A "Les Jeudis de l'Ifri" videoconference around James M. LINDSAY, senior vice president, director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at the... A "Les Jeudis de l'Ifri" videoconference around Guntram B. WOLFF, Director of Bruegel. While everyone is questioning the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist response in the Sahel, the first challenge is to ensure that the jihadist phenomenon in the Sahel is fully understood. By signing this form you consent to the processing of your data.. We were deeply saddened to learn that our friend and colleague, Professor Aileen S.P. The Center also provides analyses for some key actors in Africa such as the French Ministry of the Armed Forces (Ministère des Armées), the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères), International Crisis Group, the OECD or the World Bank. Senior Research Fellow and Director of Ifri's Center for Asian Studies, Research Fellow, Head of Japan Research, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri, Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies. The leadership of the African National Congress is expected to force out Jacob Zuma. Before the Covid 19 crisis, the German presidency had set an ambitious agenda for EU-China relations, in particular with the prospect of an EU-China summit in Leipzig in September. Making Sense of India’s Citizenship Amendment Act 2019: Process, Politics, Protests. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Our experts mainly speak French, but they can also intervene in English. Afrique Décryptages, the African Studies Center’s blog, provides information regarding the Center's activities, publication announcements, conference reports, and links to the Center's research fellows’ public appearances. India's new citizenship law is an outcome of Hindutva Constitutionalism that legitimizes the notion of Hindu victimhood. The Center achieves its mission through quality analyses available in various formats. Hosting mega sports events like the Olympics raises a variety of challenges. It's a watershed moment for South Africa and the party of Nelson Mandela. The Think Thank 7 (T7) is an engagement group that brings together the leading Think Tanks from the G7 countries in order to analyze and make recommendations on key issues of the G7 presidency. Russia and China are muscling their way into the Central African Republic as Western clout in the mineral-rich, strategically important nation seems to wane, analysts say. The rise of the so-called ‘wolf warriors’ heralds a more aggressive approach to promoting the country’s official line. The Center organizes closed-door roundtables, expert-level seminars and a number of public events, including an Annual Conference, that welcome experts from Asia, Europe and the United States. 2020 was supposed to be the year of EU-China relations. This report is part of a joint endeavor of the Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS) at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), along with Elcano Royal Institute (ELCANO, Madrid), The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM, Warsaw), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI, Rome) and... Green finance has been a burgeoning sector since the Paris Agreement and is at the crossroads of financial, socio-economic and environmental challenges. What challenges for the World City? Sanctions on African countries: what impact? Some programs pay particular attention to these themes: the Study Committee for French-German relations (CERFA), the French-Austrian Center for European Convergence (CFA). The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. Conference/debate with Harsh Vardhan Shringla, Foreign Secretary of the Republic of India. With the expansion of modern production and consumption patterns to large African cities, population growth and urbanization, production of municipal waste has risen sharply. France’s incoherent China policy confuses partners. World’s Rich Nations Jostle to Lead Globalization Clubhouse, Europe’s relationship with China is now one of mistrust and hostility, China's Mix of Aggressive and Charming Coronavirus Diplomacy could Worsen Europe's Fractures, Report warns.