Type B infections are less common and usually milder than influenza A(H3N2). 2012;55(9):1198-204. Read the overview. (2008) Preliminary Findings of a Randomized Trial of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Prevent Influenza Transmission in Households. Latest surveillance reports and disease data on seasonal influenza; Flu News Europe, Influenza virus characterisation reports, ECDC Surveillance Atlas, Annual Epidemiological Reports. Among viruses that infect humans influenza is moderately infectious. ECDC is an EU agency whose mandate includes the coordination of EU surveillance networks and the identification, assessment, and communication of current and emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases. Type B does not have subtypes but two antigenically distinct lineages: Victoria and Yamagata. High pathogenic (HP) H5N1 avian influenza (AI) infection has been reported in domestic poultry, wildlife, and human populations since 1996. Kramarz P (2009), Monnet D, Nicoll A, Yilmaz C, Ciancio B. For A(H1N1)pdm09 oseltamivir resistance has so far only been detected at very low levels in Europe. In some cases the pandemic strain replaces one of the previously circulating strains. In addition, the OIE has strengthened international coordination and cooperation in the control of avian influenza through joint collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): the three bodies regularly exchange follow-up information on the global zoonotic influenza situation, as one of their 3 Priority Topics. The genome of influenza viruses is subject to a significant spontaneous mutation rate, known as antigenic drift. chronic lung conditions (e.g. cerebral palsy); and. Zhou H, Thompson WW, Viboud CG, et al. Under the 5th Framework Programme for Research (1998-2002, FP5) €6 million were spent on avian and pandemic influenza in 22 institutions and national reference laboratories across 8 European countries. Nicoll A, Ciancio BC, Lopez Chavarrias V, Mølbak K, Pebody R, Pedzinski B, et al. Despite the often short duration of illness, the yearly economic and healthcare burden of influenza is substantial. Equally, cross-immunity following infection or vaccination against an influenza strain does not protect completely against subsequent variants of the same type or subtype. It is caused by influenza virus and is easily transmitted, predominantly via the droplet and contact routes and by indirect spread from respiratory secretions on hands, tissues, etc. �6B����?�5�*q��"\F�`������G��@dc��7����"����m�����c�i�G [��2Nk����ϣ̲g��ǔ�
`Y'S�Q&IB��TwZ�e�������O2�H��X�6�e�O�>��o�Rm+:�h͍�\�f Seasonal influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease that each year infects approximately 10 to 30 % of Europe's population, and causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalisations across Europe. Available from http://www.cdc.gov/EID/content/15/2/233.htm. Latest updates on avian Influenza Prevention and control International collaboration & OFFLU network Media Resources. Europe has now entered a new inter-pandemic phase of seasonal influenza. The incubation time for seasonal influenza is on average two days, but ranges from one to four days. Secondly, but of greater economic impact, are the large numbers of mild to moderate cases which result in time off work, losses to production and pressure and costs on the health and social care services. In the northern hemisphere, including Europe, seasonal influenza generally occurs in epidemics between November and April each year, and in the southern hemisphere between June and October. Treatment focuses on reducing fever and relieving the symptoms. However, since then, … Disease / public health area Influenza risk groups are people who are more likely than others develop complications should they be infected.