The Galapagos Albatross, also known as the Waved Albatross, not only has one of the longest wingspans of all living creatures (only a foot short of Wandering Albatross’s wingspan, a close cousin, which holds the wingspan record), it can also spend up to five years at sea without ever touching land. This creature has a white head and a creamy yellow crown and neck with a long yellow bill. The Galapagos Albatross, also known as the Waved Albatross nests exclusively in Española Island with rocky volcanic landscapes and sparse vegetation. Rainforest Cruises, Travel Tips If we’re lucky, a great Galapagos tour experience is spotting an albatross, as you navigate from island to island, … They usually lay their eggs from mid-April to June and the young ones begin to fly from the end of December to the beginning of January. The bird’s legs are rather short. The Galapagos Albatross can be seen at Punta Estrada in Española Island from the end of March to the beginning of January. Española Island located southeast of the Galapagos Archipelago is uninhabited. The feet of this bird are a blue color, and they are webbed. Their nesting grounds on Española Island are protected by the Galapagos National Park Service, and some feeding grounds are protected by the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Galapagos Cruise: Southern Albatross Route, Luxury Travel in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Diving and Snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands, Travel to the Galapagos Islands – Cruise and Island Hopping. no commitment fee involved. The Galapagos albatross is the only bird in the albatross family that can be found living in the tropics. Because the creature has a high stalling speed, the landing can seem clumsy. After mating, the birds lay a nest on the ground, and the eggs are laid and incubated between April and June. Talk with an expert insider. The Albatrosses then fly back together to the mainland. The chicks spend the rest of the year growing, and they get to an adult size by the end of the year, ready to leave the colony by December or January. It is thought that some 20,000 pairs breed and nest on Espanola Island. Galapagos Island monthly animal activities poster. Taking off is also rather tricky for such a large bird, and as a result these birds may run up to the edge of the cliff and jump off to propel themselves into the air. Sometimes eggs are abandoned in great numbers, and it is unclear why this phenomenon occurs. In fact, in the past, a few colonies have disappeared, when vegetation has regrown following getting rid of goats on the islands. It is the largest of the Galapagos birds with a massive wingspan of 7 – 8 feet and weighing 7 – 11 pounds. Classic Tours The chicks do not look for a partner immediately and are believed to spend several years out at sea (up to six years) before returning to mate. Galapagos Islands They can grow to measure 86 centimetres (34 inches) in length. The juvenile birds are very similar looking to the grown-up birds, but they have more white coloring on their heads. During their breeding season, the Galapagos Albatrosses are protected by the national park. Ecuador and Galapagos Insiders can help you plan your trip to the Galapagos Islands to make sure you have the best chance of seeing this fascinating bird. In the months that it is absent it resides to the east of the Galapagos Islands along the Ecuadorian and Peruvian coast lines on the Pacific. The dance involves a good deal of bill circling and bill clacking. Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders is a leading travel company based in Ecuador and run by local Affiliate Disclaimer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Customized Tours They will eat fish, squid and crustaceans. The largest of all the Galapagos birds, the waved albatross is often a highlight for visitors to the Islands. The entire island is protected as part of the Galapagos national park. The Galapagos Albatross is the largest bird in the archipelago with a wingspan of 230-240 cm. Google Reviews The Galapagos albatross can only be seen on Espanola Island, and only between April and December. In November, you will have the opportunity to witness their mating dance. The best place to see the waved albatross is at Punta Suarez on the island. They stay in the air for many hours and they rarely stall. The Galapagos Albatross is endemic to the island of Isla de la Plata, off the coast of Ecuador. The population is considered to be around 50,000 to 70,000 in size. Header photo: Joseph Sina Towards the end of March, visitors can find large colonies of Galapagos Albatrosses in Española Island. And years with abundant mosquitoes cause them to abandon their nests. All Rights Reserved, Check our, Best Amazon Rainforest Tours and Lodges for 2021, Guide to Organize a Galapagos Cruise Charter for 2021, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands Covid-19 Update October: Open for Business. The Galapagos Albatross is endemic to the island of Isla de la Plata, off the coast of Ecuador. After hatching, the chicks are kept together in nurseries, and the adult birds venture out to sea to find food. On their return, the adults feed their chicks with oil, which they regurgitate. They are able to start flying after being hatched for five and a half months. They also tend to ingest plastic that floats on the ocean’s surface. As you might expect, the waved albatross enjoys a fishy diet. Land Based Programs, Ecuador © Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2020. Apart from the breeding season (from mid-January to the end of March), the Albatross remains in the Galapagos Islands. Like Us Cruise routes which include the southern Albatross route can be found here. The Waved Albatross is also known as Galapagos Albatross. If you are at the right place at the right time, spotting the waved albatross is easy because they are the largest bird you will see in the Galapagos Islands. Contact Us Amazon 5 Star Lodges Long line fishing is a particular threat, and the Galapagos albatross is considered “Critically Endangered” at the current time. While the waved albatross is a very large bird, it is only considered medium sized when compared with other albatrosses. The body is mostly a brown color, though the breast and underwing are white. The Galapagos albatross engages in a rather elaborate courtship dance, and if the timing is right you may be lucky enough to see this on your trip to the Galapagos Islands. The Best Aquarium Rock Buyers Guide – 2020, The Best Aquarium Plants – 2020 Buyers Guide, The Best Water Conditioner For Fish Tank – 2020 Guide, The Best Aquarium Thermometer Reviews – 2020 Guide, The Best Fish Tank Decorations – 2020 Guide.