He has reproduced a power structure that has similarities with that of the Makhzen in Morocco, where the king holds power through more or less visible levers by manipulating different authorities and neutralizing any desire by formal institutions to win over the leadership. He is now about to rule an important country which, with President Lula and to some extent Dilma Rousseff, had acquired a significant influence on the international stage thanks to its status of major emerging country. radio et de la télévision de la République islamique d'Iran (IRIB), président de la république islamique d'Iran, http://www.jurispolis.com/dt/mat/dr_ir_constit1979/dt_ir_constit1979_chap01.htm#_Toc96573745, Site d’information du Bureau d’édition et de publication des œuvres de l’Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Guide_de_la_Révolution_(Iran)&oldid=174411157, Portail:Iran et monde iranien/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Il détermine la direction politique générale du pays après consultation du. - 30 September 2019, Portrait of Putin - President of the Russian Federation, BLOG a country that lies at the crossroads between the European, the Slavic and the Eastern worlds. In its history, the Islamic Republic of Iran only has had two Supreme Leaders: Ruhollah Khomeini, who held the position from 1979 until his death in 1989, and Ali Khamenei, who has held the position since Khomeini's death.

The Supreme Leader is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the provisional[citation needed] head of the three branches of the state (the Judiciary, the Legislature, and the Executive). Can delegate representatives to all branches of government. He was arrested six times, sentenced to prison, and in 1977 the imperial regime sentenced him to three years of exile in the city of Iranshahr, but he returned to Tehran sooner than expected as the 1978 Revolution unfolded. Élection américaine : Biden passe devant Trump en Géorgie, le dépouillement continue, Etat d'urgence sanitaire - Olivia Grégoire : "Evitons de prolonger par plaisir" les débats parlementaires, Reconfinement : Jean-Baptiste Djebbari prudent pour les vacances de Noël, Jean Castex sera à Nice demain pour un hommage national aux trois victimes de l'attentat, Hommage à Samuel Paty : "400 violations" de la minute de silence, selon Jean-Michel Blanquer, Le ministre de l'Intérieur français au Maghreb pour parler radicalisation, Coronavirus : les contaminations d'élèves et de profs, "maîtrisées" selon Blanquer, Emmanuel Macron sera à Colombey lundi, 50 ans après la mort de de Gaulle. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 3 septembre 2020 à 23:06. ... the Constitution provides the necessary basis for ensuring the continuation of the Revolution at home and abroad. His future now seems secure - which in itself says much about the state of the world we live in today.

Nonetheless, very few analysts are able to make sense of Beijing’s political decision-making system. « S’ils sont connectés à l’OMPI, que devons-nous faire ? a religious authority that could issue "religious opinions" (fatwa), from 1994 onwards, teachers at the Qom School (howzeye elmiyeh) gave him the title of marja' (imitation pole). He was able to neutralize the movement that had brought President Khatami to the forefront in 1997 and then control the Green Movement by gradually suffocating it and imprisoning its leaders (Moussavi and Karrubi), through political repression (around 150 dead and 4500 tortured and several thousand exiled outside Iran).