four years of activity (0.01% difference). Profits were calculated based on the production volume and average sale prices on the North American wood markets. Look up words and phrases in … An activity-based approach, using a spreadsheet calculation tool, was then used, which made it possible to obtain consistent results. It is an illustration of the evolution of a certain element from the day it is created to the moment it ceases to exist. „ crad­le to gate“ In die­sem Modell wer­den alle Emis­sio­nen erfasst, die. “IMPACT 2002+: A new life cycle impact assessment methodology,” The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 8(6), 324-330. Zurück. Damages to ecosystem quality are presented here to compare HWPs between them, and as they are necessary to generate the subsequent multi-criterion optimization model. These results are consistent with the conclusion of previous LCA on glulam from Quebec’s boreal forest (Laurent et al. “Data quality management for life cycle inventories – An example of using data quality indicators,” Journal of Cleaner Production 4(3-4), pp.167-174. Crad­le to gate – crad­le to gra­ve. A. E. E., and van Heck, E. (2008). Yung, ... Karpagam Subramanian, in, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2013, Carbon Emission = Activity Data × Emission Factor × Global Warming Potential. To achieve this balance, the data on flows of material of forest companies can be compiled by the companies themselves or by external agencies. (2013). This is what explains the glulam’s score for this damage category. “Portrait de la ressource forêt du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean,” Commission Régionale sur les Ressources Naturelles et le Territoire du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, QC, Canada. Gate-to-gate The use phase and disposal phase of the product are usually omitted. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.11.046. “The incentive gap: LULUCF and the Kyoto mechanism before and after Durban,” GCB Bioenergy 5(6), 599-622. Jessome, A. P. (1977). ISO 14044 (2006). BRE internal report prepared for TSB NATCOM project by Brunel University, 2011, Life cycle assessment of engineered nanomaterials, Health and Environmental Safety of Nanomaterials, ). The primary data spanned from 2009 to 2012, providing enough information to mitigate yearly variations due to natural and economic fluctuations and to calculate standard deviations, allowing uncertainty analyses. After 40 years the cellulosefibers are replaced and the old fibers are disposed of, possibly incinerated. The comparison between the results for the entire portfolio of goods and for the organization serves as a validation step. The most important contributor is the manufacturing of adhesives, with 47 percent of GHG emissions because of the lamination activity. 2010) was preferred to the USLCI database because it is more complete and presents uncertainty data for the included process flows. Open menu. If the biogenic carbon was considered, the manufacturer has sequestration of 1.5 tons of carbon per m³. (2000). It is an illustration of the evolution of a certain element from the day it is created to the moment it ceases to exist. All activities are described in the next table. Additionally, marketing experts refer to this concept as a strategy that aims to create loyalty to a brand or product in the mind of a consumer at his earlier years of age up until his death. This is understandable since, as indicated in the adjacent column, these studies are limited in scope to Cradle-to-gate assessments with the objective of impact assessment at the production stage. Just over 20% of the processed logs are transformed into a light frame softwood, mostly used for residential construction. I-joists are also a major consumer of energy, also because of the use of adhesives. DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2013.37073, Sims, R. E. H., Mabee, W., Saddler, J. N., and Taylor, M. (2010). The construction materials are classified into two distinct categories, light frame and solid wood products, because their use and useful life differ. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. 2011). “An inventory-based analysis of Canada’s managed forest carbon dynamics, 1990 to 2008,” Global Change Biology 17(6), 2227-2244. In conformity with common practice in sawmills and in accordance with ISO standards, coproduct allocation was calculated on a volume basis, as suggested by products category rules (PCR) for the wood sector (Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (2009) and an inventory in 2005 by Kline in North America (Kline 2005). DOI:10.1111/j.1530‐9290.2011.00414.x, Zabalza Bribián, I., Valero Capilla, A., and Aranda Usón, A. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services, C. Emmanouilidis, M. Taisch, and D. Kiritsis (eds. In view of the variation in results depending on the allocation factor, a sensitivity analysis was performed on economic revenue of the whole HWP portfolio. Close. Der Begriff der Bila… Gate-to-gate is a partial LCA method, looking at only one value-added process in the entire production chain. 218. (2005). 107-117. The OSB manufacturer is located in the north-west of the province of Quebec (Canada), in the boreal forest. While solid wood production represents 2% of the volume of CCLtd activities, it corresponds to 15% of GHG emissions using economic allocation. The diversity of forest products, which do not undergo the same degree of transformation, can make this exercise tricky. “Life cycle assessment and multi-criteria optimization of regional biomass and bioenergy supply chains,” Chemical Engineering Transactions 25, 575-580. 2010). CLC provides guidance related to product marks, post-Brexit. There are several time horizons involved in the LCA of copper mining and extraction. Montgomery County recognises BREEAM for building tax credits. “Greenhouse gas emissions, life-cycle inventory and cost-efficiency of using laminated wood instead of steel construction: Case: Beams at Gardermoen airport,” Environmental Science & Policy 5(2), 169-182. This methodology, named organization environmental footprint (OEF), is based on the reference life cycle data system handbook (ILCD Handbook) (Chomkhamsri et al. (2006). die Effektivität des Nährstoffkreislaufs. Börjesson, P., and Gustavsson, L. (2000). Hierzu zählen z.B. The Quebec grid mix (MERN 2012a) and the crude oil mix (MERN 2012b) (obtained from the Quebec ministère de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles (MERN) website) was used for the foreground processes. This means cutting out the use and disposal phase. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. A Synthesis of Research on Wood Products & Greenhouse Gas Impact, Technical report TR-19R, FPInnovation, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. By accounting for both the relative environmental and economic performance of the HWP in a multi-criterion optimization model, one could identify strategies or portfolios that both minimize environmental impacts while maximizing profits (Bernier 2011; Čuček et al. “The carbon budget of Canadian forest: Phase 1,” Information Report NOR-X-326, Forestery Canada, Northwest region, Northern Forestery Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Gains are still possible by using LCA results in an optimization model. Cradle-to-gate assessments are sometimes the basis for environmental product declarations (EPD) termed business-to-business EDPs.