Family members might attend the same programming as their student, or experience a separate but parallel program geared to their unique needs. What Happens If I’m Late On A Federal Student Loan Repayment? However, if you score higher, you may be able to start at Intermediate Spanish 1. Orientation is almost always the time the college uses to help freshmen choose their first semester schedule. DEC : programmes de cours au collégial : formation technique et préuniversitaire, Projets d’immersion ou expériences à l’étranger, Monde du travail : domaines du marché du travail selon Cursus, Liens entre les matières scolaires et les professions, Ressources : Internet, Repères, mentorat virtuel. The transition to college can be disorienting. It’s the time to get ready for your upcoming semester and learn more about where you’ll be spending the next four or five years. What Can You Do At College Career Centers? During orientation, students become familiar with their new home and its rules and expectations. Orientation is a chance for students to get acquainted with their new school; orientation also helps the school get to know your student. Quels sont les vôtres ? Le Collège Notre-Dame dispose d’un service d’orientation dirigé par une spécialiste qui tient, chaque année, des rencontres individuelles avec les élèves du 2e cycle, spécialement ceux de 5e secondaire. Le service d’orientation a pour mandat de participer au développement identitaire des élèves et de les soutenir dans leurs différentes démarches en vue de déterminer leur choix de carrière. Laval (Québec)   H7N 6J6, Téléphone : (450) 688-9933 Best Subjects to Minor in for College Students in 2020 — And Beyond, Policies, standards and behavioral expectations for students, How the college will communicate with parents and families, How to access information through a parent portal, How parents can stay appropriately involved on the college level — perhaps through a parent association or council. We just send compelling campus news twice a week. Julia Johnson - University of South Carolina, Public universities offer racially segregated groups for election stress, Nearly 200 universities encourage, facilitate racial segregation, Lewis and Clark protesters shut down Christina Hoff Sommers, University theater performance segregates whites, High school forces student to remove pro-Trump face mask, allows pro-Biden masks: warning letter, Duke professor blames white men for white female professors impersonating women of color, GWU’s Election Day warning to students: stockpile ‘food, supplies, medicine’, University offers whites-only space for students to learn how they oppress nonwhites, Brown University students want Roman statues removed because they promote ‘white supremacy’, Powered by the Student Free Press Association. Les élèves assistent aussi à une conférence en orientation. C’est pourquoi nous préparons à leur intention des documents dans le volet orientation du portail du Collège, documents qui constituent des points de repère utiles dans leur démarche d’orientation. What You Can Do This Summer To Explore Careers, Get College Planning Tips From the Experts. Phase I: Online Orientation “I stand with my colleagues in creating a space” where new students can engage in “critical dialogue around race and equity,” Kaufmann wrote: “We aim to create an environment where all members of our community are seen, heard, and valued.”, MORE: University theater performance segregates whites, IMAGES: Lewis & Clark Pioneers/YouTube, Lewis and Clark College, Like The College Fix on Facebook / Follow us on Twitter. It doesn’t matter that the law school was public and Lewis and Clark is private, since the Civil Rights Act bars racial discrimination for all federally funded institutions, FIRE argued. Home » Getting In » Questions & Answers » What Happens During College Orientation? Services d’orientation. Before you attend your college orientation, make sure you read up on the paperwork they sent you. Like schools themselves, orientations come in all shapes and sizes. And having met college personnel, in person or online, parents should be more comfortable when they drop their student off on move-in day, and more at home when they return for Family Weekend in the future. Parce qu’on a un choix en tête, mais qu’on se demande comment y parvenir. The faculty member, English Prof. Lyell Asher, shared his emails to President Wim Wiewel and General Counsel David Reese with The College Fix. Organisation de soirées et de sorties thématiques pour amener les élèves à découvrir ou à confirmer leur choix de carrière. Il ne faut donc pas hésiter à passer à son bureau pour prendre rendez-vous ou venir trouver des réponses à vos questions. They learn their way around campus, and find out more about health services, meal plans, computer needs, curriculum requirements, college drinking policies and course registration (to name a few of many possible topics!). The registration page explains that it will use “affinity groups as a way to create safe spaces for people to speak openly and honestly about race and racism.”, Students must choose between black, white and indigenous/people of color categories in order to register. Étapes pour une bonne démarche d’orientation. Hi. mitsimoo Wed 25-Feb-15 14:34:14. Ainsi, nos élèves peuvent y trouver toute l’information sur les points suivants : Cette information est destinée à permettre à nos élèves de répondre à leurs questions, d’autant qu’une démarche d’orientation peut parfois susciter davantage de questions. Moreover, our community demands that we do more around these issues. Join thousands of students & parents learning about finding the right college, admissions secrets, scholarships, financial aid, and more. Parce qu’on n’est pas certain(e) de son choix. She has interned for the South Carolina Republican Party and campaigned for various Republican leaders. FIRE’s Oct. 6 letter to President Wiewel, only made public last week, said the Race Talks workshop was “far too similar … for comfort” to a law school’s decision to separate a black student from his non-black peers in the same room. We have also created an interactive virtual orientation tour of campus facilities, student services and supports – take the tour and find out all you need to know about student life at MIC. La conseillère d’orientation offre également les services suivants : Chacun d’entre nous porte un rêve, des aspirations. The college simply used “race as a criteria for the breakout groups,” he wrote in an email. Lewis and Clark College separated black, white and “indigenous/people of color” for an orientation workshop before the semester started, even though a professor preemptively warned administrators against it, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education said last week. “The session was ‘mandatory’ in the sense that new students are expected to participate fully in NSO, although some students do miss individual sessions and there are no consequences for doing so,” he wrote. Thanks! Your daily dose of, University tasks librarians with fighting racism on campus, The College Fix’s higher education cartoon of the week #Prop16 #AffirmativeAction, Appeals court tosses anti-male bias lawsuit by student who said female sexually assaulted him, UMich students were locked down for two weeks, data show it was unnecessary. Orientation au collège L’orientation des élèves se construit dès la classe de sixième et tout au long de la scolarité grâce au parcours Avenir, grâce à un dialogue régulier entre les élèves, les parents, les enseignants, les conseillers d’éducation, la direction des établissements et les psychologues de l’Éducation nationale. En tout temps, les élèves peuvent poser des questions à la conseillère d’orientation, madame Annie Campeau, et prendre rendez-vous avec elle via le portail. H3H 1E3, Téléphone (514) 933-7397 ‘As a possible activity for new students, this is fine’. The college brought in the Portland-based group Race Talks to run the Aug. 29 virtual workshop, which was scheduled to run three hours and 45 minutes. A variety of events are held to … They may be half a day or a full week; they may take place in early summer, mid-summer, or just before classes begin in the fall. Some colleges use the freshman orientation as an opportunity to test your abilities on certain subjects. But by the end of orientation, both students and parents should feel like they belong and are part of a new community. Counseling d’orientation scolaire pour le choix de cours et d’établissements scolaires au collégial (rencontres individuelles). We have been invited to a 13+ orientation day at Brighton College in March and would really appreciate any information, hints or tips anyone might have.