Georgiou, however, kills him instead. Burnham asks Cornwell to give Emperor Georgiou political asylum, feeling sympathy for her, despite not being her Georgiou. "[26], Burnham was born to human parents, who were killed when she was a child during a Klingon raid on a Human-Vulcan research facility on Doctari Alpha, where the family lived. When Burnham and Tyler return to the ISS Shenzhou, having faked the attack, she confronts Tyler. After the incident, Burnham's act of diplomacy in finishing the war ends with her, and many of the Discovery crew, decorated by Starfleet with the Medal of Honor for their heroic actions. En France, Alice Donna est la personnalité la plus connue portant ce prénom. Je m'appelle Alice et j'aime bien mon prénom. We should go boldly where nobody has gone before and stay true to that. On getting the part, she expressed nervousness and excitement saying, "When I first got started, I had my freak-out phase. Que pensez-vous des réponses ? Harberts said, "We read a lot of people and they either went way too robotic and chilly or way too emotional. Cette grande optimiste aime profondément la vie. J'aimerais savoir quel est le diminutif français de mon prénom :). In truth, the imperious Jafar held passionate disdain for the Sultan. Because I really believe it and think its vital for us all right now". "[54] CultureFly's David Bedwell included Burnham in their list of "11 Best TV Characters of 2017" saying, "With their first ever black female lead and a character that's hardly straight-laced, Sonequa Martin-Green gets a lot to sink her teeth into. Burnham offers L'Rell a peace treaty, to call off the Klingons' planned invasion on Earth in exchange for the device as a measure of peace and diplomacy in order to end the war. @ chat matheux : mon surnom c'est nounours... aucun rapport avec Alice ! Les porteuses du prénom Alice donnent quant à elles une note moyenne de 4,1/5 à leur prénom (784 votes). Although the reviewer also felt Burnham's arc wrapped up "too neatly". [16] CBS' second premiere date delay from May to September was due to the restrictions of Martin-Green's contract, though the first delay opened the door for her to land the role. Il n'y a aucun diminutif français pour Alice. Bonsoir Bruno S. Si tu as le temps, je commence. Que pensez vous du prénom Jean-Bon pour un garçon ? Les Alice sont honorées le 16 décembre. En France, éventuellement, tu pourrais être surnommée Lili. Burnham is unable to defend herself, and Mirror Saru arrives and attacks Tyler, saving her. The character was originally to be referred to only by the name Number One, to honor the character of that name portrayed by Majel Barrett in the original Star Trek pilot "The Cage. Ultimately, Burnham is forced to stop Georgiou's genocidal attack on the Klingon home planet, outraged at Cornwell and Starfleet for enabling the act. Alice Asian . Later, Burnham reveals prior to her execution that she is from another universe, using Prime Philippa's insignia as proof. BIGBANG . The entire crew went wild and killed each other. She also overcomes her fear of opening the last will of Georgiou through Tilly's coercion. "[10], Bryan Fuller had numerous inspirations for conceiving the character of Michael Burnham. In a moment of emotional weakness, Burnham kills T'Kuvma, making him a martyr. Son prénom est moitié français moitié amharique: Alice-Imanda. Vive d'esprit, elle est souvent prédisposée à la création artistique. Defiant, Captain Kirk and crew find that the entire crew of the Defiant was dead. Burnham tells Lorca she will stay in exchange for Discovery's safe passage home, but it is a ruse, as Georgiou and Burnham begin attacking and killing Lorca's men. "[49] She also works with her foster brother Spock, who visits the Shenzhou along with Captain Pike. As Royal Vizier of Agrabah, he was presented as the Sultan's most trusted and loyal advisor. Diversity was always a key part of Star Trek's vision of a better future for humanity. Later, Burnham is dismayed to learn her falsities at Harlak have been uncovered by the silent emperor, who turns out to be her former captain Philippa Georgiou's mirror version. [44] Georgiou tells Burnham about Lorca planning to "cross time and space itself to take what was rightfully his" and Burnham puts the pieces together, along with Georgiou's sensitivity to light (the single biological difference between the Terrans and humans), that Lorca is from the mirror universe and their crossing over was not an accident. Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire. An attack is made on Kol's ship, blowing it up. Alice vient du prénom germanique Adalhaid dont la racine "adal" signifie noble ou noble de race. During her career, she won medals for Valor, for being a Master of Poisons, and for 100 kills. Thus, the Michael Burnham name was revealed during the first episode, quickly making "Number One" her informal name, the same as First Officer William Riker's informal name on the series Star Trek: The Next Generation. ", "The Walking Dead actor Sonequa Martin-Green cast as lead in Star Trek: Discovery", "All my love @SonequaMG, I've been smiling since I heard. J'adore mon prénom . Burnham appears uncomfortable as, during this time, a party is occurring and she struggles with her romantic feelings for Tyler. [17] Following the announcement, Nichelle Nichols tweeted "All my love @SonequaMG, I've been smiling since I heard. Alicea, Azelice, Alyce, Anne-Alice, Alie, Alis, Alixe, Alliance. Ash reassures a reluctant L'Rell to take charge. Merci quand meme! Maintenant je comprends pourquoi papa m'a donné ce prénom. Her plan is unsuccessful and she is detained. Merci à mes parents , je leur serais toujours reconnaissante de m'avoir nommée ainsi! Executive producer Alex Kurtzman has explained that the specifics of Burnham's backstory would be revealed in a way that would not break the existing canon continuity. Elle a 9 ans. In that episode Chekhov asks Spock specifically if there has ever been a mutiny on a starship before, to which Spock answers, "absolutely no record of such an occurrence", which is not possible, since some 10 years earlier Spock's own adopted sister became the first and most infamous mutineer in Starfleet history. is a 90th Generation student Tōtsuki Academy alumnus and a previous 1st seat of the Elite Ten Council.5 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Plot 4.1 Moon Banquet Festival 4.2 Central 4.3 Promotion Exams 4.3.1 Régiment de … Burnham reveals to Admiral Cornwell and Sarek about the arrival of their guest, Emperor Georgiou. Elle meurt en 999. [25], George Takei, the actor who played Hikaru Sulu in Star Trek: The Original Series offered his view on the issue of cast diversity in the Star Trek franchise. "[60], Liz Shannon Miller for IndieWire and James Luxford for Metro appreciated the conclusions of Burnham's arc. [4] Unlike previous Star Trek leads, Burnham was not made a starship captain, "to see a character from a different perspective on the starship—one who has different dynamic relationships with a captain, with subordinates, it gave us richer context".[5]. Sarek pretends to be unaware, but Burnham can tell he is lying, saying he can do better. He praised her acting as a human raised in a Vulcan world by saying, "[T]he emotional conflict between the two ideologies in Michael Burnham is perhaps the most interesting part of the series, and presents a fascinating window into the world of Star Trek: Discovery. [7] Executive producer Aaron Harberts spoke to TV Guide and explained the reason for calling the character a traditionally male name, explaining, "We've worked on many shows with Bryan and it's a motif. However, Mirror Burnham's quest to hunt down Lorca appears to be a ruse, as she was conspiring against her own adoptive mother to kill her and take her throne with Lorca, who Mirror Burnham once viewed as a father figure, until she grew up and it became romantic. In "Battle at the Binary Stars", Burnham escapes the brig and convinces Georgiou to take T'Kuvma hostage. After completing the academy she was brought by Sarek, who shared his Katra with Burnham, to the USS Shenzhou to rejoin her people. Je kiffe grave mon prénom! The series opens with Shenzhou encountering the Klingons, with Burnham committing an act of mutiny, breaking Starfleet regulations to give the order to fire first, avoiding a full-scale war, in an attempt to save her captain and ship against the Klingons. When she refers to the emperor as "Philippa", she is outraged, as she would normally refer to her as "mother". I stand on your shoulders Nichelle Nichols". Sainte Alice, appelée aussi Adélaïde du saint Empire ou encore Adélaïde de Bourgogne, est une sainte catholique née en 931 à Orbe. Club commented, "I can sort of see how Burnham changed (the trip to the Mirror Universe taught her the consequences of brutal thinking), but the show has done such a terrible job at establishing the character and motivations of Starfleet and the Federation that the sudden decision to commit murder on such a massive, unprecedented scale is at once shocking and utterly weightless. After retrieving Sarek, Burnham attempts to get Sarek to open up to her about their encounter. "[18] Charlie Jane Anders for Wired felt Martin-Green's casting