The HPAI H5N8 virus detected in mute swans in the Netherlands in October 2020 shares a common ancestor with clade viruses last detected in Egypt in 2018-2019 and has a similar genetic composition. The outbreak in the Kostromskaya region killed more than 14,000 birds and led to the slaughtering of the rest of the flock of 283,000 animals, the OIE said, quoting information from Russia's agriculture ministry. [20], On 4 February 2020, Saudi Arabia reported an outbreak of the highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu virus on a poultry farm. Das teilte das Umwelt- und Landwirtschaftsministerium in Kiel mit. Added the latest update (9 June 2020). The poultry sector had its fair share of disease problems. Outbreaks have also been reported in India, Israel, South Korea, Taiwan and Russia. A week earlier a highly pathogenic variant hit a Dutch commercial farm and the virus has been found in multiple dead wild birds. [4], In the second week of December official delegations from Japan, South Korea and China gathered in Beijing for a symposium on preventing and controlling bird flu and other diseases in East Asia, according to the website of China's ministry of agriculture. Kiel/Oland (aho) – Die H5N8-Geflügelpest ist in einem kleinem Hühnerhof auf der nordfriesischen Hallig Oland nachgewiesen worden. Laut Ministerium wurde die Geflügelpest, auch Vogelgrippe genannt, bei einem Huhn des Betriebes auf Oland festgestellt. Disease report . On May 15, 2019 For the most part, symptoms of the H5N8 virus are respiratory. In the second half of 2016 an H5N8 outbreak was first reported in Europe, spreading to Asia by the end of the year. Oct 27, 2020 9:52 AM. In Health. This way, the virus will hopefully not be passed along to the public. February 2020. The diagnosis comes after the discovery of the virus in two wild mute swans last week. No human infections have been reported in connection with the current outbreaks. The announcement came less than 24 hours after a low pathogenic H5N2 strain was confirmed at premises near Deal, Kent, where 480 birds were slaughtered. H5N8 bird flu moves into North Western Europe. Although H5N8 is considered one of the less pathogenic subtypes for humans, it is beginning to become more pathogenic. Große Auswirkungen hatte der H5N8-Erreger in Deutschland zuletzt im Jahr 2017 als in Mitteleuropa Hunderttausende Vögel getötet werden mussten. Mit unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Veröffentlichungen in unserem Ratgeber-Shop. Der Virus H5N8 war im Winter 2016/17 mit Zugvögeln aus Asien nach Europa gekommen und löste damals die bislang größte Vogelgrippe-Krankheitswelle in Deutschland und Europa aus. The case was the first outbreak of the H5N8 virus in Saudi Arabia since July 2018. Maire Burnett, chair of the UK’s Poultry Health and Welfare Group, chaired a webinar last week to promote awareness of AI and the risk it poses to the domestic wild bird population, which was attended by 500 people. This outbreak has caused the combined death and culling of 5,000 turkeys. In UK. Immediate action has been taken to limit the risk of spread, including plans to cull the remaining poultry and captive birds at the farm. A week earlier a highly pathogenic variant hit a Dutch commercial farm and the virus has been found in multiple dead wild birds. Up to 13,000 broiler breeders have been culled on a farm in Cheshire, England, following the discovery of the H5N8 bird flu strain. Fragen und Antworten zur 16. As a response, the Department of Agriculture extended restrictions on poultry flocks until at least 16 March. Drei Wochen später ist in einer Hobby-Legehennenhaltung in Baden-Württemberg das Virus H5N8 nachgewiesen worden. Copyright reserved.The following rules apply to the use of this site: Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.. Up to 13,000 broiler breeders have been culled on a farm in Cheshire, England, following the discovery of the H5N8 bird flu strain. Die Geflügelpest-Epidemie von November 2016 bis Frühjahr 2017 war die schlimmste Tierseuchenwelle dieser Art in Deutschland seit Jahrzehnten. Es gab auch größere Ausbrüche 2016/2017. This outbreak in the country led to a cull of more than 100,000 birds at 12 locations across the country to prevent the spread of the virus. Freitag, 06. Farms in North West Europe are on high alert now H5N8 avian influenza is spreading.