On the basis of this analysis, 22,933 loci that have an average rate of missing data of 0.281% were used to construct a genetic map, which spans 1,088.3 cM across 12 chromosomes and has a maximum spacing of 6.0 cM. melo and ssp. confusion, with a high number of misidentified germplasm collections currently used by Size, surface area and seeds were characterized using established procedure. Nahavand and Tashkandi had significant positive general combining ability effects for yield and acceptable yield. showed the genetic difference among genotypes. A melon is any kind of edible, fleshy fruit in the Cucurbitaceae family. Less flavorful than other melons, but keeps longer. as the wild progenitor of melon (C. A total of 123 samples including melon fruits, leaves, seeds, soils, and irrigation water were collected from farms and markets to detect total aerobic bacteria, coliform, Escherichia coli, and pathogenic bacteria such as Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus. and directly from Medieval Latin melonem (nominative melo), from Latin melopeponem, a kind of pumpkin, from Greek mēlopepon "gourd-apple" (name for several kinds of gourds bearing sweet fruit), from mēlon "apple" (see malic) + pepon, a kind of gourd, which is probably a noun use of pepon "ripe" (see pumpkin). The density Genetic variation among 378 melon (Cucumis melo L.) germplasm accessions collected in India in 1992 and 26 accessions in China in 1994 was evaluated with 19 isozyme loci. agrestis var. The results obtained from this study indicate that the peels will be of medicinal importance which suggest the possibility of utilizing the peels as functional foods or herbal drug to prevent or manage some critical diseases of man. Every chapter is preceded by a discussion of the archaeobotanical data on the species and their history of domestication. Here we report a comprehensive map of the genomic variation in melon derived from the resequencing of 1,175 accessions, which represent the global diversity of the species. 2000 Development of melon culture and breeding in Israel. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted, respectively, on the whole panel and the two subspecies, totally detecting 51 loci that contributed to 74 marker-trait associations. They include the. Temperature ranged from 27 °C to 29 °C. Based on Ward's minimum variance dendrogram, the accessions can be grouped into two main clusters and there is no distinct pattern of geographic relationship among the accessions studied. For decades, it has played key roles in the field of plant molecular biology and plant physiology, serving as an excellent model plant for investigating the phenomenon of sex determination and ripening processes. Botanically, a melon is a kind of berry, specifically a "pepo". Fruit number, average weight per fruit, yield and acceptable yield were re-evaluated using GGE biplot methodology. reticulatus), a cultivar having a high sucrose and total sugar content. Tiltorogh×Savei and Rishbaba×Tiltorogh was the best specific combiner for the traits, WT, F and TY. melo ssp. Can. Aklamkpa ') in sociolinguistic areas in Benin", "Origin, distribution and systematics of culinary cucumber (Cucumis melo subsp. Pollen production and stainability varied greatly amongst these hybrids, as did fruit and seed set following self pollination and backcrossing with either parental species. Qualitative analysis revealed the presence of all bioactive constituents in both dried forms of the three fruit samples, but tannins were not detected. It has served as a wonder crop since ancient times, as the leaves and seeds of it are used to treat hematoma, and the stems to reduce hypertension. The results also indicated that both two Samples were collected from Iksan and Nonsan farms to monitor bacterial levels on pre-market melons. The genetic variation in pickling and slicing cucumbers (C. sativus L.) seems insufficient to enable the breeder to solve serious cultivation problems. melo L.). of primary branches per plant, days to marketable maturity, sex expression, fruit shape, flesh colour, netting, no. Three traits including fruit weight, flesh thickness and fruit width indicated positive and significant correlation with yield among of traits. Among Cucubitaceae, melon (Cucumis melo) is one of the most diversified fruits, with various forms, sizes, pulps, and peel colors, In addition, it is a commercially important crop because of its high sweetness, deep flavor, and abundant juice. The volume, mass 2007). The UPGMA analysis of the total panel showed that (a) most wild accessions from Northwest China were clustered independently from the cultivated accessions, and (b) the wild and cultivated accessions from Central China presented a high genetic closeness and showed a divergence from those of Northwest China. Based on its morphological distinction and F1 and BC1 fertility with C. melo, a subspecific rank within C. melo is postulated. Three different types of explant (cotyledon, hypocotyl and cotyledonary petiole) from six days old seedlings were used. DM, while the parents, Tiltorogh and Savei had the highest additive effects for F and TSS, respectively. Abasali showed the highest positive GCA for fruit number. [9] Melons were among the earliest plants to be domesticated in both the Old and among the first crop species brought by westerners to the New Worlds. There is also evidence that suggests that eating melons can lower the risk of cancer. Filov) traditionally cultivated for its unripe fruits. Results of previous research on species crosses prompted an examination of the prospects of further research. Cucumis anguria is rich in vitamins and minerals in gherkin fruits and carries broad-spectrum resistance to multiplex biotic and abiotic stress, such as powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, and meloidogyn incognita. By the 7th century, it reached India and from there China which saw its first watermelons in the 10th century. Melon pan, melon bun, melon bread: Type: Sweet bun: Place of origin: Japan: Main ingredients: Dough, cookie dough Media: Melonpan; The name has a bilingual etymology, since melon is a loan word from English, while pan is from the Portuguese word for bread. kräftiger, würziger Geschmack mit nussig-schokoladigen Noten. Recent research point to the Indian wild taxa of Cucumis callosus (Rottler) Cogn. analysis was performed to organize the predictor variables into first, second and third The word "melon" can refer to either the plant or specifically to the fruit.