fulfilled Gene Roddenberry's ultimate vision saying, "It's all too easy to see Star Trek's humanism as merely a matter of embracing science and rejecting barbarism—but that's missing what makes Trek's version of humanism so powerful. Saru lets Burnham free Ripper back into space, and Stamets becomes the host replacement needed, injecting himself with tardigrade DNA. In December 2016, it was announced that Martin-Green would serve as the series lead of Star Trek: Discovery,[3] with the character initially named "Rainsford". Burnham learns she earned the rank of captain on the ISS Shenzhou. Le prénom Alice obtient une note moyenne de 5/5 sur 191 notes déposées par les internautes. [65] In 2019, Michael Burnham was ranked the number one sexiest Star Trek character by Syfy. Le prénom Alice est dérivé du prénom germanique Adalhaid. Georgiou suspects Burnham of deception, and holding a knife to her neck asks why she has come here, revealing she is aware that she conspired to kill her and take her throne with Lorca. [23] The decision to create a diverse cast sparked debate online on the question of what had been referred to as 'forced diversity'. Burnham is tasked to destroy a rebel base on the planet Harlak. Ash begs her, saying he can't make it without her, but Burnham explains she was lost after the battle of the binary stars, and having to reclaim life is punishing and solitary. What's beautiful about Sonequa's performance is she's capable of playing two, three, four things at once. Sarek tells her not to regret loving someone, encouraging her further. Alice est déjà très court et n'a pas besoin d'un diminutif. Elle aime beaucoup la communication et va très facilement vers les autres. Alice est déjà très court, donc à moins de dire "Al" ou "Lice", rien ne viendra diminuer le prénom. Emperor Georgiou agrees to make a deal with Burnham to exchange the spore drive technology in exchange for her freedom to go home. c'est pas un diminutif, tu sais la difference entre un diminutif et un surnom ? Bio Since Sep 2018 (1 Year 286 Days) I owed it to the story and I owed it to the legacy to get it together. Burnham fakes Tyler's execution, actually transporting him to the Discovery ship together with the files from the USS Defiant (NCC-1764) where he is held captive. Mohamed est-il le prénom le plus porté en France ? [1] She originally appears as the First Officer of the USS Shenzhou under Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) until she commits mutiny and is stripped of rank. 21 Answers. Cette chanteuse et compositrice a écrit "Ton côté du lit "pour Joe Dassin ou encore "Gens qui pleurent, gens qui rient" pour Claude François. News, Chris Harnick reviewed the first two episodes of Discovery—"The Vulcan Hello" and "Battle at the Binary Stars"—and considered Martin-Green's performance the strongest element of the show. She is alarmed by Mirror Saru, who is a nameless slave in this universe, and decides to name him Saru in honor of her friend. Sonequa Martin-Green praised Nichols thereafter saying, "What a blessing, what a woman. I am eternally grateful that the diverse casting of our show means that we are now a part of the conversation and hopefully a part of making the world a better place, as cliché as this sounds. Later, Burnham learns more about her mirror counterpart's history. I think what we're seeing now in our media is this push to diminish and to devalue and to make people feel that the sky is not the limit for them, that they are meant for the ground. Ma petite-fille est née à Addis Abeba. That's something 'Star Trek' has always upheld and I completely believe that is why it's been a mainstay in society in the hearts of so many people for so many decades. Later, Burnham appears exhausted keeping up the act, and goes to her quarters where she and Tyler, who joined Burnham as her personal bodyguard, have sex. Elle est vive, alerte, sociable... J'aime ma petite-fille et j'adore son prénom qui était aussi le prénom de ma mère Alice-Marie... Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter. [21] Nichols and Martin-Green both posed together on the red carpet at the Star Trek: Discovery premiere. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. Un diminutif est un nom qui raccourcit. Son prénom Alice lui va merveilleusement bien et sa personnalité correspond exactement à la description donnée dans votre rubrique "caractère des Alice". I feel like we're taking another step forward, which I think all stories should do. She's a far more rounded, human character than any of the previous captains, with some serious trauma from a Klingon attack in her youth that's left her predisposed to hate the warrior race. Burnham becomes curious of Voq's ability to forge alliances with other alien races, in order to find the solution to the Klingon war in her universe. [37] In "Into the Forest I Go", Burnham convinces Lorca to let her enter the Klingon Sarcophagus ship, where Burnham gets into a fight with Kol (Kenneth Mitchell), ultimately escaping and retrieving Philippa's badge. A toutes les Alice, nous sommes les meilleures !!!! Il est trop beau et toutes les Alice qui me lisent, vous êtes les meilleures un jour, on dominera le monde. [55], Variety added Martin-Green among the list of Top Breakout TV Stars of 2017 in the role of Burnham. Je suis très contente en voyant votre avis à propos de prénom Alice. Burnham convinces Mirror Voq to spare Tyler's life. Plus récemment, Alice est le prénom de scène du chanteur de hard rock américain Vincent Damon Furnier, devenu Alice Cooper. They searched long and hard to find an actor to pull off Burnham's divided nature between Vulcan and human. She then allows Burnham to go back home, with her reign as emperor gone given Lorca's rebellion, deciding to die killing Lorca's men. Burnham and Lorca play the part of their Terran selves. jolie prénom grande intuition je valide trop vraie. Burnham notices Tyler's PTSD attack caused by seeing L'Rell (Mary Chieffo) and later learns that Tyler allowed her to sexually abuse him in order to stay alive. Later, Burnham asks if he is afraid of her, but he tells her he is jealous because he wanted to learn everything from Georgiou and she did instead, and rather than she become captain and teach him, her actions led him to be unprepared as acting captain for today. Chez moi à Milan on m'appelle juste Ali et j'aime pas trop! She serves as the series lead. [38], In "Despite Yourself", the USS Discovery transports to the mirror universe. ", Emperor Georgiou poses as Prime Georgiou, enlisted by Starfleet to end the war however she sees fit in exchange for her freedom. "[52], Chaim Gartenberg for The Verge praised the uniqueness of Burnham in comparison to previous Trek protagonists saying, "[she] isn't like any protagonist we've seen in Star Trek so far, and not only because she doesn't command a starship or space station. He cited the cultural impact of Nichelle Nichols' portrayal of Uhura saying, "I couldn't stop thinking about how many black people were inspired by seeing Nichelle Nichols on the bridge of a ship [as Lt. Uhura in The Original Series]". Here's hoping Burnham lives long... and prospers. Burnham is later recruited by Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs) on the USS Discovery as a science specialist after serving only six months of her life sentence, with Lorca viewing Burnham as an asset in the war against the Klingons. [43], In "What's Past is Prologue", Burnham works out a plan to deliver Georgiou to Lorca in the same way she planned. The character is the first black woman to lead a Star Trek television series, as well as the first leading character that has never been a Starfleet captain (though Burnham is the deceased captain of the ISS Shenzhou in the mirror universe). She's got such a great command of her craft, she's able to be aloof but warm; logical but able to surrender her emotional side to the audience. Her shuttlecraft was destroyed during this operation and she is presumed dead. Il est le père du mouvement Shock Rock. But there's something interesting about her choice to invoke Voq's official title within the Klingon Empire, which speaks to how both civilizations are now struggling to sort out their place in the world",[61] while Luxford commented, "It's great to see Burnham redeemed. Media outlets, including The Chicago Tribune and The New Yorker referred to the impact of Uhura[24] and the kiss between the character of Uhura and of Captain Kirk as being the first interracial kiss on American television, and its subsequent societal impact that Trek fans would be aware of. L'association du prénom Alice avec les noms de famille commençant par la lettre S ou par les sonorités "esse" ou "isse". He went further to express the challenges in casting an actor for the part saying, "It's a tough thing to learn with actors. 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"Star Trek: 20 Most Attractive Characters", "The Best Star Trek Characters Of All Time", "Definitively ranking the top 12 sexiest Star Trek characters",, Articles with dead external links from December 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Use list-defined references from May 2019, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 November 2020, at 02:50.